12-26-2002, 06:13 PM
Just in case you have never heard about this board game called "Go"... to make it short, it is a chess-like game.

Now in case you never heard about the manga/anime Hikaru No Go, it�s about a boy who�s completely uninterested in this game, until he�s kinda-possessed by the ghost of a great Go player, Sai, who is so totally fond of Go that he eventually convinces Hikaru to try and learn this game.

Yeah~ it�s about a board game. A manga (and its anime) about a board game, no fighting, no magic (just some ghost stuff), no alien threat... a board game.

And people like it. They start to play Go because of this series. Inside Japan, outside Japan.
Some time ago I read about a teacher who showed the anime to his students and they immediately founded their own Go club.

Animes that wake your interest in a thing (and I mean something a little more intellectual than Yu-Gi-Oh card games)... have you ever experienced something like this?
I want to hear your stories, if there are any. Come on now!

12-26-2002, 08:55 PM
Hmm, I guess "Slam Dunk" got me into basketball. I was interested in basketball from the start, but it was just another one of the sports I played. It's not until I watch the anime that basketball became my 2nd favorite sport behind tennis. It was actually my favorite sport for quite a while.

The anime also got me watching the NBA, because the characters in the anime are based on real players in the NBA. Rukawa is MJ, Sakuragi is Rodman, Akagi is either Pippen or Horace Grant, Mitsu is either Harper or Craig Hodges, and Miyagi is BJ Armstrong, I think. Of course, MJ, and the expansion of the NBA, also contributed to my getting into basketball, but Slam Dunk also did its part.

12-27-2002, 01:35 PM
There are two manga:

First is Harlem Beat, just like Slam Dunk it also about Basketball. The story focused on a boy named Naruse, a normal boy with a so~so ability. He joined many sport club and always become a loser. Then, after many incident, he try to join the basketball club. Just like when he joined the other sport club, he still can't play very well. One day, after back from school, he suddenly meet his friend named Mizuki, an energic pretty girl. After hearing Naruse's story, Mizuki decide to invite him to play street basket at the place called Three men's hoop in order to encourage Naruse. In three men's hoop, Naruse confront a man named Shu who then challenging him to play street basket one on one. After several defeat, with his last courage, Naruse try to shoot at least one and suddenly he do something that only Michael Jordan can do it..Air walk! After beating Shu and gained confident. He trained a lot and develop many skill with the help from his friend. After that, he become a well-known basketball player and join the biggest basketball tournament in Japan.

What makes me interest in this anime is Naruse. Because he never give up and keep training, he finally find his dream. For that, I'm also attracted to play basketball eventhough I'm not really good at it ^_^

Secondly is Hikaru No Go. Just like Harlem Beat, I'm also attracted to Hikaru's character. He is very stubborn but in the other side he also a boy who never give up.

Both Harlem Beat and Hikaru No Go influence the ppl around me. For the Harlem Beat, young lads make a team of three to play street basket and my school also held a three on three street basket tournament ( I'm also make a team but never win >_< ). For Hikaru No Go, we have our center to play igo ( most of the player are Tionghua ) and each time we hold a chest tournament we make three on three system just like in Hikaru No Go ( Well, in the manga it used to play igo, but in the real world we also use the system to play chest, cool eh? ^^ )

12-27-2002, 09:39 PM
Harlem Beat? Interesting, I must admit I've never heard of it. XD The art looks kinda out of date... how old is this anime? Looks like it's from the Kimagure Orange Road era...

12-27-2002, 11:11 PM
El Hazard got me into travelling to alternate dimensions. It's the latest craze around here. I even founded a "Travel To Alternate Dimensions And Save The World Club"


Anyways, I too have fallen under Hikago's spell. It's a fabulous anime, and Go is quite addictive. And I probably wouldve never gotten into the game had it not been for the anime.

12-28-2002, 05:44 AM
Originally posted by megalomania
Harlem Beat? Interesting, I must admit I've never heard of it. XD The art looks kinda out of date... how old is this anime? Looks like it's from the Kimagure Orange Road era...

Well, I don't really know. I first bought the first series 3-5 years ago ( maybe ). The art might be looks kinda out of date, but its story still entertaining :)

12-29-2002, 08:15 PM
At first I thought you were mocking my poor thread. :erm:
I put all my heart in it, *sniffs*

The Hikaru No Go craze will probably totally get me as soon as I manage to grab a copy of the manga. I did not find one in France, it was sold out in less than a month.

Besides this I learned something about Japanese history by reading Kenshin and some other mangas... Compared to before then when I knew nothing about Japan. I still don�t know a lot.

Does anybody feel the same? Some months ago when I had ... almost problems with my marks at school, reading Love Hina gave me a great deal of motivation, and I could learn a lot better, yahaa! *laughs*

12-30-2002, 10:48 AM
Besides this I learned something about Japanese history by reading Kenshin and some other mangas... Compared to before then when I knew nothing about Japan. I still don�t know a lot.
You can know about Japan a bit by reading Kobo-chan, a manga made by Masashi Ueda or maybe Samurai. Although it was made for kids, i think it can still enjoyable for teens like us ^^

I used to have a manga called Salad Days. It contains many story about love. Not too long ago, I got a fight with my girlfriend and it almost tear apart our relationship. When I read this manga (which I accidentaly found it at the book store near the school), there is a story that has the same problem with the one that I had with my GF. After finished read the manga, I realize that it was my fault that makes both of us fighting each other ( Back then, I didn't know about it because I can't think clearly after the fight ;_; ). Then after apologizing to my GF, we finally back to normal and our bonds became much stronger :D