12-15-2002, 12:23 AM
So, I got the fucking Net back yesterday, enjoying myself, was compelled to write this cause I've been thinking about a lot of shit lately. BTW, for those that didn't know it, I'm now with my Mom in Mass, and depending on how it all works, I should be moving yet again in about a month or so. I live such the exciting life. Fucking Hell.

What is it? What is it about a man, another simple being along lifes path that makes him special to so many? He never sees it, never knows why others find in him what they seem to be lacking, find in him something to relate to, become one with. It is a curious and interesting road one must travel. Why, of all the people born every day is it this person who is to be taken and made a new mold, different. So different he can not even be referred to as a man, or member of humanity. He is only referred to by a name, as if he is some how lifted above all around him. He never understands why, all he can do is question. He was born a simple man, and that is the same way he will die. Inbetween though, it would seem, he is meant to be taken and turned into something different. Fool, lucky, lover, fighter, death and life incarnate. From that mind flows what should not. Who knows why he is this way, why he must be so? There isn't an answer, never will be. It is the way of life, and one must accept and and follow the path choosen for oneself. Just remember you are all that stands between you and fate. Change what you can and accept theres some things you can't. Than, you change them.