12-25-2002, 08:52 PM
I got CC for Christmas and I'm really confused. :confused: Any advice? Is there any in-game tutorial like the mayor's house in CT?

12-25-2002, 09:40 PM
--> www.gamefaqs.com might have answers to some of your questions.

What exactly are you confused about? The Elements system?

12-25-2002, 10:20 PM
Everything. I got to the point where you're getting a lecture by some old guy. Two things in particular are confusing:

1) The old guy tells me to use the blue elemental. What does that mean?

2) Old guy says to use your weakest attack, then middle then strongest. If that's the best strategy, why give the player any other option? Why can I choose what attack to use?

12-25-2002, 10:59 PM
About the attacks...
You�re surely noticed that the possibility of a weak attack succeeding is bigger than that of the strongest one succeeding.
Now if you choose the weak attack it will probably succeed. If it does, the percentage of the other two types of attacks are raised, it gets more likely that the next attack you will use succeeds.
So just choose the weak attack as your first, then choose the stronger ones. You have more chances to actually hit the enemy.
I am sure you�ll get used to this after some time. When I played FFIX afterwards, I missed this battle system ;_;

Did I manage to explain anythign to you? ;_;
Maybe somebody else better starts talking about the Elements... I am bad at explaining right now.

12-26-2002, 04:26 AM
I think I get the attack thing. If I'm up against a difficult enemy, it's best to use the weakest attack first and work my way up to the strongest to increase my odds of not missing. However, if I'm fighting a weak enemy, I may as well use my strongest attack first to get the battle over with quickly. (If I miss, no big deal since it's a weak enemy. It's not going to hurt me much.)

I still don't get elementals. I feel like an idiot; I really don't understand this game at all. :( I've never had any trouble learning CT or any of the FF games, but this one makes no sense to me.

12-26-2002, 08:17 AM
Originally posted by jagk80
here's an idea, don't play it. It's terrible in comparison to CT>

I beg to differ. :mad: I like CC better than CT (although CT was extremely good, yes). =P CC Is God-like, so nyyyeeehhh. >.<

12-26-2002, 08:18 AM
Originally posted by jagk80
here's an idea, don't play it. It's terrible in comparison to CT>

If she wanted to do that Fujin wouldn't even bother trying to work out the game. Anywayz, giving up isn't the best solution as by trying you might find the answer by yourself. Oh, and I haven't played Chrono Cross before yet so I can't help you there Fujin.

Good luck anyhoo ^_~

12-26-2002, 11:51 AM
I still don't get elementals. I feel like an idiot; I really don't understand this game at all. I've never had any trouble learning CT or any of the FF games, but this one makes no sense to me.
Don't worry, you're not alone miss. Most ppl face the same problem just like you are ( including me ^^ )

Just keep playing and soon you will realize that this game isn't difficult as you think.

Anyway, about the elements, use it like this:

If you fight an enemy with a "red" element, use "blue" magic attack against it and the enemy will receive a bigger damage compared when you use "green" magic attack.

One more thing, check the elips icon at the upper left corner on your tv. Each time you use an elemental magic, one of the icon part will be filled with the color of the element you used during the battle and if you succesfully fill all the icon part with the same color, the amount damage that you inflict on enemy will be much greater ( with elemental magic of course )

I think that's all. I hope this can help your progress in order to play CC easier.

12-26-2002, 02:29 PM
One of the major rules concerning Elements is:
If you take a new character in your team, never forget to equip him with a neat selection of Elements! It�d be disastrous to enter a battle without any Elements.

Equipping Elements, now....
You can do this in the menu. You can place the Elements of your choice in these slots. There are different levels for the slots. Some Elements can only be put at a certain level.
You can put some in a lower level than recommended, but it�ll make this Element weaker. If you put it in an upper level, its strenth will increase.
(It�ll say "Bushbasher-1", if you put in one level lower, or "Fireball+2", if you put it two level higher)

If you cannot win a battle, it almost always halp to change your Elements. Just try.

Okay, now, in a battle:
The lower levels will be available first. The higher ones will be made available by placing a successful attack on your enemy or successfully using a weaker Element... I think.

12-26-2002, 04:38 PM
Well, screw elements, I say. Just get your characters to level (or star, whatever) 99, then make them all spectral weapons, (except for my man Glenn, who gets the double Einlanzers), and then you can beat even last boss without using elements outside of your levels 3,5, and 7 special attacks!

12-26-2002, 06:31 PM
Since you CANNOT level up properly and won�t reach level 99 when you first play the game, the only key to victory* is: ELEMENTS.

*) and luck

12-28-2002, 02:38 AM
Ok, so if a certain color element gets used three times in a row, the ellipse fills up. What does filling up the ellipse do?

12-28-2002, 03:02 AM
Originally posted by Fujin
Ok, so if a certain color element gets used three times in a row, the ellipse fills up. What does filling up the ellipse do?

Then you should just have a great advantage with the opposing Element (i.e. black against white, red against blue), shouldn't you? o.o;;

Please, correct me if I'm wrong. I'm pretty freaking far into CC, but the Elements still confuse me a little bit..

12-28-2002, 04:49 AM
Then you should just have a great advantage with the opposing Element (i.e. black against white, red against blue), shouldn't you? o.o;;

Please, correct me if I'm wrong. I'm pretty freaking far into CC, but the Elements still confuse me a little bit..
Nope, you're right so don't worry about it. Beside it have a great advantage with the opposing Element, you also allowed to use Lv 8 magic which very powerfull. For example: After the ellipse fills up, use Lv 8 white magic, Saint. An army of angel will come down from the sky and *see it by yourself ^^*

Lv 8 is very rare so use it only when you do really need it.

12-28-2002, 02:02 PM
If I am not totally mistaken, the ellipse being filled with the enemy�s innate colour also enables him/her at times to use his/her best attack... wasn�t this so?
So you better cast some element of another colour quickly.

12-28-2002, 05:17 PM
Filling the field with a certain color of elements, makes ALL of that element cast more powerful, and its opposite weaker. In addition, once the field is a solid color, as Zhuge Liang said, Level 8 spells can be used. There is only ONE level 8 spell per element color, and only people of that alignment can use them. These are commonly referred to as summons, as they summon powerful allies to attack your enemy. Hope that helps!

12-28-2002, 07:19 PM
OK, cool. So right now, since I'm still in the beginning stages of the game, I shouldn't worry too much about it?

Also, how does leveling up in this game work?

12-28-2002, 07:42 PM
Whenever you win a battle, stats will increase. Whenever you win a boss type battle, you will increase 1 star. Every time you get a star, you get a large boost in stats. Unfortunately, once you reach 99 stars, your stats will never increase, so get in lots of normal fights when you can. (i.e. stars are like levels, basically)

12-28-2002, 08:22 PM
OK, thanks. And when it says that certain elements have been used in battle, what does that mean? sometimes I get a message saying "Elements used..." or "Elements used: Cure." Can elements be leveled up or something?

12-28-2002, 08:43 PM
I believe you mean the message in the menu right after a battle that tells you what you�ve found. Well, it asks you if you want to heal your characters using your heal elements, like Cure, or those Tablets.
You can choose between normal Elements and "consumable" Elements, the latter are Elements that you can only use once, that are gone once you�ve used them, like Tablets.
Normal Elements can be used once in a battle, then they get locked until the battle is over; you can use them in later battles.
Consumable Elements are gone once you�ve used them, so you better buy lots of them ;D

Uhhm... Elements cannot be levelled up. I guess.

12-28-2002, 08:54 PM
The things it asks you after battle refers to elements you have equipped that you can still use. If you have a cure element available, and you have a hurt character, you can use the cure so that they heal automatically before the next battle. (I hope thats clear enough :o)

01-08-2003, 12:21 AM
Sorry I don't contain enough information about that game to help you out. But Lock 255 might have some info to help you with that game.