Anima Relic
12-26-2002, 05:36 PM
Who do you think has the most complex personality out of the FF characters? Who is the most interesting? Who is the meanest? Who is the most deceptive? Think about it, and come up with some possibilities, and dont' forget to defend your allegations with evidence from the games itself. Let's throw some ideas around, and maybe we can make a contest out of it.

12-26-2002, 08:24 PM
I vote Cloud for the most messed up one as well as complex somewhat. Living a lie, telling the lie to everybody he knowns and eventually the truth catches up with him and then he lost himself . I didn't get Cloud for the entire first game.

Kefka isn't complex, because he only has one surfaced personality own thingy o_O
he's just evily insane =D and he's more genuine then Sephiroth Imo. (poser)

12-27-2002, 12:04 AM
Cloud? WTF he is a n00b. He doesn't even have a good memory.

KKKefka is definitely has the most complex personality.

Enigmatic Angel
12-27-2002, 06:44 AM
I'd say Squall.....he has a rough childhood, doesn't like to talk much and well is pretty much an Enigma, until late in the game aneways......

12-27-2002, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by Enigmatic Angel
I'd say Squall.....he has a rough childhood, doesn't like to talk much and well is pretty much an Enigma, until late in the game aneways......

Yeah, he is a real enigma at the start of the game but near the end of the game you find out why he is like that and he isn't so complex anymore. I really don't know who the most complex FF character is as I found I understand the plots in the FFs really well. I used to think it was Squall but now I don't.

*Shrugs* ~_~

12-27-2002, 11:07 AM
Kefka? I call him a weirdo and that doesn't mean he has a complex personality.

I choose Yuna for having the most complex personality. The reason? ....I don't really know how to expose my opinion, but the main reason is... "woman are unpredictable" :d

12-27-2002, 11:48 AM
Hmmmmm, Cid from FF7, so unpredictable. Most characters with quick tempers are very complex. Cloud is stuffed up, as with Squall lol. Reina is very weird indeed.

12-27-2002, 05:20 PM
I would say that vivi had the most complex personality, i don't really know why (maybe its the way he sees life).

I don't think kefka had a very complex personality, he was insane and thats about all you can say about him.

12-27-2002, 06:43 PM
Hm.. let's see. Spoilers ahead~

Who do you think has the most complex personality out of the FF characters?

Cloud without a doubt. He lived a lie for 5 years, which he made himself believe, by the way.. o_O Then he finds out the *real* truth and flips out. XD

Who is the most interesting?

To me personally, Aeris. The whole Cetra thing and all. ._.

Who is the meanest?

Kefka.. That guy is messed up in the brains. He doesn't care about the world and everything on it, as long as he gets to be God.
Then again, if he didn't care, then he thought he wasn't being mean.. right? o_O

Ultimecia was a meany too. Creating a world where only she could live. >:(

Who is the most deceptive?

ShinRa, inc! Mostly the president ofcourse, plus some of his workers (Heideggar, Scarlet). They promised people safety, electricity, and whatever else, when they in fact treated people badly, and were killing the planet. Nya. Bad bad company. The Turks were neat, though. ;_;

12-29-2002, 02:14 AM
I think Kuja and Laguna are very complex characters. Kuja keep surprising me and Laguna kept me asking if he was on something....;)

12-29-2002, 02:49 AM
Squall. He was just so rude at times, but read his thoughts and you change. In the beginning all he cared about was...well, nothing really.

12-29-2002, 04:40 PM
Hmm...probably Sephiroth. I pity him so, for he was driven to insanity you know, the Jenova thing...poor guy.

I do agree to Cloud being one of the most complex due to the fact he was living a lie, plus he was rather confused along the way.