12-15-2002, 03:08 PM
Two days ago, my family got cable. (I'm not sure how it happened but I believe it may have something to do with our cable modem ISP discovering that we're the only family in America who doesn't have cable and just giving it to us for free because they felt sorry for us :p). So now that I get cartoon network (and probably other channels that have anime) what should I watch? Anyone know where I can find a list of shows and what times/channels they're on? I'm looking for shows that have interesting plots and characters. (From what I've heard, I will probably never be a DBZ fan). I'm new to anime so it's kind of hard to say what kind of anime I like, (I'm an Evangelion fan, if that helps), but generally I like any kind of story that makes you think and/or has a lot of character development. I've heard that Cowboy Bebop is good. Should I try it?

12-15-2002, 05:11 PM
The only channel that I know of that shows anime, excluding channels that show digimon and yugioh cuz the don'y count as anime to me, is Cartoon Network. On Saturday night starting at 11 is Adult Swim on Cartoon Network. It ends at 2 and shows Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Cowboy bebop, Gundam Wing 0083, Moble Suit Gundam, and Outlaw Star. I think that is the line-up, but it might have changed since I don't feel like staying up past 12 every weekend. All except the Gundams are good IMO. Unless you have digital Cable I don't think there is much else, depending on where you live and what channels you get.

12-15-2002, 09:25 PM
Eh, I hate to say it, but Cowboy Bebop is way overrated. As a fan of Evangelion myself, I didn't like Bebop at all. It annoyed me that ppl say that it's the best anime they've ever seen; to me, it belongs at bottom of my long list of mediocre anime. One thingis for sure, Bebop definitely doesn't have that deep theoretical story that you're looking for. You'll probably like "Serial Experiments Lain" better.

12-16-2002, 02:51 AM
Eva is my all time favorite anime, but I still love Bebop. Granted its story isnt deep and psychological and the like, but it still has very identifiable characters that you grow to truly care for. It also has great animation, fantastic music, and it just oozes with style. I'd say it's my 2nd favorite anime. But personally, I don't care for the English language version. However, its still probably one of the better dubs that I've heard. So that'll tell you how I feel about most dubs :P If you have the means, buy/rent the DVDs and watch them in Japanese.

Other CN shows I'd reccomend are Inu Yasha (same thing about the dub though, but if thats all you have access to, than so be it), Trigun (will start showing in mid-January), and Lupin the 3rd (also starting in mid-January).

And if you're going to be getting TechTV, you'll be able to catch Serial Experiments Lain (great if you like deep, psychological anime. Though keep in mind its REEALLY slow), Betterman, Crest of the Stars, Dual, and Silent Mobius. Movies theyre gonna show are Armitage III Polymatrix, Ghost in the Shell, Macross Plus (AWESOME), and Patlabor I. This will all begin on Dec. 30th.

01-01-2003, 09:06 PM
Hey Fujin on Cartoon Network, they show Inuyasha from 11-12 at night and Cowboy Bebop is on after that then. Gundam 0083 and Gundam Wing. Outlaw Star is on very late though 1:30 at night! You will also want to check out Lupin the 3rd on Adult Swim on Saturday in the Early-or Mid Janurary.

On weekdays: Toonami shows Dragonball at 4:00 and 6:00, and DBZ at 4:30 and 6:30. Pokemon and Yu-gi-oh is on at 9-10.

If you get Fox: On early morning Saturdays, Kirby is shown and a Pig in the City anime.

Cartoon Network is the best channel for anime until the Anime Network comes out in all of America!

Simply Bam
01-07-2003, 01:51 PM
Im not sure if you can get the channel CNX in the good old US of A but in the good old UK theres a channel called CNX which has anime and manga shows on 24/7! The good thing is Pokemon is not on it! Hooray!!! ^_^