12-24-2002, 01:09 PM
Hello Glastonbury,

Broken Biscuit Productions are a small time Writing/Directing troup� with asparations to get onto BBC Radio 4.

Currently, the only work we've got behind us are 6 scripts for a Star Wars/Spaced sitcom that just did'nt cut the mustard thanks to some ludicrously lazy actors. Although, we did manage to make a trailer which did'nt get into circulation.

The other day, we declared the Star Wars sitcom redundant and have started work on 2 new projects,

1) A completely original ghosthunting sitcom audio drama that was a based upon a script for a planned live action progamme.
2) A Final Fantasy VII Audio Drama based upon the events of the game.

So, here I am, sending out a casting call to all those interested.

At the moment, we're only looking for the key characters to create a few trailers...

Cloud Strife
Aeris Gainsborough
Tifa Lockheart
Barret Wallace
Cid Highwind
Yuffie Kisaragi
Cait Sith
Vincent Valentine
and a Narrator

We're looking to create 3 Trailers by 31/1/03,
Could all applicants please contact me, Rich @ [email protected] or Faldor @ [email protected] either by e-mail or MSN Messenger,
All applicants are expected to have a working mic, natch.

After the three trailers have been created and pitched, we plan on getting a few more actors, Biggs, Wedge, Jessie, Elmyra etc.

Expect to hear from you guys soon,