11-29-2010, 03:47 PM
ok, little brother gave me one of his 360's because my other systems are just getting old. not in the sense that they're REALLY getting old, no, I mean I am getting tired of playing with them. anyway. he gave me an HDD that has about 8GB on it. I found a video on youtube that tells how you can take a regular USB pen drive and configure it to the XBOX360 to save your games on it. well, my mother had come over one day to visit, and I had asked her to go to Best Buy and get me one of those 16GB SanDisk USB drives. so she goes off to the store to buy me one. she calls me back about a half hour later and says that the guy at the counter was saying that ONLY XBOX360-designed drives are compatible. now I have seen the thing on the XBOX where it will configure your USB drive to use for the XBOX... so my question is, is any of what the dude is telling her true, or was he just trying to get her money? thanks in advance for your answer.

Chocolate Misu
11-29-2010, 10:38 PM
Weeeelllllll.................. Having a decent sized hdd is a nice thing to have for your 360, but you can use a flash drive if you like. As I recall though, you can't download games, music, or video to it (I may be wrong about that), but you can keep your saves on it. The 360 can format a partition on the drive the exact same as it is on an hdd. The only stipulation is that the 360 can only form a partition of 16gb. So ya, you can use it but you do need to be aware of which usb you plug it into. Some models have some problems with the ports (as in not reading it or something of the like). It's just something you have to learn about it as you go along.

11-29-2010, 11:58 PM
Well if you plan on getting arcade games, lots of DLC, saving music on your HDD, or saving a 360 game then I believe the 8gb should be fine. Otherwise, I just suggest you get a bigger HDD.

12-02-2010, 04:17 PM
ah, ok. thanks, Misu, Alex.