11-16-2010, 04:35 PM
With Silent Hill threads being quite popular on here, I beg the question, why not Resident Evil?

Any Resi fans out there? Favourite game? Favourite character? :)

11-16-2010, 04:44 PM
It needs a dog ending.

11-16-2010, 04:55 PM
Johnny, thank you! RE FTW!!! As for favorites, I'm very picky with my RE games. VERY picky. I think my ultimate favorite of the entire series is the Gamecube remake of the original, while RE3 comes in as a close second. Then RE4 and REDeadly Silence for DS are tied at third place; I love the action elements of RE4, but the more polished version of the original on DS is also quite satisfying. Then comes good ol' RE5, a game I thought I hated until I discovered I highly enjoy it (however I dread trying to play it on this computer, as my graphics card is not up to video gaming standard in a modern gaming world. . . .). Lastly comes RE2. RE2, for many reasons, is an awesome game that I've had countless hours of fun, scares, and thrills with, just like the others. However, after seeing all the things that could have come of it (i.e. ideas Capcom scrapped) I'm forced to choose between what the finished product is, and what it could have been. Considering what it could have been appeals to me far more, I find myself a little less favorable toward what we have now. It's fine as is, but a lot of fine implementations Capcom chose not to use could have really amped up the tension level and boosted the scare value, and the same thing could be said for RE4. And on the subject of RE5, a lot of promises were not kept, such as a 'brand new breed of terror' (which instead was replaced with modified versions of the same enemies from RE4) and the sunlight playing tricks on the player's eyes. The game only puts you into areas of bright sunlight for so long before it's on to jungles, caves, swamp-like areas full of angry native tribes, boats at night, underground facilities, and other things that definitely can't make much use of sunlight. Which isn't to say RE5 is by any means bad, I just dislike false advertising and broken promises, no matter how big or small they may be. And as for favorite character . . . Leon. Leon is the god of RE.

11-16-2010, 05:11 PM
From 1 to Code Veronica. Resident Evil was a good franchise...

Resident Evil 4 ruined it everything to me...

My fauvorite RE game is. Resident Evil 2, it's evolution in every sense that game, Plus the storyline is simply the best on the series, the Multi-Layered way of storytelling adds the sense of replayability.
Another Plus is the music, Best Soundtrack in the series too.
Here I talk about it's Music. See for yourselves... (

Best Character?: Ben Bertolucci, appears 2 times & he stoles the scenes, plus he had the best Death in the series.

Leon: Let me guess, you must be Ben, right? Get up, Now!

Ben: What do you want!? I'm trying to sleep here!

Instant win!

11-16-2010, 05:23 PM
OMG I forgot to list Code: Veronica! Yes, what a game that one is. I'd rank it right in there with RE3.

11-16-2010, 05:29 PM
Haha wow, nice excitement CC! :)

My favourite is 4, man, I don't think I like any other action game more than that, it was just perfect. Resident Evil 2 is my second favourite, it scared the shit out of me, and the first, when they came out. Resi 5 was disappointing, they tried too hard I thought, to make it as epic as possible, but it just felt inferior to RE4.

Favourite character? Albert Wesker, I think he is one of the best villains in any media, he is just so badass. I do love Leon in RE4 - he was a major improvement from the ponce he was in RE2.

What do you think of the Chronicles duo? Did you like them?

Dr Faustus
11-16-2010, 05:29 PM
I know it's hated but I really liked 4. In 5.1 in the dark it was great. I admit Ashley was a pain in the ass but I liked the gameplay.

11-16-2010, 08:03 PM
Resident Evil is one my favourite franchises. It's had its ups and downs over the years, but it still maintains a fairly good batting average of quality throughout. I do think its probably had its best days though.

The major storyline has been resolved in RE5, after RE4's completely unrelated side story got us a bit off track. And I just don't where the series can go from here, given that the original creator has moved on, and the major antagonists are all dead or dissolved (Umbrella, Wesker, Sir Spencer etc).

In order of favourite to least favourite, I would rank the games thusly:
1) Resident Evil 1 (Gamecube remake).
2) Resident Evil: Code Veronica.
3) Resident Evil 2.
4) Resident Evil 3.
5) Resident Evil 5.
6) Resident Evil 4.
7) Resident Evil 0.

A lot of people consider RE5 to be an inferior game to RE4. I'd agree that 4 is probably the better game experience, but as a RE game, it sucked. It had no relevance to the main story at all, Umbrella were beaten off screen and only mentioned in the first couple of seconds, Leon was completely changed into a James Bond kind of guy complete with awful quips, and the game squandered a great first section by becoming utterly absurd (giant walking statues, jumping monks with rocket launchers etc).

Horror only works when it feels real. As crazy as Code Veronica got, it still felt like it could happen, RE4 did not.

11-16-2010, 08:33 PM
Code Veronica was pretty average to me, the gameplay it's one of the most annoying ones in the whole turret control system, the moving cameras were ungodly awkward. I've prefered the old fixed-cameras...
The Storyline... was just Okay to me, It was refreshing to play with Claire again, but then, what's with the whole Steve business...
Can't tell much of Chris's Scenario, it was pretty forgettable.
Also I felt that CV was a kinda rip-off of Parasite Eve in certain aspects...
Code Veronica it's the same as SH4: The Room IMO... A decent storyline, but with ungodly awkard controls...

3 is the most fun of all the series to me, in terms of controls, difficulty & gameplay. Though the storyline of 3 wasn't good IMO, the whole before & after 2 got the timeline & events stuff screwed...
Also talking about extra content, The Mercenaries is the most fun thing ever in RE...

11-16-2010, 09:10 PM
There honestly has not been a single RE game I've played that I've hated. Bad lines and all, I liked 1, 2 was the one I spent the MOST time on, 3 was pretty intense once I got the hang of it(primarily juking and using the dodge command), and 4 was pretty fun as well. 5 I'm still on the fence about. I've got a serious issue with games that have more than one or two critters that can OHKO you(Reaper, Chainsaw Majini, Duvalia, etc).

I still would like a return to tank controls, though. I honestly don't understand the hate for them or the camera angles, as they MADE the original games scarier than they've been lately. I know I'm not the only one who would line up a shot offscreen if I heard a zombie moan or the 'tic tac' of doggy nails. CV handled the camera issue best, what with a moving camera that would follow you instead of cutting to a new position like in the older ones.

Now, for low points of the series: RE1 has aged horribly. In all honesty, the only thing I continue to like about it is the live action 'intro sequences' from the beginning(partly because Jill and Rebecca REALLY got my interest, lol). Great standard setter, but doesn't really hold up today...especially since the Gamecube remake. I mean, WOW! For the first time(and this was after I'd finished RE4 that I got to it), I was actually scared to continue at several points in the game. The puzzles were tricky to figure out(took me a while to figure out how to get the mansion keys), and with two surprises in store for you(gawd help you if you didn't burn zombie bodies...), you always got a bit of a jump just about every time you play.

My main concern with RE2, despite the love it gets from a lot of people, is the ridiculously simple puzzles that were in it. I mean, seriously? Aside from the unicorn emblem(don't laugh, it took me a while to figure it out), the rest of them were...well, if there was a level beyond easy, they'd probably be past that. And the fuse puzzle was just absolutely insulting! But I digress...

Resident 3...well, that did a lot right, and then some. Nemesis could really put the screws to you, whether you chose to fight him or not. The mind-numbingly easy puzzles from RE2 were removed in favor of some slightly difficult ones, and a branching decision tree was a well implemented idea by Capcom. Never was able to really get TOO into the ammo generation system, but it seems as though it had a great deal of potential(I think I was still hung up on the old school 'pick up ammo where you can find it').

Code Veronica struck me as difficult. Everyone always tells me what I already know, "Don't kill all the zombies". But it doesn't help if the zombies I DO feel I have to kill take 10 shots apiece(probably exaggerating, but you see my point). Never was a big fan of the knife(though I started using it regularly against the dogs once I knocked them down with a bullet) either. But I enjoyed the story, the puzzles, and the weapons variety, though the voices tend to grate on my ears(especially Wesker...dear gawd, did he ALWAYS sound that corny?!?).

4 and 5 seemed to have followed the same basic path, though I wish they'd kept 4's shop system for 5. The game is FAR too easy to break otherwise. Beyond that...well, not too much to complain about, aside from the fact that they've again stuck to simple puzzles(I especially wish they had kept the system of combining treasures...all told, that was fun).

But while on the subject of RE4...Vrykolas and topopoz, do you think RE4 would have been better like this?

Resident Evil 4 beta (

11-16-2010, 09:41 PM
The Gamecube Remake is and will probably always be the best for me. They just got so much RIGHT with the (for lack of a better, less overwrought term) atmosphere. I've also played Code Veronica X and 0. Veronica X stood the test, as even TODAY thinking about actually being in that prison camp barracks on the island gives me complete pause. Resident Evil 0 was one big long "MMMMMMEEEEEHH.", though.

11-16-2010, 10:01 PM
The Alone In the Dark Resident Evil?
I watched that footage long time ago...
It would made the ride more intriguing & less stupid... I wouldn't have it scrapped, I would use that material for a whole different franchise. With a different name & with a character with a different name as well, I hit someone in the face if they tell me that RE4 is the same Leon of 2, because to me, it felt like you were playing Dante(Devil May Cry) the Action Survival Horror.
Or Resident May Cry if you like it better...
I fucking hate this game... YES 5 WAS A LOT BETTER...
Oh well, I guess that being that bad of a game it's great to make fun of it.

YouTube - Resident Awesome 4 (

YouTube - Resident Evil 4 - Alternate and Secret Ending (

I disagree about code Veronica Handling the cameras, the cemetary was SHEER PAIN!, you couldn't get to dodge the zombies well, because when the camera moved, you didn't know that there was another zombie waiting for you 3 steps ahead of you. It reminded me of MGS3 cameras at the jungle...

About the Puzzles of 2... Well Resident Evil was never about Puzzling IMO... Get your hands on any Silent Hill or Alone in The Dark & you will found puzzles that are much clever...

11-16-2010, 10:03 PM
I always found a weirdness with how they portrayed Rebecca Chambers in RE: Remake and RE0. In RE0, she was more tough and didn't seem too scared at the stuff going on around the train, training compound, etc. However, in the RE Remake, the make her seem like she's a frighten girl who can barely handle a weapon.

I understand that RE Remake came out before RE0, but they should have done something to make her character more consistent in the games.

11-17-2010, 12:00 AM
well, in rebirth, rebecca is very calm and reserved, and doesnt show that much sadness when she finds half her friends dead... and no wonder, after all she went trough a day before.
then again, when shes attacked by the hunter shes scared shitless. but thats probably because she didnt have any ammo or had no way of defending herself.

as for me, im a diehard RE fan, and i have played ALL (but not owned) RE games, including gaiden and the official cellphone games.

my favorite character is, obviosuly, rebecca because her, like yuffie and wynona ryder, are the embodiment of my dream girl in physical terms.
my favorite RE? hard to say.. 2 is my numbr 1, but i also like 5, because its the conclusion to the chris-albert conflict.

11-17-2010, 01:48 AM
In RE0, she's trying to be tough, because she has a team to look out for (she's the medic after all), and to prove to them and especially Enrico (who is a kind of father figure to her) that she can cut it in STARS.

RE0 has a good start, but it falls apart when you get to the main base. The story is pretty thin and the whole 'leeches that can turn into humans' is a bit too out there to be believeable.

And basically, the game feels lacking in ideas, like they were just keeping the series ticking over. It was about this time that many fans started to say 'Look, are we ever going to get to stick it to Umbrella, like you keep promising?'

And then RE4 came out, and the answer was No. What a kick in the teeth that was...

I didn't hate RE4, but I find it very hard to consider it a proper installment in the series. The story is so silly, particularly from Salazar's castle onwards. The last third of the game feels like Final Fight - gangs of thugs coming at you with clubs and bats, and there's even a boss that looks like Rolento!

All they needed was Mike Hagger to show up and the resemblence would have been perfect. And yes, RE5 has elements of that too, but it fits naturally into the story and atmosphere of that game. The only bits that don't fit in RE5 are the 'Lost city of the incas' bit which is just daft, and the final bit with the volcano. I also really don't like what they do with Jill in the game either.

But on the whole, I enjoyed RE5 very much, and it actually felt like a RE game, which makes all the differance.

With RE4, I would have liked them to cut out the really wacky stuff in Salazar's castle, make it more menacing, and just keep the atmosphere of the first section in the Ganado village (because apart from the El Gigantes, that section is very good). The main boss should have been Ozwell Spencer as well, not that Saddler fool. Spencer was the obvious choice and would have tied the game into the main story (because he created Umbrella).

And I loved Code Veronica, because it was so gleefully insane (but still believeable, unlike RE4's frequent lapses into utter absurdity). I really liked the way it was a battle of two sets of twins. The two younger siblings Claire and Alfred battling it out before the real heavy hitting elder siblings Chris and Alexia show up to finish the fight. Great stuff.

Anyway, that's what I think.

Oh, and I forgot to say my favourite character. That's quite hard actually, but I'd probably say Jill Valentine.

11-17-2010, 05:08 AM
I really only play 4 and 5, since they have a camera that works with the controls, as opposed to all those that came before.

I guess Chris, since my love for 5 far eclipsed my initial love for 4.

11-17-2010, 06:00 AM
The Alone In the Dark Resident Evil?
I watched that footage long time ago...
It would made the ride more intriguing & less stupid... I wouldn't have it scrapped, I would use that material for a whole different franchise. With a different name & with a character with a different name as well, I hit someone in the face if they tell me that RE4 is the same Leon of 2, because to me, it felt like you were playing Dante(Devil May Cry) the Action Survival Horror.
Or Resident May Cry if you like it better...
I fucking hate this game... YES 5 WAS A LOT BETTER...
Oh well, I guess that being that bad of a game it's great to make fun of it.

YouTube - Resident Awesome 4 (

YouTube - Resident Evil 4 - Alternate and Secret Ending (

I disagree about code Veronica Handling the cameras, the cemetary was SHEER PAIN!, you couldn't get to dodge the zombies well, because when the camera moved, you didn't know that there was another zombie waiting for you 3 steps ahead of you. It reminded me of MGS3 cameras at the jungle...

About the Puzzles of 2... Well Resident Evil was never about Puzzling IMO... Get your hands on any Silent Hill or Alone in The Dark & you will found puzzles that are much clever...

Okay, taking it from the top:

I'm inclined to agree/disagree with you on the trailer thoughts(that it would have made it less stupid). I showed the trailer to a friend thinking the same thing(that it was superior to the final product), and he pointed out that RE has always been about bioweapons of some sort. As far as I know, we never did get a story for this beta version, but looking at it...ghosts? Devil dolls? Alternate dimensions(at least, I THINK that's what the shifting of the screen meant)? Cool? Most definitely. Resident Evil? Not in the slightest.

Leon's sudden maturity did jar me a little bit, but we're forgetting two things: 1)It's been six years since Raccoon City, so hopefully, he's matured, and 2)He's been working for the government for at least a large portion of that time. I haven't finished Darkside Chronicles for the Wii yet, so there might be more explanations as to his 'manning up' as well in there. It's worth noting that he's shown to be a lot more cavalier/focused in DC's flashback to Resident 2, as well.

Code Veronica...yeah, I have to agree with you on the cemetery. But that's been the case for ALL of the early RE's, as well as REmake. I can't begin to count the number of times I'd hear a zombie, but see nothing, and think, "I'm gonna get grabbed and bitten as soon as the camera switches/I get to the end of this hallway...*grab*YEP!" And that's just one area too...I never noticed a major problem with the camera beyond that one section, which you only had to travel through twice at most.

Again, I have to beg to differ with you, sir. I agree with your assessment that RE has never been about puzzling, but after the puzzles that required some effort(even if it was just finding the last door for your helmet key, or finding a way to unlock the cell door for your companion), RE2's puzzles were, you must admit, insulting. Get explosive, mention that I need detonator to clear wreckage, get detonator, combine. Get two stones and two halves, combine halves for third stone. Search for fuse case less than a foot away. I'm not looking for difficult puzzles(shoot, I LIKE 4 and 5, and they have next to no puzzles!), but I'd rather have no puzzles than have my intelligence insulted like that.

And as a final note...I always have Silent Hill's riddle level set to hard. The Shakespeare puzzle in 3 was WICKED!

11-17-2010, 07:18 AM
I'm inclined to agree/disagree with you on the trailer thoughts(that it would have made it less stupid). I showed the trailer to a friend thinking the same thing(that it was superior to the final product), and he pointed out that RE has always been about bioweapons of some sort. As far as I know, we never did get a story for this beta version, but looking at it...ghosts? Devil dolls? Alternate dimensions(at least, I THINK that's what the shifting of the screen meant)? Cool? Most definitely. Resident Evil? Not in the slightest.
That's why I've said "Alone in the Dark Resident Evil", you have to admit though that the final RE4 thing wasn't very Resident Evilish...

Leon's sudden maturity did jar me a little bit, but we're forgetting two things: 1)It's been six years since Raccoon City, so hopefully, he's matured, and 2)He's been working for the government for at least a large portion of that time. I haven't finished Darkside Chronicles for the Wii yet, so there might be more explanations as to his 'manning up' as well in there. It's worth noting that he's shown to be a lot more cavalier/focused in DC's flashback to Resident 2, as well.
I see where you are going but still no...

No, it wasn't maturity, it was INMaturity... Leon from 2 was more down to earth, I will quote something here...

Michael Westen: "No matter how much training you have, a broken rib is a broken rib"
What I mean't here is that, Resident Evil always showed a little sense of reality & Survival Instinct from the characters.

Leon: "Monsters, after this one, there will be one less in the world."

No matter how much training you have, you will never say something like that in front of an abomination unless you have a Nuke.
Nothing was left from the original character.

Code Veronica...yeah, I have to agree with you on the cemetery. But that's been the case for ALL of the early RE's, as well as REmake. I can't begin to count the number of times I'd hear a zombie, but see nothing, and think, "I'm gonna get grabbed and bitten as soon as the camera switches/I get to the end of this hallway...*grab*YEP!" And that's just one area too...I never noticed a major problem with the camera beyond that one section, which you only had to travel through twice at most.
Well that was an early example, but there's many places in CV that the camera literally fucks you better compared to the previous titles, the first encounter with Tyrant being on of the most Triumphant examples, or any fight against those Yellow Monster Dhalsim xD.

Again, I have to beg to differ with you, sir. I agree with your assessment that RE has never been about puzzling, but after the puzzles that required some effort(even if it was just finding the last door for your helmet key, or finding a way to unlock the cell door for your companion), RE2's puzzles were, you must admit, insulting. Get explosive, mention that I need detonator to clear wreckage, get detonator, combine. Get two stones and two halves, combine halves for third stone. Search for fuse case less than a foot away. I'm not looking for difficult puzzles(shoot, I LIKE 4 and 5, and they have next to no puzzles!), but I'd rather have no puzzles than have my intelligence insulted like that.

And as a final note...I always have Silent Hill's riddle level set to hard. The Shakespeare puzzle in 3 was WICKED!

I will admit it that, but then again I still hold my statement, I never play a RE game because of the puzzles, they never add something really good to game experience IMO, RE3 got really annoying because of that obnoxiously boring water sample puzzle, NOW THAT was fucking insulting, I wanted to have 1 on 1 last stand with Nemesis, but this shit kept me occupied for hours.
In RE2 they never were puzzles besides, it's more about treasure hunting. So there's no insulting to me at least.

Yeah, the Shakespeare puzzle on hard was just a Masterpiece!

11-17-2010, 07:17 PM
RE4 did take a turn against the survivor horror genre, but can you blame them? Survival Horror isn't the same anymore, it's too predictable. Have you seen the pre RE4 demos? With the evil dolls? That was not Resident Evil, much less than RE4 was when it was released. It was Silent Hill. There's not much Capcom could have done IMO, apart from put a twist to the genre.

RE5 hasn't done anything RE4 did, apart from make it multiplayer. So I don't understand why someone can like RE5 more than RE4, unless it's for the multiplayer elements.

11-17-2010, 07:21 PM
It has Wesker going on a fantastic diatribe about natural selection, and I ended up preferring Africa to Spain.


Multiplayer is fun, don't get me wrong. Allen & Ari, represent~<3

11-17-2010, 07:28 PM
True, Wesker owns Resi 5, he is just truly magnificent. Good point.

11-18-2010, 01:22 AM
I agree with Top that Leon is in fact more immature in RE4. They turned him from a proper character into a James Bond, muscled up action hero. Like the series really needed another one!

And RE5's story actually dealt with the main RE storyline (STARS, Wesker, Umbrella etc). The situations and villains were sensible and suited the atmosphere of the franchise (i.e realistic, but needing you to buy into the whole biological weaponry and what it does to people angle).

And yes, I can blame them for abadoning survival horror, because that is what RE is. We don't need any more straight action franchises - we have plenty enough as it is! Would you like it if the next Final Fantasy was a driving game, or the next Mass Effect was a SimCity clone?

11-18-2010, 02:28 AM
No, actually you can't blame them. People were getting sick of the same formula they had been using for games pre-RE4. They made a great move changing the mechanics to what it was in RE4. There was a reason why it was the best game of the year around the time it came out. It saved the series.

11-18-2010, 02:34 AM
I agree with Top that Leon is in fact more immature in RE4. They turned him from a proper character into a James Bond, muscled up action hero. Like the series really needed another one!

And RE5's story actually dealt with the main RE storyline (STARS, Wesker, Umbrella etc). The situations and villains were sensible and suited the atmosphere of the franchise (i.e realistic, but needing you to buy into the whole biological weaponry and what it does to people angle).

And yes, I can blame them for abadoning survival horror, because that is what RE is. We don't need any more straight action franchises - we have plenty enough as it is! Would you like it if the next Final Fantasy was a driving game, or the next Mass Effect was a SimCity clone?

Hi five!

lol at the Mass Effect SimCity clone XD

EDIT: Agi, RE4 was game of the Year only because of the new Aim mechanic, not because the game was good.

11-18-2010, 05:26 AM
Oh, get off your high horse - I already said I thought RE4 was a fine game in and of itself. What more do you want?

They wanted big sales, and so they made it more of an action game, simple as that. Great for them, great for the mainstream, lame for the horror fans who had been loyal to the series.

RE built its fame on horror, that's what hooked us in. Toning down the horror and putting in hokey stories like 'The President's daughter has been kidnapped...'

Oh man...

It was a slap in the face, and it left plenty of fans saying 'Hey, if you want to make a game like this, then knock yourselves out - just leave Resident Evil out of it!'

(High 5's Top, tagging him in, before sneaking around and nailing Arigetsu with the metal chair.)

11-18-2010, 05:29 AM
EDIT: Agi, RE4 was game of the Year only because of the new Aim mechanic, not because the game was good.

After doing some research, this claim is accurate, but I still don't understand how the other aspects of the game don't make it a good game. I know you mentioned something about Leon's character... but what do you expect after 6 or so years... a person is not going to act exactly the same after that much time. If he was trained by the government, he's going to have a totally different outlook on life and scenarios. Anyway, I can respect your stance on the change though. We may disagree, but at least our love for RE is constant. :)

As for Vyr, don't act like a douche.

11-18-2010, 05:37 AM
It was a joke, don't take everything so seriously.

My point was simply that I do think Resident Evil 4 was good, but I'd rather it not have been a Resident Evil game, given the butchery to RE's ongoing story and the liberties they took with characters. (Leon trains up with the government, apparently learning that silly quips and swaggering are the ideal way to increase your survival odds?)

Is it wrong for a fan to be protective of a franchise he loves? Have you never had a band you loved, change their sound to a more commericial one to sell more records?

And besides, I thought RE5 got things generally back on track, so all's well as far as I'm concerned.

11-18-2010, 06:29 AM
Well then...

RE4 was Game of The Year because of the New Aiming Mechanic, not because the game was good or bad...


I already talked about the Leon Stuff so there isn't much point on expanding my argument.
Hi five Vry again! xD

Also I've just finished watching Chris Playthrough of the Remake, I liked some stuff, but it turned to be pretty dense & I expected more changes regarding the Script.

Tomorrow I may watch Jill's.

Yeah, our love for RE is pretty constant.

11-18-2010, 10:53 AM
Hi five!

lol at the Mass Effect SimCity clone XD

EDIT: Agi, RE4 was game of the Year only because of the new Aim mechanic, not because the game was good.

I thoroughly disagree that RE4 was game of the year because of one mechanic, it was everything about the game that was good, from the storyline to the action.

11-18-2010, 02:00 PM
I thoroughly disagree that RE4 was game of the year because of one mechanic, it was everything about the game that was good, from the storyline to the action.

Storyline...? :facepalm:

11-18-2010, 02:43 PM
I see where you are going but still no...

No, it wasn't maturity, it was INMaturity... Leon from 2 was more down to earth, I will quote something here...

Michael Westen: "No matter how much training you have, a broken rib is a broken rib"
What I mean here is that, Resident Evil always showed a little sense of reality & Survival Instinct from the characters.

Leon: "Monsters, after this one, there will be one less in the world."

No matter how much training you have, you will never say something like that in front of an abomination unless you have a Nuke.
Nothing was left from the original character.
Well that was an early example, but there's many places in CV that the camera literally fucks you better compared to the previous titles, the first encounter with Tyrant being on of the most Triumphant examples, or any fight against those Yellow Monster Dhalsim xD.

Okay, top(and by extension Vry), I'm interfering in the match!:D lol

Seriously? You think that Leon's comment was immature? Aaannnddd...him saying "Game Over" at the end of RE2 was fine? What about Claire's "You LOSE, big guy!"? Maybe it's just me, but I don't recall that they had nukes in hand either(I know you were just making a random comment there, though). Granted, they DID have a rocket launcher both times, as opposed to Leon's comment in RE4, but again, training...Leon probably honestly felt he did not need a rocket launcher to finish this monster off. Also, what Leon said was true: after he killed Salazar, there WAS one less monster in the world. And as far as survival instinct, well...the only thing I can grant you on that is the whole scrounging for health and ammo part from 1-Code Veronica. I fully admit that I did NOT care for enemies to disintegrate into boatloads of ammo for my weapons in 4 and 5(not saying I didn't take advantage, just didn't care for it). Still, I do not believe Leon's character is worthy of ALL the critiquing you guys are heaping on him.

As for the other half, 'Yellow Dhalsim guys', huh? That works as well as Bandersnatches(their official name). I won't argue on them...I think the guys who say they can consistently dodge those m-fers are lying, because I always get slapped around, so I just unload on them every time. And which encounter with Tyrant were you referring to? The first one where you're cornered on the walkway, or in the plane? I honestly never noticed the camera giving me trouble, but then, I always had my strongest weapons ready to f him up.

11-18-2010, 03:13 PM
Storyline...? :facepalm:

Yes, I like the storyline for Resi 4. I like the idea of Leon working for the president and going to Spain. I think it was good, I also found the interactions he had with Ada and Luis were good. I also liked the Las Plagas virus, it's probably my favourite one, seeing Leon being surrounded by all these Ganados was very good to watch. A storyline doesn't have to be Final Fantasy epic to be enjoyable, that's something that Resident Evil have always done.

Also, just because you disagree with my opinion, it doesn't mean I'm wrong.

11-18-2010, 04:58 PM
Seriously? You think that Leon's comment was immature? Aaannnddd...him saying "Game Over" at the end of RE2 was fine? What about Claire's "You LOSE, big guy!"? Maybe it's just me, but I don't recall that they had nukes in hand either(I know you were just making a random comment there, though). Granted, they DID have a rocket launcher both times, as opposed to Leon's comment in RE4, but again, training...Leon probably honestly felt he did not need a rocket launcher to finish this monster off. Also, what Leon said was true: after he killed Salazar, there WAS one less monster in the world. And as far as survival instinct, well...the only thing I can grant you on that is the whole scrounging for health and ammo part from 1-Code Veronica. I fully admit that I did NOT care for enemies to disintegrate into boatloads of ammo for my weapons in 4 and 5(not saying I didn't take advantage, just didn't care for it). Still, I do not believe Leon's character is worthy of ALL the critiquing you guys are heaping on him.

You've said it Rocket Launcher... "Game Over" was a great One Liner also & a lot less arrogant.
In that conditions I don't have any issue, It's like If I had the best weapon & I'm a against a creature that I'm sure that can be killed with the named gun I would say something like "FUCK YOU SOB!" *shoots*.

Kamiya eventually rewrote the story to be set in a world full of demons and changed the hero's name to "Dante". The cast of characters remained largely identical to that in Sugimura's scenario, although the hero's mother and his father, the latter an early version of Umbrella founder Lord Spencer,were written out of the story. The game's new title was revealed as Devil May Cry in November 2000.

That figures why Leon wasn't Leon.

As for the other half, 'Yellow Dhalsim guys', huh? That works as well as Bandersnatches(their official name). I won't argue on them...I think the guys who say they can consistently dodge those m-fers are lying, because I always get slapped around, so I just unload on them every time. And which encounter with Tyrant were you referring to? The first one where you're cornered on the walkway, or in the plane? I honestly never noticed the camera giving me trouble, but then, I always had my strongest weapons ready to f him up.

Yellow Monster Dhalsim is a great Name & more Memorable. xD
The first part of Tyrant I was refering, The walkway with the FIRE! xD

Yes, I like the storyline for Resi 4. I like the idea of Leon working for the president and going to Spain. I think it was good, I also found the interactions he had with Ada and Luis were good. I also liked the Las Plagas virus, it's probably my favourite one, seeing Leon being surrounded by all these Ganados was very good to watch. A storyline doesn't have to be Final Fantasy epic to be enjoyable, that's something that Resident Evil have always done.

Final Fantasy epic huh? & throw MGS to the Blender too... Let's give it a closer look...

Evil Wizard Go KILL! = Salazar
GO SAVE THE PRINCESS! = The President's Daughter
Item Shop = The guy that sells stuff
Yuffie (Worst Ninja Ever) = Ada (Worst Spy Ever) (
Castles & Stuff = I don't need to explain this.
Codec Conversations = I don't need to explain this too.
Goverment Puppet(Solid Snake) = Leon (with stupid Dante Personality)
Mei Ling = Ingrid Hunnigan
Ocelot's Wannabe = Krauser

Also I wonder if the developers know what Ganados really means?...

Also, just because you disagree with my opinion, it doesn't mean I'm wrong.

I've never said you were wrong or right...

11-18-2010, 11:25 PM
No but you were quite disrespectful of my comment saying I liked the storyline of Resi 4. Good comparisons by the way, but you can always stretch that back to the eighties with most games. It's how stories work.

11-28-2010, 05:39 PM
So I watched Jill's Playthrough yesterday of the Remake...

Um... I expected something better... I mean A LOT BETTER...

But yeah, let me give you some details...

In general as a remake, it's truly faithful to the original, the graphics & sound are 10/10, gameplay... sigh, The Zombies are more powerful than the Hunters that's all I need to say...
Script, this is where the I wanted to see some big major changes, but they weren't unfortunately...
Sure, they added more seriousness to the thing, but the reactions of the characters & the dialogues are as surreal as the original, only that the voice acting is okay here (EXCEPT FOR REBBECA KILL THAT BITCH!), so it isn't even funny anymore...

The new additions I loved them, the Mansion looks like a mansion now & the best part of the new additions In my Opinion is the Lisa & George Trevor subplot.

I wouldn't say that it was better than the original, the poor acting & memorable quotes of the Original added good things to the experience to me, plus it did a lot of stuff by the time that it was released comparing it to it's 2002 rehash.

Still the game is fine so my rank of RE games would be in this order...

1- Resident Evil 2 - Because it's awesome & love it
2- Resident Evil Original - Because I have respect for the first timers & the expansion of the Genre
3- Resident Evil 3 - Because it's a really fun game for itself
4- Resident Evil Code Veronica - Because of it has some memorable parts & it's refreshing to play as Claire
5- Resident Evil Remake - Because of the New Additions only
6- Resident Evil 5 - Because it concludes the main plot
7- Resident Evil 4 - Because it sucks but it added a new Mechanic that it's legacy for all TPS
8- Resident Evil 0 - Because it sucks & that's it.

Honorable Spin-Off Mention: Resident Evil Survivor, this game was a weird take on the series, action packed, fun to play, it needed more work on the characters & the plot, but I warmly remember it because of the Mr X. Rush. =D

11-28-2010, 07:23 PM
you have automatically lost any credibility after saying you liked the claire part of code veronica.
anyone who knows anything regarding that game knows claires part was the most boring parts of RE history.

11-28-2010, 07:30 PM
Why should I lost any credibility?
I liked to play with the character again, that's it, I've never said that her part was boring or fun, I just like the character I liked that Capcom gave us the chance.
Though I agree with you, her part is pretty boring, but it had some decent puzzles & the scenery is good.
Chris's part of the game wasn't that brilliant either... Turn Chris into a female character & it would be easily a Parasite Eve rip-off for the most part...

11-28-2010, 07:37 PM
RE4 was the game that got me into the games to begin with. I thought it was really suspenseful and tense. Afterward I played 3 and liked it a lot but I guess the series has really changed between those two.

11-28-2010, 07:41 PM
For suspense you should go for the Resident Evil Original & Remake, Resident Evil 2 & a little bit of Code Veronica those are the most suspenseful of all the series IMO.

11-28-2010, 11:49 PM
I like your review there, topo :) For me personally, RE's remake is the most definitive part of the entire series. It, combined with RE3, are my two undeniable favorites. They both just hold so many memorable moments for me. It might not've helped that I played 3 before 2 . . . but either way, 2 just doesn't touch me the way 3 and the remake do. For a long time I honestly wanted to see them remake 2 and 3 in the same nerve as the original, but honestly, I think they're perfect the way they are. 2 is creepy as frick because sometimes just certain camera angles keep you on the edge of your seat, wondering what's gonna happen next. 3 is less creepy but just packed with intense action and really hits home. 4 will also always be a favorite, because it's been quite the memorable game as well. 5? Well, my initial disappointments with 5 were extinguished once I bought the game for myself and really focused, but it still isn't nearly as memorable, nor does the conclusion seem as epic as the ending of the RESIDENT EVIL series should be. And Code Veronica, meh. It's not terrible, but I never got into it as much.

11-29-2010, 12:03 AM
About RE2 being scary, a friend of mine once told me that he literally throwed the Gamepad away when the hands of the zombies come out of the blockade window on the hallway. xD
Talk about Scary jumps! xD

What I like about RE3 personally is it's challenging gameplay, you have countless 1 on 1 fights with Nemesis, that you can try a many ways to kill the guy or being killed xD.
Plus the Mercenaries Mini-Game is the best one of all the series IMO.

11-29-2010, 12:10 AM
Yes, yes, YES!!! The Mercenaries is incredible!!! I've completed it with perfect scores on every character, gotten every bonus item, and the whole game is a cakewalk for me now :D Fun times ^^. And RE2 . . . wow. I recall first seeing poor Marvin Branagh stand up and morph into a zombie right before my eyes - alone, roughly 11 years old, in my dark house waiting for my parents to get home from work. I tell ya man, never had I been so frightened. I paused the game and couldn't even be bothered to try and unpause it for at least ten minutes. Then when I finally did work up the courage, I just backed out of there and ran, saved my game, and didn't play it for about a week, LOL!

11-29-2010, 12:15 AM
Yeah, I had my good scare with Marvin mighty morphin zombie ranger XD
But the SOB that always scared me was the Implacable Mr.X, when you come across him the first time, 3 good hits & you're dead & then you beat the guy barely you crossed the door, then you see the animation of him getting up like nothing happened. I was like "NONONO FUCK NO!!!!" I run 3 screens because I thought the guy was following me.
I couldn't picked up the game for a long time as well because of that. LOL! XD HAHAHAH

11-29-2010, 12:19 AM
mercenaries in re4/5 is better.
i CANT let a day pass that i do not recieve my daily dosis of senseless violence. or else i would DIE.

11-29-2010, 12:25 AM
Yeah, I had my good scare with Marvin mighty morphin zombie ranger XD
But the SOB that always scared me was the Implacable Mr.X, when you come across him the first time, 3 good hits & you're dead & then you beat the guy barely you crossed the door, then you see the animation of him getting up like nothing happened. I was like "NONONO FUCK NO!!!!" I run 3 screens because I thought the guy was following me.
I couldn't picked up the game for a long time as well because of that. LOL! XD HAHAHAH

LMAO 'Mighty Morphin Zombie Ranger', HAHA! Nice! :laugh:

Mr. X frightened me the most on two occasions; once when he came bursting through the wall of that one room where you have to light the candles in a certain order (and I don't recall the item you earned from that puzzle, but I digress) and then again when he became the big badass Tyrant at the end. He falls into that big . . . thing, of . . . stuff, and just seeing that claw come shooting out of it sent a chill down my spine. Then seeing him again all toxically changed . . . nightmare material right there if I ever saw it.

mercenaries in re4/5 is better.
i CANT let a day pass that i do not recieve my daily dosis of senseless violence. or else i would DIE.

I can attest to the one in 4 being about as good as 3's, but 5's just doesn't do it for me for whatever reason. Nothing beats some tactical maneuvering to take down a giant double-bladed chainsaw Ganado with Wesker and his silenced pistol :)

11-29-2010, 12:27 AM
The Handcannon!!! that gun was awesome... RE5 felt a bit lazy to me, the setting was all controversial, maybe im more of a fan of the old horror style of the classic Resident Evils, but then the action aspect of the new games made killing zombies alot more fun!

11-29-2010, 12:29 AM
There are no zombies in 4 or 5.

11-29-2010, 01:22 AM
but in 5, i can play as excella and rebecca! my two favorite RE characters EVER.

11-29-2010, 01:25 AM
What is there to Excella besides bewbs? She's dumb as hell (who would trust Wesker, seriously?--that's why this isn't even a spoiler :smrt:).

11-29-2010, 01:27 AM
LOL Neg, I think they both took Corny Villain lessons in between Code Veronica and 5 :D

11-29-2010, 01:30 AM
well, her looks are astounding. her legs are delicious, and her hair (concept art with her hair loose) is GORGEOUS.
if i met a woman like that in real life, i will honestly rape her on site (later plea for insanity caused by drugs from that coffee i drank).
and her lips.... JESUS HAVING HOT ANAL SEX WITH CHRIST, i would lipstick her lips with my dick. im sure it will feel like fucking a thousand nonbleeding virgins at the same time..

11-29-2010, 01:31 AM
It's not often people win arguments for me.

11-29-2010, 01:33 AM
well, her looks are astounding. her legs are delicious, and her hair (concept art with her hair loose) is GORGEOUS.
if i met a woman like that in real life, i will honestly rape her on site (later plea for insanity caused by drugs from that coffee i drank).
and her lips.... JESUS HAVING HOT ANAL SEX WITH CHRIST, i would lipstick her lips with my dick. im sure it will feel like fucking a thousand nonbleeding virgins at the same time..

A higher level of pure honesty has never once been achieved by any other soul on earth. I commend ye, brother.

11-29-2010, 11:55 AM
LMAO 'Mighty Morphin Zombie Ranger', HAHA! Nice! :laugh:

Mr. X frightened me the most on two occasions; once when he came bursting through the wall of that one room where you have to light the candles in a certain order (and I don't recall the item you earned from that puzzle, but I digress) and then again when he became the big badass Tyrant at the end. He falls into that big . . . thing, of . . . stuff, and just seeing that claw come shooting out of it sent a chill down my spine. Then seeing him again all toxically changed . . . nightmare material right there if I ever saw it.

Man Tyrant bursting through the wall in the room with the candles, that's the scariest moment I've ever had in a video game, I was so shit scared when I saw that! I was about, 11 at the time, I never expected it, it was one of the best scares the Resi series has done. I don't know why, but I didn't expect him to do it on the other side either and got another scare!

As for the item, you have to get the cog that goes in the roof of the building where the shoot to the basement is.

11-29-2010, 12:07 PM
Man Tyrant bursting through the wall in the room with the candles, that's the scariest moment I've ever had in a video game, I was so shit scared when I saw that! I was about, 11 at the time, I never expected it, it was one of the best scares the Resi series has done. I don't know why, but I didn't expect him to do it on the other side either and got another scare!

What about when he jumps to the 3rd floor to f*** you up after you use the item!? This is Claire's Scenario only...

11-29-2010, 12:24 PM
Yeah that's pretty scary too, what about the CCTV before the lab? *cries* Man, they really hit the ball with Tyrant/Mr. X in Resi 2.

11-29-2010, 12:28 PM
LOL I forgotted about the Camera CrasH! XD

*mmm a camera, TYRANT SMASH* *lose signal* xD

11-29-2010, 01:16 PM
topopoz & Johnny - Both of you guys are kind of missing something else, though...when he smashes through the wall MERE SECONDS after you knock out/elude him in the press room with the candles! First time that happened to me, I freaked, 'cause I thought I had a considerable bit of time before I needed to worry about him again...NOPE!

Oh, and top...just as a side note, I think REmake was the 'lots better' game you were expecting. Maybe it's because I don't own it myself, only played it twice(once each for Jill and Chris), but I don't have the level of fondness that you and many others do for the original RE. When I played REmake, it was absolutely beautiful, particularly in how it actually scared me at points into taking a break(those double doors under the main stairway were my first scare...Crimson Heads, my second). But whatever...opinions, man.

11-29-2010, 03:52 PM
I kinda understand you man, I mean it is better than the original, we could say that because it made it more serious & less funny, hence more scary, as it should be...
But to me that wasn't good, because I expected that they were going to make the thing more scary & serious by HEAVILY modifying the script... & the script in general of the remake it's as surreal as the original. The difference is that the voice acting here it's okay, so it's not funny anymore.
I found it more believable on the original, because you can even take it as a joke. Here you can't... So there's plenty of facepalm moments...

And even in the new additions it's surreal, take for example how Jill easily let Barry go away after he tried to killed her with the Magnum instead of beating the shit out of him for answers...

Here ( Here (

But yeah... Opinions xD...

11-29-2010, 04:52 PM
How disappointed was everyone that the Resident Evil 2 remake rumours turned out to be Darkside Chronicles? That was extremely disappointing for me.

11-29-2010, 05:02 PM
How disappointed was everyone that the Resident Evil 2 remake rumours turned out to be Darkside Chronicles? That was extremely disappointing for me.

Oh that... That game was good just before Chief Irons appears...

I didn't knew that there were RE2 remake rumors though...

The game seems to be a decent fun ride at the very least... But it's just that, it doesn't do the justice to RE2

11-29-2010, 10:15 PM
There were a lot of petitions going around, Capcom kinda just responded to them with this, they were going to do a big announcement on Resi 2, and it turned out being Darkside Chronicles, rather than the remake everyone wanted. Cue a big big sigh...

11-29-2010, 10:35 PM
Wow, I didn't knew anything man, really. Thx for the Info!

11-30-2010, 12:06 AM
Yeah, I was disappointed myself, but...

Honestly, I'm loving it. DC provides a bit more 'intelligence' to the game than before("Yeah, this building is infested with zombies, so let's split up and look for survivors! It's okay, here's a radio so we can hear each other scream in terror when we get eaten!"). Kinda disappointed we didn't see the chopper get shot up on the roof, and the final fight with G was a B****!, but overall, I think it's decent. Still would have preferred a remake, but this will do for the most part. Plus, it covers some of the timeframe between 3 and 4(Jack Krauser and Leon Kennedy are on a special mission together), so after I finish it, it may answer some of the questions about why Leon is so changed in RE4.

Personally, I'd like Capcom to do something with RE 1.5, or more with Sherry. The Wesker's Report Bonus DVD indicates that something's up with her, so she SHOULD still be integral to the plot. Would be nice to have that wrapped up, one way or another.

11-30-2010, 01:22 AM
the final fight with G was a B****!


Yeah, everybody forgotted about Sherry.

Jitan Toraibaru
11-30-2010, 02:06 AM
Personally, I like pretty much all of the RE games - I don't really have anything largely elaborate to say given I seem to have gotten a rather annoying headache, but all you need to know is that I've been a big fan for a good chunk of my gaming life, have probably abused the Umbrella Insignia way too much, totally loved the Wesker segments in RE5, and have really little problem with RE4 or RE5, as I played them for my own personal enjoyment rather than what I perceived them to be, horror-game wise. I never really played them for the Horror side of things, I was into the storylines...and 4 was pretty okay to me, as a matter of fact! :D

My opinion about Sherry: If she hasn't been mentioned in games for the last decade, what makes anyone think she's even relevent in Capcom's thinking beyond those Weskers Reports?
We probably will never see the girl again - I know I certainly never wondered about her after RE2 or after reading the documents...

11-30-2010, 06:41 AM
Let's not forget though, Jitan, that many of us may have also forgotten(as in, it happened, not that important) about Jill getting the vaccine from RE3 when she was infected by Nemesis. So, upon reading up on what Wesker had done to her, and how her antibodies ended up creating a new strain of bioweapon, was an interesting twist.

Sherry can still come back...hell, there was speculation that she was gonna be in RE5 for a while, too. Dunno if/why that changed...

11-30-2010, 03:24 PM
Epilogue from RE3 is more than enough for me to understand that Sherry was integral for something bigger in RE Storyline, Apparently they didn't figured out how to work it out...

11-30-2010, 03:58 PM
Thanks for reminding me of that, top, I completely forgot about the epilogues(yeah I know, shame on me, right?).

12-04-2010, 01:21 PM
Wrong thread ;)

12-04-2010, 03:56 PM
It's a spammer/bot, and one with shitty opinions, to boot!

12-18-2010, 10:39 PM


12-26-2010, 01:54 PM

07-02-2011, 07:11 PM
the first time i had the chance to play this franchise is with RE 2. the first scene was hard as i was just trying to figure out a way to master the controls and all...i would never forgot what got me interested in this game in the first place is the Zombiesssss!...I remember not playing it late at night because when it all seems to be too much for me having all those creepy doors closing and opening & the unexpected guests coming at you on the other side is really exciting & heart pounding enough for me and when all of that seems to be building up to much for me i had to stop it & get back at the game till i'm good to go forward - because of that i longed for more and it soon got me revisiting the Biohazard one game, then comes RE3 Nemesis which i actually played a lot of times in different suits for different scenarios. then comes Code Veronica X, Dead Aim, RE 4, RE Outbreak, (not a zombie fest, but as a huge Leon freak, one of my pick for favorites as it has more added controls for the game and a new set of villains. RE5 is more of a brute action rpg rather than the scary and suspenseful genre it has been famous for, not a fave of that game though i must say its enjoyable enough for the new controls and stunning improvements on the visual side. the music is also great btw.

what I'm looking forward to right now with this franchise is its upcoming re-makes for the PS3 as well as the new CGI film...

07-02-2011, 09:00 PM
I liked RE when it was a Survival/Horror series.

07-03-2011, 03:07 AM
Tell me about it. Hell, I liked it when there were any Survival Horror games, full stop! Those things are all but extinct now, most of them doing what RE4 did and just becoming more or less straight action series.

Because hey, the world obviously doesn't have enough action games, right? Oh, wait...

10-18-2011, 05:57 PM
I've just reviewed the HD version of Resident Evil 4. You can read that review here!

Johnny Mercyside: Game Review: Resident Evil 4 HD Review (

10-18-2011, 07:02 PM
Each to their own, but 'A must for fans of survival horror shooters'? I wince every time people call this game a survival horror. Its a 3D shooter with very little horror of any kind, and with ammuntion in such abundance (you can buy weapons and ammo all the time) that it can hardly be termed a survival game either.

No-one would deny that RE4 is a great game, and an extremely enjoyable shooter experience. But its a RE game in name only, with none of the essential elements that make a RE game, and a plot that torpedoed the whole premise of the series (i.e stopping Umbrella Inc), making any future sequels seem like a complete waste of time.

I really wish developers would stop doing things like this. If you want to make a new game, then do it - but get your paws off established franchises! Its all well and good saying a series needs 'updating for the modern market', but changing what the whole series is and how it plays and feels, is not the answer.

10-18-2011, 07:06 PM
In essence this is Resident Evil 4 from the eyes of a long time consumer of the franchise.

Spoony Betrayal - YouTube (

10-18-2011, 09:06 PM
Each to their own, but 'A must for fans of survival horror shooters'? I wince every time people call this game a survival horror. Its a 3D shooter with very little horror of any kind, and with ammuntion in such abundance (you can buy weapons and ammo all the time) that it can hardly be termed a survival game either.

No-one would deny that RE4 is a great game, and an extremely enjoyable shooter experience. But its a RE game in name only, with none of the essential elements that make a RE game, and a plot that torpedoed the whole premise of the series (i.e stopping Umbrella Inc), making any future sequels seem like a complete waste of time.

I really wish developers would stop doing things like this. If you want to make a new game, then do it - but get your paws off established franchises! Its all well and good saying a series needs 'updating for the modern market', but changing what the whole series is and how it plays and feels, is not the answer.

I see what you're saying, but it's difficult to shake the term 'survival horror' from the Resi series, and there are certain elements of the horror in there. Leon is in a Spanish village full of hundreds of Spanish locals trying to kill him and he survives, I'd call that survival. So yeah, the genre may not be as fleshed out as other games in the series but the principles are there.

It's a bit like calling Linkin Park 'nu-metal' when they're more emo now, if that makes sense.

10-18-2011, 10:26 PM
It's a bit like calling Linkin Park 'nu-metal' when they're more emo now, if that makes sense.

It doesn't...
Primarily because there are so many genres in the Metal music that it's getting more ambiguous than defining Art itself. And I would derrail the whole topic speaking of music here. But I won't do it, because it's really not the case here.

I think what you really mean't is... It's like calling a game Resident Evil 4 a Survival Horror game when now it's just a shooter with a tiny little of horror themes on it.

10-18-2011, 10:50 PM
It doesn't...
Primarily because there are so many genres in the Metal music that it's getting more ambiguous than defining Art itself. And I would derrail the whole topic speaking of music here. But I won't do it, because it's really not the case here.

I think what you really mean't is... It's like calling a game Resident Evil a Survival Horror game when now it's just a shooter with a tiny little of horror themes on it.

Yes, pretty much. And you have a point about metal music going way too ambigious, it's just so placid now. Enough music talk! My fault! :p

10-18-2011, 11:41 PM
When I think of 'Survival/Horror' I think of Silent Hill 2 or Fatal Frame 2 or Amnesia: The Dark Descent or Resident Evil 2...

NOT RE4...or Gears of War or fucking Dead Space 2.

10-19-2011, 02:58 AM
Dead Space scared me more than most of the older RE games.

The only thing you have to fear are the controls.

10-19-2011, 03:08 AM
The first Dead Space I'd say was a 'legit' S/H, but the second game?

Eh, not so much.

10-19-2011, 03:15 AM
Only played demo of DS2.

Kinda want to play it but am in no rush.

BTW, what do you think of that Operation Racoon City thing? It didnt look too great last I saw.

10-19-2011, 03:18 AM
That's the one that looks like SOCOM, right?

10-19-2011, 03:22 AM

Talk about 5 not being a horror game. Im thinking they could have gone the other way for RE: ORC. A squad dropped in the outskirts of the city and have to fight their way in with a high amount of ammo at first (a standard military amount at least) but as they get into the more infected areas tactics will have to be used or you will just have to retreat.

Instead, we get SOCOM with zombies. :sad:

10-19-2011, 03:30 AM
Eh, it might work in a 'non-survival horror' sort of way.

However, I'm hoping the Aliens game (Marine w/e) is a legit S/H game.

10-19-2011, 03:31 AM
It should be. If Gearbox brings the same realistic touch they brought to Brothers In Arms.

10-19-2011, 04:31 AM
before the game was released, i was hyped beyond belief.
then i played it, and immidiately went WTF is this shit?

its fantastic GAME, thats undeniable, but its in no way a RESIDENT EVIL game.

and 4hd? horrible.

10-19-2011, 04:37 AM
I will more than likely skip 4 HD because I can just get the Wii version for cheaper. 4 didnt have a good transition to HD, unlike God of War.

I kinda had feeling from the start the Racoon City would suck, gameplay just sealed it.

10-19-2011, 04:48 AM
Its the same basic deal with Dead Space 2 - fantastic game, but not a survival horror game. Ammo is too plentiful, horror is watered right down and its really meant to be played in a much more 'gung-ho' shooter style than the excellent first game. As I say, a really good game but not very true to the spirit of the original.

Whilst several of us disagree about RE4's survival horror status, Johnny's review is still accurate for saying why its a great game in its own right. It was a good read, and I meant to bring that up before. Just got a bit carried away with my bitternress towards a game that I feel completely derailed one of my favourite series!

10-19-2011, 02:10 PM
Haha, thanks Vrykolas :D

ROKUSHO and N-10_Aden, what was wrong with the port to HD for Resi 4?

10-19-2011, 05:36 PM
From what I read in a lot of the reviews and saw in videos the HD transfer didnt help some of the textures. Irc one was where you fight the Garrador and the background of that place was virtually a brown and grey mass.

10-19-2011, 07:17 PM
Haha, thanks Vrykolas :D
ROKUSHO and N-10_Aden, what was wrong with the port to HD for Resi 4?
It was poorly done.

10-21-2011, 12:35 AM
that, and that its the ps2 version.
hell, where exactly is the HD in this? this is more like RE4 .... FOR hd tv

10-21-2011, 02:22 AM
From what I read in a lot of the reviews and saw in videos the HD transfer didnt help some of the textures. Irc one was where you fight the Garrador and the background of that place was virtually a brown and grey mass.

It was poorly done.

that, and that its the ps2 version.
hell, where exactly is the HD in this? this is more like RE4 .... FOR hd tv

I'm really glad I didn't waste money on it or CV. Thanks for the heads up guys.

10-21-2011, 02:47 AM
I'm really glad I didn't waste money on it or CV. Thanks for the heads up guys.
Sure...but don't be turned off by other HD ports/remakes.

The Ico/SotC HD is pretty fucking amazing...

10-21-2011, 02:51 AM
The God of War 1 and 2 ports were handled well, too.

I wonder, why this port was so borked?

10-21-2011, 03:04 AM
The God of War 1 and 2 ports were handled well, too. I wonder, why this port was so borked?
Because it's RE or it's Capcom?

Their port of of RE4 for the PC and even games like Breath of Fire 4 were shit.

10-21-2011, 03:04 AM
Oh yeah. :rofldata:

That shit port. Completely forgot about it.

10-21-2011, 06:54 PM
Sure...but don't be turned off by other HD ports/remakes.

The Ico/SotC HD is pretty fucking amazing...

Well, it wasn't so much that I'm turned off to HD ports/remakes in this specific case. I mean, I already have the disc based games and I was seriously wondering if it was worth the money just to have "HD" ports. In this specific case, you guys have made me draw the conclusion that it wasn't.

12-15-2011, 06:34 PM
Capcom released a new video for their "Heroes Mode" in Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City.

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City - Heroes mode trailer - YouTube (

Game seems to be shaping up to be pretty good so far.

12-16-2011, 02:52 AM
not gonna see it, too spoiled already with the two cinematic trailers.

Nostalgia gamer
12-16-2011, 09:25 AM
Favorite resident evil:RE code veronica x.Why:HOLY SHIT!! wesker is so damm cool when he fights that bitch alexia.
Resident Evil Code Veronica - Wesker vs Alexia - YouTube (

I like both chris and leon as characters.

In re5 he is still pretty cool,because he even if he did buff up on steroids,he's still a good char.
Leon:In re4,i liked the voice acting actually,except for that bitch ashley.In fact:I wanted to strangle ashley.LEON!! HELP!! LEON!! HELP!! HEELP!!

12-16-2011, 08:59 PM
My favourite fight scene in the entire series is Leon vs Krauser, absolutely kickass. :)

Resident Evil 4 (Leon Vs. Krauser) - YouTube (

Nostalgia gamer
12-16-2011, 09:09 PM
Personally:I found krauser to be easy.

I think people greatly exaggerated in the knife fight against krauser.

12-16-2011, 09:17 PM
The actual fight against Krauser later in the game is pretty difficult if you have not upgraded your weapons fully, especially the Magnum. If you're playing in the hardest mode, upgrading the Magnum is a must since that is the only weapon that can take him out in the allotted time (if you're not playing with the power weapons when you finish the game, etc).

12-16-2011, 09:19 PM
I meant for visuals, I thought it was an awesome looking fight. :)

The actual fight against Krauser later in the game is pretty difficult if you have not upgraded your weapons fully, especially the Magnum. If you're playing in the hardest mode, upgrading the Magnum is a must since that is the only weapon that can take him out in the allotted time (if you're not playing with the power weapons when you finish the game, etc).

I just knife him to death, it works relatively easily, although it's quite risky at the same time.

Nostalgia gamer
12-16-2011, 10:40 PM
The actual fight against Krauser later in the game is pretty difficult if you have not upgraded your weapons fully, especially the Magnum. If you're playing in the hardest mode, upgrading the Magnum is a must since that is the only weapon that can take him out in the allotted time (if you're not playing with the power weapons when you finish the game, etc).

In the first round,max upgraded shotgun or magnum is great,but for the second fight:You are literally better off with a knife.

I also beat this game on the hardest difficulty with a knife,and found it easier.