12-03-2010, 07:21 AM

Here's the score for the live-action movie of Space Battleship Yamato, known in the US as Star Blazers, composed by Naoki Sato and Yasushi Miyagawa. Files are mp3 format at 192 kbps, 44,100 kHz. Enjoy. :)

Track List:

1. SPACE BATTLESHIP ヤマト Opening Title
2. 薄汚れた男
3. 希望の船
4. 波動砲発射
5. ガミラス艦隊
6. 帰還
7. ガミラスロイド
8. 命令
9. 敵艦隊消滅
10. 一瞬の静寂
11. 慰め
12. 美しい青い星
13. 危機
14. 信念
15. 新たな歴史を
16. コスモゼロ発進
17. 放射能除去装置の真実
18. 託された未来
19. 地球
20. デスラーの報復
21. 守りたいもの
22. 最期の敬礼

Download Links

MP3 files (


FLAC files+Booklet
FLAC Files (

2010.12.08 - After listening to the score several times and having watched whatever material is available online from the actual movie (specifically the Making Of and the 2 clips in SMAPxSMAP special (clocking at 2 and 5 minutes each) i decided to write this review.

Personal REVIEW (expect tears and extensive use of words like "awe", "sad" and "grandeur" :) )

First some background:
After waiting for months for Doctor Who's season 5 soundtrack, i thought i had my "score of the year". After listening to SB Yamato's score by Naoki Sato i saw the error of my ways. My love for DW Season 5's music hasn't deminished and i still believe it to be a must have and the best DW score to date. But as i listened to this... i found myself riden with a mix of downright nostalgia and amazement.
I've been a fan of Yamato's music since i first saw it in portuguese television in September 1991, when Star Blazers first bursted in to my life and changed it forever, opening my eyes to a whole new level of animation. Though i loved whatever anime series poped up in Portugal's only 2 TV channels at the time (mostly NHK series like "Tom Sawyer no Boken" and "Anime Sanjushi" and the series that shaped my childhood, Miyazaki's "Mirai Shonen Conan"), Star Blazers was different somehow, more adult, more vibrant, the Yamato itself looked to my eyes like an astounding work of art. And of course the music. Hiroshi Miyagawa's score became an instant favorite and throughout the years i've made my best to get as much of it as possible, being that these forums we're now in played a massive part in making that dream a reality.
Truth be told, i love the scores to the first 2 seasons a lot more than those of Be Forever or Final Yamato. Fastforward to 2009 and Yamato Rebirth. Although i loved the movie (despite some teeth cringing changes, especially the character designs) i felt disapointed that the score relies heavilly on reused cues and most from those less loved scores. With that in mind and knowing that a live-action movie was coming late 2010, i didn't expect much in tems of what that score could bring. The fact that Naoki Sato was to take on the composing duties gave me some hope. Having composed some personal favorites in recent years, i decided not to completely desmiss it.
Fastforward again to present day
I am pleased to say Mr. Sato surpassed my wildest expectations. Listening to this score is like being wraped in beauty, every chord of the classic themes filling you with eye-watering nostalgia, every chord of new material filling you with unabashed wonder, the whole thing filling you with a sense of grandeur. The most knowledgeble fans will probably find hints of other themes, here and there, but this score rellies heavilly in 2 classic themes. The SBY Main Theme, wich, like in the original score, is used in a variety of tones, from it's grand march to sadening overtones, and "The Expanding Universe" (or a variety of other tranlations) with it's haunting female vocals. Both are used in one form or another through most of the tracks of this score, and that is a good thing. And now for the review (sorry for the huge rant).

Be warned, for the sake of full disclosure this review contains MASSIVE SPOILERS ABOUT THE MOVIE. READ AT YOUR OWN PERIL. The titles used are those provided by JonC (thanks for those)

1. SPACE BATTLESHIP ヤマト Opening Title - Space Battleship Yamato Opening Title

An eerie chime starts this track as the camera pans away from Yuki's eye. Flying her Black Tiger she joins the battle as the familiar chords of the main theme from SBY begin to play in wonderfull orchestral mode, accentuating the raging battle in Mars orbit. As the Gamilas ships fire back and utterly smash the Earth fleet the music changes to stoic but sad vocals as Admiral Okita perceives his eminent defeat. This clip appears on SMAPxSMAP Yamato Special and gives us a glimpse not only of how good the movie looks but of how well the music blends with the action. Next comes the also familiar sound of fan favorite "The Universe Expanding" in a full choir. Beautifull. To finish the track come the inicial chords of the Main Theme as the "Space Battleship Yamato" titles appear over a stunning image of the red dying Earth.

2. 薄汚れた男 - Raggedy Men

A sadder take on the Main Theme, serving as an accent to the desperate situation the people of Earth are living. In this movie, more than in the series itself you actually get a sense of this despair, as extinction looms ever closer.

3. 希望の船 - Ship of Hope

Another piece of the Main Theme begins this track but as the 1:30 mark passes the first actually completely new material shines through. A beautiful theme for a hopefull Earth punctuated by amazing choirs.

4. 波動砲発射 - Fire Wave Motion Gun

The battle theme, if you wish, for the movie. This scene also appears in a full 5 minute clip in SMAPxSMAP Yamato Special. A quick and rousing theme, cut by the Main Theme in full battle mode as the Yamato finally breaks free from the Earth. The track grows in intensity as Kodai and the crew make preparations to fire the Wave-Motion Gun to destroy a massive Gamilas missile, with the last minute being an intense mix of the new theme with the Main Theme.

5. ガミラス艦隊 - Gamirus Fleet

Despite its title this is not really the Gamilas theme. If anything it would be the Black Tigers theme. An epic piece of fully new music. Listen to track 16 for more of this theme.

6. 帰還 - The Return

Another new theme, this one a bit sad if filled with plentifull doses of hope.

7. ガミラスロイド - Gamirusroid

Another new theme, a quick cockophony of eerie sounds serves as background to the revelation of the Gamilas true form.

8. 命令 - Orders

Once more the Main Theme serves as a base for another quiet but rousing track.

9. 敵艦隊消滅 - Enemy Fleet Destroyed

This starts with what i would call the Gamilas theme (it's used again in track 20), evolving to a full orchestra combat theme, as the Yamato and the Gamilas lock in to fierce battle, with hints of the Main Theme spread out for effect. And a magnificient effect at that.

10. 一瞬の静寂 - Moment of Silence

The sadness theme for the movie. Kodai comes to terms with the burden of command and the choice he had to make, acompanied by this beautiful (if a bit repetitive) crescendo. An epic track despite its slow tempo.

11. 慰め - Comfort

Continuing from the previous sad, quiet tone from the previous track, this one kind of picks it up and turns it in to a more hopefull theme.

12. 美しい青い星 - Beautiful Blue Planet

Epic choirs acompany this very short track as the Yamato gets its first glimpse of Iscandar.

13. 危機 - Crisis

The wonder is short lived as a massive barrage of fire hits the Yamato and the crew realises the true nature of Iscandar and Gamilas. New material is woven into the Main Theme as Kodai makes a desperate gamble.

14. 信念 - Faith

A beautifull take on the Main Theme (along the lines of the Yamato March version) as the Yamato faces the enemy.

15. 新たな歴史を - A New History

Once more the Main Theme is brought to bare, in a more quiet tone wich rises to a more hopefull and rousing one, as Kodai speaks to the crew. The last desperate strugle is at hand.

16. コスモゼロ発進 - Cosmo Zero Launch

The theme from track 5 returns as Kodai and the Black Tiger launch their attack on Iscandar/Gamilas evading floating fortresses with the Yamato diving into combat right on their tails, acompanied by the Yamato March from track 14. The track ends with the music taking a darker twist and an eerie ending.

17. 放射能除去装置の真実 - The Truth about the Radioactivity Removal Device

This track makes use of "The Universe Expanding", slowing it down making it almost unrecognisible. This marks the scene where they encounter "Starsha" deep within the planet Gamilas/Iscandar and Kodai has to make a shocking revelation to his companions. As "The Universe Expanding" takes its more familiar form the cards are on the table as "Starsha" embues an astonished Yuki with the power to save Earth.

18. 託された未来 - Entrusted with the Future

Another sad theme (yes, there are quite a few sad themes here) that grows into hope (yes, it happens a lot, too. But that is the fulcral point of the movie). More sacrifices are made to ensure the survival of the human race.

19. 地球 - Earth

The beautifull Earth theme from track 3 makes an amazing uncore, finished by another brash and rousing piece of the Main Theme, as the Yamato reaches the battered Earth.

20. デスラーの報復 - Deslar’s Revenge

A big orchestral opening gives way to the Gamilas theme (as i mentioned on track 9), as "Desslar" reveals the Gamilas last gamble to destroy the human race.

21. 守りたいもの - To Protect

An epic track wich accentuates sadness and despair as Kodai orders the crew of the Yamato to evacuate and he says a tear filled goodbye to Yuki. The Main Theme makes its final encore.

22. 最期の敬礼 - The Final Salute

The crew salutes their comrade as they fly past the bridge of Yamato, acompanied by another version of "The Universe Expanding", subdued at first but growing to its full glory as the Yamato and Kodai make their final stand and sacrifice for humanity.

Final note: I apologise for the untechnical review but i'm not a music professional. I wrote this review as i listened to the score one more time so as to actually put into writing what poped in my head as i hear each track. The scene descriptions are, unless otherwise noted, extrapolated from the full synopsis at I say here and now, this is my Score of the Year, not just because of the nostalgia value but because Naoki Sato has truly made something that pays homage to the original material without being a carbon copy. The fact that i find it incredibly hard to single out a single track as an highlight speaks volumes to how great this is as a whole. I hadn't found a score yet wich i would hear from begining to end without skiping a single track, after several sittings. This one i do. And if the score and what bits of the movie i've seen say anything... is that this is a movie i just have to see. Even if it doesn't meet my present expectations, it was worth just for giving us this, the best Yamato soundtrack in a long, long time.

12-03-2010, 07:46 AM
Double thanks, man!

12-03-2010, 07:54 AM
Thank you for this.

(Reprinted from Ultimate Yamato Thread)

1. SPACE BATTLESHIP ヤマト Opening Title
Space Battleship Yamato Opening Title
2. 薄汚れた男
usuyogore ta otoko
Raggedy Men
3. 希望の船
kibou no fune
Ship of Hope
4. 波動砲発射
hadouhou hassha
Fire Wave Motion Gun
5. ガミラス艦隊
gamirasu kantai
Gamirus Fleet
6. 帰還
The Return
7. ガミラスロイド
8. 命令
9. 敵艦隊消滅
tekikantai shoumetsu
Enemy Fleet Destroyed
10. 一瞬の静寂
isshun no seijaku
Moment of Silence
11. 慰め
12. 美しい青い星
utsukushi i aoi hoshi
Beautiful Blue Planet
13. 危機
14. 信念
15. 新たな歴史を
arata na rekishi wo
A New History
16. コスモゼロ発進
kosumozero hasshin
Cosmo Zero Launch
17. 放射能除去装置の真実
houshanou jokyo souchi no shinjitsu
The Truth about the Radioactivity Removal Device
18. 託された未来
takusa reta mirai
Entrusted with the Future
19. 地球
20. デスラーの報復
desura no houfuku
Deslar’s Revenge
21. 守りたいもの
mamori taimono
(Tough one: possibly either)
To Protect
(or less likely)
Mamoru’s Hope
22. 最期の敬礼
saigo no keirei
The Final Salute

These translations are, of course, subject to change based on listening to the entire album and especially seeing them in the context of the film itself. But they'll do for now.


12-03-2010, 08:14 AM
oh god

12-03-2010, 08:30 AM
Thank you very much!!! been wanting to listen to the OST to this!!!!

12-03-2010, 08:59 AM
Thanks for the upload. Been a fan of the annimated show back in the day so it will be interesting to hear how they adjusted the music for a movie score.

12-03-2010, 09:28 AM
The soundtrack is awesome... a good mix of the old mixed with new music... lots of familiar tunes. The beginning and closing music are spectacular and epic. This is going to be an epic movie...

12-03-2010, 09:48 AM
wow! This soundtrack is EPIC! It is fantastic and much better than most of the American movie soundtracks. Have NEVER seen any of the anime or heard about it since before this release! Def gonna check out some of the previous stuff and definetly this movie! The choir, everything is PERFECT! It is truly one of my favorite scores so far.

12-03-2010, 11:29 AM
Thank You !

12-03-2010, 12:02 PM
You Rock my friend!! If we do get a american release of this Ill be sure to buy it.

12-03-2010, 12:13 PM
Thanks a lot!

12-03-2010, 12:48 PM

Edit: If this doesn't deserve a full purchase I don't know what does

12-03-2010, 01:51 PM
Freakin' magnificent. Thank you!!!

12-03-2010, 03:43 PM
Wonderful thanks!
I think you should make some indication in your post that this is a 2010 soundtrack for those of us who are not familiar with it. I just happened to see a 2010 show up on the download page.

12-03-2010, 04:25 PM
I've listened to the entire thing, it is one amazing soundtrack. Definitely up there with the likes of even Star Wars...

12-03-2010, 04:33 PM
Now we have to figure out how to see the movie without going to Japan

12-03-2010, 04:42 PM
Now we have to figure out how to see the movie without going to Japan

I'm sure it will be released on DVD and/or netflix streaming soon enough. Most recent movies out of Japan have gone on streaming fairly quick.

12-03-2010, 04:51 PM
I'm hoping that this makes it to the US somehow through art theaters at least.

I live near LA so sometimes they would show foreign movies here. In Koreatown they have a theater dedicated to korean movies, who knows they might just show it there.

There is also a Viz Theater in San Francisco which shows japanese/anime movies often too:

NEW PEOPLE: Home | San Francisco's Japanese Shopping & Entertainment Center (

Other than that, keeping my fingers crossed.

Seems like there was a lot of buzz about this movie at the AFM where US distributors watch foreign movies and acquire licensing rights for the US. There seems to be several US distributors who want to get their hands on the movie.

Definitely a good sign since this movie is doing very very well in Japan.

Check out: and read the report about the movie...

12-03-2010, 05:08 PM
Fantastic Score !!! Great relase !!!

Muito obrigado !!!!

12-03-2010, 06:38 PM
Space Battleship Yamato (Live Action 2010 Soundtrack) - Naoki Sato and Yasushi Miyagawa - Mirror with English Tags
Download (
PSW: smile

12-03-2010, 06:48 PM
Thank you very much! the previews on and this music make this seem to be a very cool movie! I cant wait to see it subtitles in high def!

12-04-2010, 04:23 PM
thanks a lot!

12-05-2010, 09:44 PM
Thank you very much!

12-07-2010, 04:19 AM
This made my day/month/year! You are the best! Thank you!

12-08-2010, 08:28 AM
Saw this quote on another site about the movie possibly coming to the US. Fingers crossed.

At the stage greeting, TOHO also announced that distributors from France, Germany, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong have already acquired the rights to distribute the movie in their countries. In addition, they revealed that they have received offers from American distributors as well.

12-08-2010, 11:20 AM
Wonderful score! Totally unknown to me, but thanks to the tip of my brazilian friend above I now was able to hear it!

Thanks a lot!

12-09-2010, 02:11 PM
a really great soundtrack. Thanks

12-09-2010, 02:14 PM
Saw this quote on another site about the movie possibly coming to the US. Fingers crossed.

At the stage greeting, TOHO also announced that distributors from France, Germany, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong have already acquired the rights to distribute the movie in their countries. In addition, they revealed that they have received offers from American distributors as well.

As long as it doesnt require me to sell a kidney Ill buy it on dvd when it comes, and the soundtrack.

Samuel Walters
12-09-2010, 02:25 PM
Totally unexpected gem of a soundtrack. Am enjoying this thoroughly. Many thanks!

12-09-2010, 02:33 PM
Does anyone have FLAC-Links for this gem???

12-09-2010, 04:40 PM
As long as it doesnt require me to sell a kidney Ill buy it on dvd when it comes, and the soundtrack.

I would sell a kidney to watch it in a good theatre with good sound. :)
I'm hopefull this comes out in Portugal at least on DVD. Other movies like "Returner" (same director), "Old Boy" and "Princess Blade" found their way here. Crossing my fingers this does too. But i'm sure it will be a long wait. Till then i'll have to make do with the 2 specials. :)

@ kiitos
I got the files through iTunes and though i'm definitely going to buy this one on CD, it won't be in the very near future. But if no one posts it on FLAC till then, i will.

Can't stop listening to this baby.

12-09-2010, 05:14 PM
A friend of mine ordered the CD so I'll see if he is ok with me sharing FLAC on here when he gets it.

12-15-2010, 03:46 AM

12-17-2010, 04:44 PM
has anyone got a larger scan of the great cover please???

12-18-2010, 01:21 AM
Macdawson: My friend, I hope you won't mind if I submit an alternative review, which is an edited, rejigged and expanded version of a series of posts I made in another thread discussing the score. In the interests of promoting different opinions, and with the greatest respect to you and to your upload. :)

After Sato's thrilling score for 2008's K-20 Legend Of The Mask (traditional themes, development, and joyous orchestrations,) my hopes for his work on Yamato were very high indeed; if ever there were an opportunity for a composer to shine, it would be in writing a score for this film. Sadly, his Yamato score is tedious and boring; themeless, lacking development and very black and white in comparison. Apart from the original 1970's Yamato theme, there's pretty much nothing in this score that is memorable in the slightest bit. It's 70 minutes of ostinati and chord progressions glued together with a dozen statements of a pre-existing melody.

It's funny that some people have observed that Sato is sometimes "Zimmerised" but that this phenomenom is absent in Yamato... because in many ways I find this to be his most Zimmerish score to date. Even Ryomaden, which was bursting at the seams with drum loops, synthesised percussion, and even the vocal performances of Lisa Gerrard, had exhuberance, romance, and a real melodic centre. It took a while to grow on me, but it did. Naoki Sato is Heroic Age, K-20, Eureka Seven, and even Ryomaden. (If you look past Gerrard and the electronics and the banging percussion, Ryomaden is one CRACKING theme, a tour-de-force adhering to the traditional Heroic Theme - Bridge - Romantic Theme - Bridge - Heroic Theme and Coda structure.) In comparison, Yamato is a nicely orchestrated piece of nothing. Don't get me wrong, it could've been worse... unimagineably worse... horrific, in fact. But this is no great work... it's Japan upstaging Hollywood at its own game, but ultimately it's a (bad) Hollywood score at its heart; nice production values, frightened of themes, developmentally baren, relies on volume for "epicness" and cliched chord progressions for romance and mystery. Sato making an attempt to write a contemporary Hollywood score but not quite being able to f**k it up sufficiently to be convincing. To me, it sounds like his hand was forced....

A crushing disappontment; Sato is capable of so much more, and the film deserved much beter; in short, an absolute disaster.

12-18-2010, 03:55 AM
I don't intend to jump on the critical bandwagon, and I am certainly less qualified to match your review, but...
I have to admit, I was also disappointed. The simple version, is that it sounds more like a concert album than a score. I am not familiar with Sato's work, so I cannot say what I would have expected. But in the end, I didn't here anything new except an orchestral version of Steven Tyler's song. The best music was the various Yamato melodies, but sadly, all better executed when they were first recorded way back when.
There's a certain - liveliness - that a good film score has, that is unique to that mode of composition. (I'm sure there's a word for this.) Sometimes, like in the albums for Jedi, or Last Crusade, the music has been optimized for concert at the cost of spirit. (Not that I'm a slave to film versions, I've found I prefer the album versions of Lord of the Rings over the Complete Recordings.) There is none of this in the Yamato score. Perhaps when I see the movie itself, the actual film score will be different. But I don't have my hopes up.

I look forward to a chance to see the film itself. If it follows pattern, it should turn up on the web around May.

12-20-2010, 08:00 PM
I'm getting a FLAC version with Booklet Scans included. Will post ASAP.

12-20-2010, 08:21 PM
macdawson - does your flac version have log and cue? If so then I will just leave it to you. I also have a version from a friend that will have scans as well. I have a bunch of other stuff to upload though so i can just leave it to you.

12-21-2010, 09:13 AM
macdawson - does your flac version have log and cue? If so then I will just leave it to you. I also have a version from a friend that will have scans as well. I have a bunch of other stuff to upload though so i can just leave it to you.

Yes, i believe so. I left the upload running before i left for work this morning so if all goes well i'll post it in about 7 hours. :)

12-22-2010, 05:03 AM
Finaly managed to access the site and updated the main post with links to the FLAC version and a Booklet only file for those who got the MP3 and don't want the FLAC. Thanks to the original uploader at BakaBT.

12-22-2010, 05:09 AM
Have listened to this one may times since it was first up and enjoy it very much. Am dying to see the film. Hope it is released in the US sometime soon.

12-23-2010, 04:37 AM
Domo Arigato! Here's hoping for a US release soon!

12-23-2010, 05:11 PM
From what i've read around it's getting released in the US, but probably in a limited release. Hopefully, because of the fan base "Star Blazers" has, it might go a bit bigger than that. as for me, the closest country releasing it is France so i'm pretty much screwed until it gets a web release. :)

Also, after hearing the score many, many, many times i finaly managed to pick a favorite (tough choice, though) and it's track 4, "Firing the Wave-Motion Gun". Don't know if it's because i have most of the scene where it is used and therefore can better relate it to the action. But mostly because it's a really bad-ass track that doesn't let up from start to finish and weaves the classic theme with new material in an exquisite way. :)

12-23-2010, 11:35 PM
--- deleted by author ---

12-27-2010, 10:28 AM
It is a brilliant score thank you. It doesn't have the almost spaghetti western swagger of earlier Yamato OSTs but makes up for it by being so damned epic

12-30-2010, 05:42 AM
I can't wait until this comes to the US! The local theater is showing "Gantz" and I might go see it even thought I don't really know much about it. All I know is that the Japanese fans are not happy that it is being released in the US first!

01-03-2011, 10:58 PM
To those who downloaded the FLAC version of the live-action movie score, i have to make apologies. Due to a lack of attention on my part, when i downloaded the torrent i didn't notice that the CUE and LOG files were in a separate Zip. file (don't know why but there it is). So the FLAC is missing those. I downloaded the Zip with the CUE and LOG files and so here they are. Once again, sorry for this tinsy snafoo. :)

01-30-2011, 08:03 AM
Awesome!!! Now I HAVE to buy it!!!!!!! Thanks!!!!

02-26-2011, 09:42 AM
English playlist

• 1. Space Battleship Yamato Opening Title (3:35)
• 2. Grungy Men (Raggedy Men) (1:14)
• 3. Ship of Hope (4:16)
• 4. Wave-Motion Gun Firing (Fire Wave Motion Gun) (4:38)
• 5. Gamilas Fleet (Gamirus Fleet) (3:25)
• 6. The Return (2:44)
• 7. Gamilasroid (Gamirusroid) (0:47)
• 8. Orders (1:39)
• 9. Annihilation of the Enemy Fleet (Enemy Fleet Destroyed) (3:21)
• 10. A Moment of Silence (4:23)
• 11. Comfort (1:40)
• 12. Beautiful Blue Planet (0:47)
• 13. Crisis (2:13)
• 14. Conviction (Faith) (2:10)
• 15. A New History (2:27)
• 16. Cosmo Zero Launch (4:37)
• 17. The Truth of the Radiation Remover (The Truth About the Radioactivity Removal Device) (5:51)
• 18. Entrusted With the Future (2:06)
• 19. Earth (2:34)
• 20. Dessler's Retaliation (Desslar's Revenge) (3:21)
• 21. The One I Want to Protect (To Protect/Mamoru's Hope) (4:41)
• 22. The Final Salute (3:07)

02-27-2011, 06:45 AM
Apologize if this is the wrong place to ask, but would anyone know if there is any info on when this movie will be available for viewing here in the US or online? Would love to see how this great score enhances the movie.

02-27-2011, 07:08 AM
I would not count on a theatrical release in the US. A DVD release in the US is possible, but I haven't heard anything about it, and would not consider it automatic. (SyFy Channel is planning to run the original animated series - possibly with a new, more accurate dub.) As I've mentioned before, somebody will probably have it for unofficial download by late May. (This is a guess based on the time it took for Yamato Resurrection to turn up.) Sometime, much, much later a fan subtitled one is likely to appear. A dub is possible, but don't hold your breath.

02-27-2011, 07:30 AM
Thanks for the update.

the gus bus
02-27-2011, 08:37 AM
Thank you so much for this! I was actually looking for this today.

02-27-2011, 08:07 PM
Apologize if this is the wrong place to ask, but would anyone know if there is any info on when this movie will be available for viewing here in the US or online? Would love to see how this great score enhances the movie.

Tracks 1 and 4 definitely work with the visuals. Track 4 is really suited to the scene as they prepare to fire the Wavemotion Gun. As for the rest, won't know 'till i get to see the whole movie. :) Hopefully soon.

02-27-2011, 09:25 PM
Tracks 1 and 4 definitely work with the visuals. Track 4 is really suited to the scene as they prepare to fire the Wavemotion Gun. As for the rest, won't know 'till i get to see the whole movie. :) Hopefully soon.

And of course now word comes out that Hollywood is going to do their own version of Starblazers. It looks like the Japanese version got it right already. They will probably be as successful as their remake of Godzilla several years back :(

02-27-2011, 10:16 PM
Yes, a group of people who only have half the money and none of the rights. They have no actors and they're supposedly just now hiring a writer. They have ambition, and not a lot else. I wouldn't give a lot for their chances, and not just because I'm annoyed that I'm not making it.

03-16-2011, 06:17 AM
Thank you so much for this! I LOVE Naoki Sato's music. =)

03-18-2011, 12:07 AM
Thanks a lot. Great Score!

07-03-2011, 07:28 AM
Awesome share..THANKS! :D

Professor Moriarty
07-08-2011, 04:11 AM
thanks for putting this up. just watched the movie a few days ago and loved it.

07-09-2011, 12:25 PM
I've got the movie , haven't watched it all yet :( not much free time. I've spoted a couple of tracks that were'nt in the CD but overall i think the best pieces have been published. Still, when i have the time i'll split the 5.1ch and see if i can make something out of that. :)

07-13-2011, 03:51 PM
I finally saw this film. Three times!!! I really enjoyed it. and I have to say now that I can put a scene to all these tracks in my head. I enjoy the score that much more.

07-14-2011, 01:07 AM
Just saw the movie today. It's awsome, the same goes for the score!

07-14-2011, 01:32 AM
havent watched this yet but i saw Naoki Sato providing music so it's definitely worth a check.. thanks macdawson for this share! :)

07-14-2011, 06:20 AM
thanks! JonC for posting the track names translation & for it's original translator, thanks! :)

07-14-2011, 02:03 PM
I've just watched the film. Very impressive! I haven't been so emotionally blown away by a sci-fi movie in years. Wonderful stuff!

07-15-2011, 03:16 AM
i just have to make another post here :) epic score! now I'll definitely watch the live action feature of this.

glad you shared this score, @macdawson your the man! :D

07-25-2011, 02:40 AM
I agree with macdawson that the album's content represents all the really important pieces of Satou's score. Thanks to a friend who bought the Blu Ray I've been able to extract the movie's DTS Master Audio track. After pouring through it a couple (of dozen) times I've identified 12 cues which are not on the soundtrack for a total of about 28 minutes of additional music.

Seven of the cues sound like edits or different mixes/versions of music already on the album. These plus the Steve Tyler song used for the epilogue and closing credits account for the bulk of the extra material, totaling about 21-and-a-half of the 28 minutes. However there are some real gems to be found in the remaining six-and-a-half minutes. Below is a breakdown of the unreleased cues starting with their positions relative to the soundtrack's layout (which is very nicely in film order btw):

1.5 (00:40) New - Brief doom-and-gloom. Unique from the soundtrack's cues. Nearly identical to 13.5 with a shorter, descending finish.
2.5 (01:57) New - Kodai's encounter on the surface.
4.5 (02:02) Edit/Remix - Godspeed Yamato! Nearly identical to most of track 19, with some choral added up front, a shortened Yamato fanfare, and leaving off most of 19's last minute.
6.2 (02:28) Edit/Remix - Recovery and escaping Gamilus fighters. Edit of track 9 shortened by removing various repeated phrases.
6.4 (03:38) New - Kodai talking about Okita with Dr. Sado & Chief Engineer Tokugawa. Also drinking some special 'spring water'...
6.6 (01:52) Edit/Remix - The crew's final real-time communications with Earth. Though very similar to the strings from track 18 without the brass, bells, or timpani, this feels like a different version, losing a few seconds of 18's intro and with a completely different ending.
6.8 (01:30) Edit/Remix - Kodai's story. Very similar to just the strings from the crescendo of track 10 but with a different ending. Feels more like a different version than a remix.
7.5 (01:33) Edit/Remix - Meeting the enemy. Excerpt from track 20 with what sounds like a celesta added to the mix.
13.5 (00:33) New - Huge revelation!!! Nearly identical to 1.5 but with a longer, ascending finish
16.5 (03:15) Edit/Remix - Big-huge fight. Combines the opening section of track 1 with all of track 13, doubling the bells at the very beginning of track 1 and the first of the climbing phrases that end of track 13
18.5 (03:05) Edit/Remix - Extreme heroism. Excerpt from track 10 with the middle four phrases removed and an extended ending replacing track 10's two ending.
22.5 (05:22) New - Steve Tyler's ballad for the epilogue and closing credits.

Although frustrating to me, the surround enthusiasts should really enjoy this movie's mix. Dialogue and audio effects saturate all channels most of the time. While this makes the movie's soundspace very atmospheric and textured, it plays hell with my attempts to isolate the music from the dialogue, foley, and effects.

If anyone is interested in taking a whack at cleaning these cues up for themselves I can upload raw six-channel wave files for the music tracks. My efforts have produced a few tracks I can live with but would be hesitant to distribute as "clean", although I have edited very satisfactory versions of 6.2 and 16.5 since I could work exclusively with music from the CD.

10-30-2011, 06:12 PM
this is definitely one of my most favorite score/adaptation of Naoki Sato. aside from K-20 of course... and btw

<p>those who likes an additional or alternative cover? i made some <a target="_blank" href="">here</a> :)<br/></p><p><a target="_blank" href="">

01-03-2012, 01:31 AM
Many thanks, this has been a tough one to find

01-03-2012, 02:11 PM
My efforts have produced a few tracks I can live with but would be hesitant to distribute as "clean", although I have edited very satisfactory versions of 6.2 and 16.5 since I could work exclusively with music from the CD.

Please, do share what you got. I've fallen waaaaaay behind on my Transformers scores and right now i'm taking a bit of a break from the score cleaning thing and catching up on my modeling. (Having DMK Optimus and Bumblebee finaly built, along with the rest of Macross F's Skull Squadron and the 1/500 Yamato and Space:1999's Ultra Probe). My ears can't listen to another channel right now XD. So if you have anything new, even with FX, do post it. :D Thanks in advance.

01-06-2012, 08:02 AM
Please, do share what you got. I've fallen waaaaaay behind on my Transformers scores and right now i'm taking a bit of a break from the score cleaning thing and catching up on my modeling. (Having DMK Optimus and Bumblebee finaly built, along with the rest of Macross F's Skull Squadron and the 1/500 Yamato and Space:1999's Ultra Probe). My ears can't listen to another channel right now XD. So if you have anything new, even with FX, do post it. :D Thanks in advance.

I read this the day my computer was turned into a useless heap. I have since turned it into a brick and then back into a computer. I am now slowly adding back all the stuff that was loaded on it over the past, oh, three years... Hopefully by the end of the weekend I will be able to upload files again. Glad someone else finally looked at this thread; only one reply since July was disheartening, and this is really great music. Ah, my nutty dissertation probably scare people off...

01-09-2012, 09:07 PM
Thank You

01-12-2012, 06:52 AM
Okay, I seriously underestimated the time needed to get my system back up and actually useful. I can finally get and receive email, and create and upload files.

I've uploaded the "polished" files as full WAV files so that folks can convert them to whatever format they wish. The files are named for their track's position relative to the existing tracks in the official release (plus some production notes to myself that I didn't bother cleaning off). The password for the archive is "Starsha".

As I indicated before these are the tracks which I listen to with my expanded version of the soundtrack. 6.2 and 16.5 sound just like the studio tracks of course because all I needed to do was cut down tracks from the CD. 2.5, 4.5, 7.5, 13.5, and 18.5 are isolated from the surround channels to the limits of my abilities (which are pretty limited). 22.5 is from a lossy source but was the best I could come up with; I attenuated it somewhat to have the same apparent loudness as the rest of the material.

I have no real means of dealing with saturating SFX like wind so I attenuated as much as I could without eroding the clarity of the music. Voice and SFX echoes in the surround channels are similar problems; they are minimized but still present. These are the reasons I haven't made any progress on the remaining tracks; dialog, SFX, and echoes of same are just too pervasive throughout the mix.

I've got the full audio from all the extra queues extracted into six-channel WAV files; I can post them if somebody else wants to take a crack at 'em, but the archive is huge (400 MB). I can also post center-cut mixes of 1.5, 6.4, 6.6, and 6.8 with no clean-up if anyone wants them.

01-13-2012, 04:09 AM
Incidentally here is my take on track titles for what will eventually be a 34-track complete score. I resisted the urge to rename the officially released tracks for the most part, only modifying the ones to which I thought the changes added the most. They are listed with track numbers from the complete score, the original track numbers from the official release, and track titles. (Beware of spoilers)



Opening Title
Waiting for the End
A Raggedy Man
Vessel of Hope
Wave Motion Gun Fires
Godspeed, Yamato
Gamilus Fleet
Recovery and Escape
We will Return
Kodai's Family
Acting Captain
Enemy Fleet Destroyed
A Beautiful Blue Planet
Iscandar is Gamilus
For a New Beginning
Cosmo Zero Launch
Gamiloid Firefight
Secret of the Radiation Neutralizer
The Future Entrusted
Last Stand
Desslar Retaliates
Those We Protect
Final Salute
Love Lives

In the coming weeks (and/or months) I hope to ask around here for tips on techniques and technologies and try to clean up the remaining tracks. I should probably come up with some artwork too. I'll keep this thread updated with any progress I make.

01-13-2012, 06:29 AM
Hope there will be somebody upload the ost of Goemon in lossless quality...

04-10-2012, 12:10 PM
good day

thanks for yamato link but unlucky me the links didn't work ... can you help with that pls???

---------- Post added at 05:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:10 AM ----------

good day

thanks for yamato link but unlucky me the links didn't work ... can you help with that pls???

06-29-2012, 06:16 PM
Space Battleship Yamato Live-Action Movie Score needs to be sent to MediaFire.

06-29-2012, 09:24 PM
Thank you!

11-16-2012, 09:04 AM
would it be possible for someone to reup this? thanks in advance :D

12-06-2012, 06:08 AM
would it be possible for someone to reup this? thanks in advance :D

emaples Rapidshare link still works. It's only part of the score, but it's something.

12-06-2012, 07:15 AM
Here ya go......I uploaded the Yamato OST in FLAC

My Files (

Click "download folder" on the left side of the page

12-14-2012, 02:42 PM
Thanks scifi1972! Is there a way to download the files individually without upgrading to MediaPro?
Unfortunately it seems clicking an individual FLAC brings up the message "File Belongs to Non-Validated Account."

01-17-2013, 08:55 PM
Can someone please reupload this?

05-29-2013, 04:30 PM
hi, i need a complete ost of this film.. but link has broken and the one in mediafire is only consist 16 tracks. can someone re-upload? thanks

Lord Fuckingham
05-31-2013, 01:36 AM
It's a fuckin cult.

User 7526
07-17-2016, 01:45 AM
Could you please refresh this link? Would love a flac version.

07-17-2016, 12:11 PM
Thanks, scifi1972!

07-19-2016, 01:09 AM
Uploading the MP3 and FLAC files. I'll update the links ASAP.

07-20-2016, 02:40 AM
Good link [FLAC]... thanks Mac!

07-20-2016, 03:37 AM

07-20-2016, 02:17 PM
Thanks for the share…

09-09-2018, 05:30 AM
Thanks !

09-09-2018, 06:19 AM
Thank you.