Sgt Phantomizer
12-02-2010, 08:51 PM
First off, i don't use the forums here as often, so sorry if i'm posting in the wrong place.

But anyways, i'm wondering if there's a thread around here thats dedicated to OSTs from Mario games specifically (i.e Super Mario Bros, Super Mario World, Super Mario 64 and so on and forth). There's a Final Fantasy thread, htere are various threads dedicated to OSTs for console-specific games and others, so i find it a little hard to believe that nobody has done this already and if they did, i could not find it by doing a quick search.

Anyone know?


12-04-2010, 07:09 AM
Not yet...hopefully someone will start one. I'd do it but to busy :(

Simon B
12-04-2010, 08:18 PM
if it was easy & don't ask lot of time,

there is so many Mario Soundtracks... + maybe some rips...

but one thing is sure, if nobody's starting a such Thread, the job for regrouping the OSTs will never start.

i have dreamed a long time ago that someone could do like me for the Shmup Music Thread, with these kind of examples:
The Brawler Music Thread
The Plateformer Game Musics Thread
The "AudioCar" VGM Thread

i am still waiting & i can wait more without problem. :)

NB: this is the bad place to ask something.
it was better to ask this in the Request Section because you ask(=request) something.