Jitan Toraibaru
12-01-2010, 01:44 AM
Okay, if you don't know about Ghost trick (From Capcom + the makers of ace attorney, no less), then here's a little tidbit for ya just to enlighten you.
If you had just forgotten, then this is gonna help to freshen the memory a little.

Basically, you play sissel - a ghost who has lost his memory of how he died and what he was doing before he did, who finds himself in the middle of an unfolding drama late at night, and is immediately thrust into saving a girl in danger from a blue assassin with a gun - and to save her, you MUST possess items, after manipulating time to four minutes before she died...sounds pretty kinda sorta weird, right? Go watch the Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6C-mZ0gYPJE). it'll help more!

Now - Ghost Trick Playable Flash Demo - GameSpot (http://www.gamespot.com/misc/presentations/ghost-trick/index.php) - play the demo!

If that doesn't make you wanna buy this freaking undernoticed gem of a game in January, then you're dead inside! D:

{ Release: 11/1/11 }