12-13-2002, 08:02 PM
Well, theirs loads of them, here are the ones I dislike:

Sakuya-Tenchi in Tokyo
Releena-Gundam Wing
McDoogal Bro's-Outlaw Star

Who annoys you?

For a lil more bashing, go to Anime Hate (http://www.tenchi.50g.com)

12-13-2002, 09:02 PM
ill probally get attacked 4 this but its myinnion so up thiers

every boady from dbz

12-13-2002, 10:32 PM
I can't remember the name, but I believe it was Rena from Star Ocean EX. I just absolutely hate her. She always feel sorry for weird little creatures, but never feel sorry for Ashton! Hello? Ashton has 2 dragons stuck on his shoulders and you're feeling sorry for the dragons? What does it take for girls to feel sorry for guys?:mad:

12-14-2002, 12:29 AM
I hate Di Gi Charat's "Two biggest Fans" and Namburo of Hand Maid May. That freaky way of talking and those clothes make him bad enough, but that stupidity is more annoying!

Evad D'Aragon
12-14-2002, 01:24 AM
Oh yeah ! Poor , poor Ashton. It's not just Rena, look how Precis treats him, it's even worse...but hey, all's not bad, he's got his barrels lol

Vegeta ??? Annoying ? No way ! I just love him. :p

12-14-2002, 01:42 AM
Originally posted by Shinji{}
I hate Di Gi Charat's "Two biggest Fans"

But they're so cool! XD They crack me up. Digi Charat wouldn't be as good without them.

12-14-2002, 11:25 AM
Hm.. not many anime characters annoy me, but I've got a few. ^^

Relena and Hilde from Gundam Wing.
That one guy from Ah! My Goddess, who's after Belldandy all the time. I can't remember his name. -_-
Muraki from Yami no Matsuei, and
The androids from DBZ. All of them. *gags*

12-14-2002, 11:35 AM
Misao�s long hate list...
Let�s start withRurouni Kenshin - Hoji, Hoji and ... oh yes, Hoji. And Anji, Banjin, Otowa and Gein for having insulted Aoshi. :rolleyes:
Every Turn A Gundam character. Every Psychic Academy character
Pitaten - MISHA! Hate this little freak!!!
Angel Sanctuary - Sandalphon probably,... and Astarte...
Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne - well, Chiaki; (Noyn all the way!!!)
Yu-Gi-Oh - YUGI!
Naruto - my hatred focuses on Zabuza at the moment :mad:
Fushigi Yuugi - Tamahome *nod nod*

12-14-2002, 02:30 PM
Actually, Anji is a good person and that's why I like him

Mine? just one....

Rurouni Kenshin:

-Kaoru.....I just don't like her. I might change my opinion about her if she has some attitude just like Misao ^^

-Kenshin....I hate his "oro". It looks stupid and ruins the image of the great samurai ( I'm a big fan of Japan old culture ) XD

12-14-2002, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by Zhuge Liang
-Kaoru.....I just don't like her. I might change my opinion about her if she has some attitude just like Misao ^^

-Kenshin....I hate his "oro". It looks stupid and ruins the image of the great samurai ( I'm a big fan of Japan old culture ) XD

Nooo! >_<''' Not my beloved Kaoru and Kenshin! XD

Just thought of somebody else. The two small guys from Sorcerous Stabber Orphen. Talk about annoying, those guys were losers! XD

12-15-2002, 12:11 PM
Absolutely agreed, megalomania! Nothing justifies their existence! They�re in the way!

As for Kaoru and Kenshin... I like them both. Kenshin does not annoy me, he just changed his personality to "apathic psycho wreckage" soon enough to keep him interesting; and Kaoru, well, I never cared much about her in the beginning, then I came to think of her and decided not to like her, but then... she grew up (at least in the manga!!!) and started treating Kenshin in a careful, loving way, she said very sensible stuff ("I won�t die!! (liek Tomoe) If I died, Kenshin would blame himself and never be happy!!") I loved her for that sentence. No, she is not annoying, she is strong, great, fantastic!! Kaoru rules!!!

Heh, I am not the only person who rolls his/her eyes whenever Anji shows up. :P I do pity the fool, but that does not mean I have to like him. And he surely is one of the more idiotic characters...
Hmm... Aoshi�s trenchcoat annoys me.

12-24-2002, 10:59 PM
Well, Vegeta doesn't bother me that much, It's just that I took the list from Anime Hate.
Although he annoys me sometimes......
Oh and Wue-Fei from Gundam-Wing annoys me sometimes....

Edit: It's ok� to stop advertising for the site know. You did it in your first post already.

12-25-2002, 09:47 AM
The entire main cast of dbz :)
Rei from evangelion can annoy me on occasion.
and I'll think up more later o_O

Cetra Angel
12-30-2002, 12:28 AM
Ello Jess! O_O Yes, hard as it may be to understand, I know this crazed lunatic...

Who do I hate? SAKUYA!!!!!!!!! Damn, she pisses me off like nothing else could possibly piss me off! Ya....

12-30-2002, 01:41 AM
I very much dislike....

Kikyo-Inuyasha :mad:
Asuka-Eva (she's fine sometimes but she's mostly very mean)Grr....:notgood:
The creepy blonde kid from Gravitation....*shudder* He's disturbed.

12-30-2002, 05:15 AM
Definitly the most annoying anime character I've ever seen is Keitiero's sister, Kanako, from Love Hina. When I was reading the final volumes of the manga, I was just so mad at the freakin' bitch. She's basically there so that you can hate her. I just wanted to rip her head off and burn it. o_o;;; That's my deep hatred for Kanako.....

EDIT: I would also like to add Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo. After I watched a bit of Tenchi Muyo yesterday, I forgot how annoying Ryoko was. :P I know some people will hate me for saying that, but its the way I feel.

12-31-2002, 02:30 AM
Annoying huh? Didn't really notice but I'll give it a shot...

Sakuya - Tenchi in Tokyo
Dorothy Catalonia - Gundam Wing
McDoogle Brothers, Harry more than Ron - Outlaw Star
Hercule, Dirty old men (the purple one & Master...Hoshi? Roshi?), Yamcha, that tubby so-called samurai Yager--- (I forgot) - DBZ

I'll probably think up of some others...

12-31-2002, 06:44 PM
I would also like to add
*Takato from Digimon
*Aeka from Tenchi (how'd I miss her? Sakuya overshadows her in bitchiness)
*Azusa-Tenchi (dunno why)
*Ash from Pokemon

And If anyone has a problem with me putting Misaki *eyes Selphie* think of it as the character Misaki....

01-23-2003, 05:56 PM
I hate,
KAGATO! Sakuya, Aeka, Washu.
Goten, Yamcha.
Tyson, Enrique, Oliver, Volterre, Boris.
Sailor Moon (ALL).
Tristan, Pegasus.
I probably do hate more but I can't think right now.

01-23-2003, 06:08 PM
GAH! All Washu fans will get you 4 that!!!!
*Cheers Geoni on*:D

01-24-2003, 06:20 PM
Heh, here's mine:

The entire cast of Dragonball Z (I mean, what kind of name is 'Trunks' anyhow?!)

Nagha the Serpent from Slayers (only because of that damn annoying laugh of hers - sheesh, it's enough to send a banshee up the wall! So bad, when she laughs, it sounds like an air-raid siren has gone off in a cathedral!)

Tamiya from Oh, My Goddess! (What a jerk! He constantly hassles Keiichi, even steals every yen from his wallet, dumps impossible jobs of vehicle construction and design in his lap, then takes all the glory for every race that Keiichi wins! And his voice! God, someone shoot him now!!!

Kentaro from Love Hina. (I know he was added into the anime purely to provide some conflict in Keitaro and Naru's already turbulent relationship, but god, what a creep! Despite the fact he looks almost exactly like Rufus Shinra from FFVII, he walks around with a silver spoon in his mouth utterly convinced he's 'god's gift to women'. Well, in his case, it's more like a curse! On top of that, he can't even understand why Naru isn't interested in him! Geez, and I thought Aoshima in Oh, My Goddess! was bad...)

Ms. Shimizu
01-24-2003, 07:13 PM
Ayeka from Tenchi :D yep...

Darth Revan
01-24-2003, 07:23 PM

Most annoying anime character eh? Well, at the top of my list is that snob Kentaro Sakata of Love Hina. No damn appearence in the Manga only the anime! GRRRRRR! Another character I don't like is that damned bird creature in 3x3 Eyes, which resides in Pai's walking stick. I mean, it can appear as a huge bird, which of caused almost killed Yakumo, but thanks to Pai, he's alive. And then it can appear as a small bird the size of a domestic cat!

The entire DBZ cast can go and get sucked in the bottomless pits of syndication for all I care, and the new transformers series? Optimus Prime as a fire engine? THAT AINT PRIME!! As far as I'm concerned, the only good Prime, is the ORIGINAL!!

Well, enough of my ranting. My medication is ready.

01-25-2003, 01:49 AM
i hate Tenchi from all the tenchi series. i cant see why all those girls want him, he's all nothing but skin and bone, he needs to work out and get more muscles. And also, i hate that new anime calle dLupin, all those characters annoy me. Bulma and Chi-Chi annoy me greatly in DBZ, they are just plain fugly, but then again all the characters in DBZ are fugly. Sakura from Sakura Cardcaptors even tho i have a doll of her. That princess girl from Excel Saga, i hate that squeek voice of hers; i hate all the girls who have high pitched squeeky voices when they look too mature to have it. Asuka in Realbout Highschool. Alright, that about covers it for now, i have more i could put down, but i don't think i will, as i already put alot.

01-26-2003, 03:14 AM
Madison from CardCaptor Sakura because she's a bit too happy to help Sakura out and she's a bit too kind to Sakura. I have a feeling Madison might have feelings for Sakura and it freaks me out o_O

Enigmatic Angel
01-26-2003, 11:13 AM
Shinji from Evagelion (esp in EoE)......he's juz such an annoying brat......

Hercule from DBZ is pretty bad as well......(but den again DBZ isn't the best anime imo anyways....)

I have a feeling Madison might have feelings for Sakura and it freaks me out

Yeh and i've always had a suspicion of that too.....the way how she is always so nice and hitting of Sakura......

01-29-2003, 05:44 PM
I think all of those characters are annoying to accept Vegeta he is cool.

02-02-2003, 08:03 PM
Nobody really.

Wait, there might be one. Err, that girl from Ninja Scroll/Ninja Resurrection. Actually, her and her brother. Jubei should just kill them both.

OMIGODWTF? Hercule is damn funny. especially his "Present For You" move.

02-03-2003, 03:05 PM
EDIT: I would also like to add Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo. After I watched a bit of Tenchi Muyo yesterday, I forgot how annoying Ryoko was. :P I know some people will hate me for saying that, but its the way I feel.

You hate me???? WWWWWWAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Eek! I know Ryouko would never say wah....but there you go....

*Considers whether to go into one of my famous Ryouko-rules talks....decides not to*

If you don't have the time to look into her character...I'm not gonna explain!

But ask Cetra Angel or Chidella...THEY'LL tell you how I can explain away everything she does.........:D :D :D

Ayeka from Tenchi yep...

Why haven't I added her yet???? Cos Im lazy..loadsa people hate her.....

i hate Tenchi from all the tenchi series

Tokyo Tenchi pisses me off...but.....

And you sound jealous sweetie!

PS: Need moderators for my Forum (http://pub3.ezboard.com/banimehate) for Animes i've never watched :rolleyes:

Yes I am VERY lazy....nope....just short on cash! :D

02-03-2003, 03:39 PM
*coughs nervously* Nin-Nin. If you dont know, dont ask. It was an accident I regret to this day.

02-03-2003, 03:45 PM
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

02-03-2003, 07:38 PM
Here's my list...These ppl just tick me off.

Serial Experiment's: Lain - 2 of Lain's friends, cept Alice

Cowboy Bebop - The bounty on the 4th episode, god she annoyed me.

Evangelion - Asuka on occassion's and Hikari.

Love Hina - Naru, Kaolla, Sara and Kentaro.

X: the series - Kakyoe...omg...if you ever watched the episode 0 where he is crying in the snow...you would understand.

DBZ - Most of the cast was annoying...like that witch with the crystal ball...Only liked Gohan.

All I can think of at the moment.

02-10-2003, 02:53 AM
Yes...DBZ wouldn't be what it is if Mr. Satan wasn't in it xP

That girl (not main character + forgot her name) that spreads rumors in the bathroom from Full Metal Panic! is very annoying. Her role is to whine, whine, complain, whine, whine, whine, complain, cry, whine, cry, cry, whine, complain, cry, run away, come back, and repeat. I cannot stand Momo from Peach Girl. Even though she is the main character, she is just so unlikeable, mainly because she is so untrue to her feelings. DITCH HATEFUL SAE, MOMO!

The King Of Annoying is The Crocodile Hunter, but he's not anime...so never mind. xD

02-10-2003, 05:23 PM
Don't get me wrong....I like his character....I just wouldn't want to know him!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D

02-23-2003, 12:49 AM
Originally posted by Rave
Yes...DBZ wouldn't be what it is if Mr. Satan wasn't in it xP

That girl (not main character + forgot her name) that spreads rumors in the bathroom from Full Metal Panic! is very annoying. Her role is to whine, whine, complain, whine, whine, whine, complain, cry, whine, cry, cry, whine, complain, cry, run away, come back, and repeat. I cannot stand Momo from Peach Girl. Even though she is the main character, she is just so unlikeable, mainly because she is so untrue to her feelings. DITCH HATEFUL SAE, MOMO!

The King Of Annoying is The Crocodile Hunter, but he's not anime...so never mind. xD

I was actually going to say Momo too. Even though I am a big fan of Peach Girl, she is constantly frusterating me. I don't see her as unlikeable though, she just doesn't seem to have any common sense.

02-23-2003, 01:52 AM
And you sound jealous sweetie!

lol noway am I jealous of him! Now, if Tenchi was a girl and had tons of guys chasing after HER.. THEN I would be jealous cause I would want those guys chasing after me instead :P

02-23-2003, 02:13 AM
Originally posted by Enigmatic Angel
Yeh and i've always had a suspicion of that too.....the way how she is always so nice and hitting of Sakura......

It's not only suggested in the US version of the series but the origional version Tomoyo (sp?) or "Madison" is in fact homosexual (Sakura doesn't return the feelings). And in the original manga supposidly a lot of the characters were homosexual, but then some of them got together with the opposite gender with this "love triumphs all" theme and characters like Sakura and "Showron" fall in love.

Anyway...Shinji is the best how can you hate him (then again i relate to him too much at times), and Ryoko and Washu?! they're my two favorite characters in the Tenchi series. Askua and Hikari I can understand as being annoying at times but anyway...

I'd have to say the entire DBZ cast and many times the pokemon cast are annoying. Excel can be annoying but in a funny way (especially when she gets shot with a rocket launcher for it).

02-23-2003, 06:12 AM
I don't know why but I have trouble finding how you guys seem to find all of the DBZ cast annoying. I mean sure Mr. Satan and others can be annoying but it is all for comic relief. I guess you guys just don't have the sense of humor like I have.

02-26-2003, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by OnlySquared
Ryoko and Washu?! they're my two favorite characters in the Tenchi series.

Well said...i've already complained about the Ryouko bit :D

But the Washu hater is my friend..she's mostly kidding...there's a reason.....where is that reason? (Wonder if she'll pop up?)

lol noway am I jealous of him! Now, if Tenchi was a girl and had tons of guys chasing after HER.. THEN I would be jealous cause I would want those guys chasing after me instead :P

Eh-heh...use your imagination :D:D :D :D :D :D

03-02-2003, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by Ryouko
You hate me???? WWWWWWAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Eek! I know Ryouko would never say wah....but there you go....

*Considers whether to go into one of my famous Ryouko-rules talks....decides not to*

If you don't have the time to look into her character...I'm not gonna explain!

If you want me to, I will go into the details of why I find Ryoko annoying.

1) She is just plain self-centered. She thinks mainly only of herself while ignoring others.

2) She acts like a bitch. Sometimes its funny, while other times I just wanna smack her around.

3) Everything has to go her way. When it doesn't, she tends to put people down.

That is why I don't like Ryoko. Funny thing is, I like Asuka while I hate Ryoko. They act the same alot of times, but I have different opinions of them.

03-02-2003, 09:02 PM
Originally posted by Joeshie
If you want me to, I will go into the details of why I find Ryoko annoying.

1) She is just plain self-centered. She thinks mainly only of herself while ignoring others.

2) She acts like a bitch. Sometimes its funny, while other times I just wanna smack her around.

3) Everything has to go her way. When it doesn't, she tends to put people down.

That is why I don't like Ryoko. Funny thing is, I like Asuka while I hate Ryoko. They act the same alot of times, but I have different opinions of them.

Thankyou for that:D

I'm sure you won't mind if I defend the case.

I shall now reply in a non-violent way:

1) She does not think of herself all the time, give me an example where she has been really self-centered...even better.. and example in OVA2

2) She doesn't always act like a bitch (and such course language!:rolleyes: ) Yet again..I would LOVE an example of her eing really bitchy and as before....in OVA 2 please :D

3) Your an Aeka fan right? :D
*sigh* Don't we ALL want things to go our way?:D

Seriously though.....anough example PLEASE! You can't expect to give such badly thought out reason's....your on the same board as me for God's sake! (Did you expect to get away with this?):D

Anyway....I would appreciate a reply :D

Ryouko 4eva

03-05-2003, 03:46 AM
Originally posted by Ryouko
Thankyou for that:D

I'm sure you won't mind if I defend the case.

I shall now reply in a non-violent way:

1) She does not think of herself all the time, give me an example where she has been really self-centered...even better.. and example in OVA2

2) She doesn't always act like a bitch (and such course language!:rolleyes: ) Yet again..I would LOVE an example of her eing really bitchy and as before....in OVA 2 please :D

3) Your an Aeka fan right? :D
*sigh* Don't we ALL want things to go our way?:D

Seriously though.....anough example PLEASE! You can't expect to give such badly thought out reason's....your on the same board as me for God's sake! (Did you expect to get away with this?):D

Anyway....I would appreciate a reply :D

Ryouko 4eva

Well, I really wasn't planning on going into depth in this topic but if you insist....

1) In the TV series, when she was going to go and buy food for the rest of the crew, she went and spent it all on herself. Ignoring everyone else's wellbeing.

2) She is constantly picking on Ayeka. Sure Ayeka is annoying too sometimes, but Ryoko really needs to get a new hobby that doesn't involve picking on Ayeka 24/7.

3) She is a thief. Plain and simple.

I'm not trying to be 100% anti-Ryoko here. In some instances I really respect Ryoko for her bravery and courage; however, that doesn't change that fact that most of the time I find her annoying.

03-05-2003, 10:31 PM
hmm..i'll probably get yelled at for this but i can't stand Aeka from Tenchi Muyo..she is just SO ANNOYING!!:eye: and i can't stand ChibiUsa(Rini) from Sailormoon..i can't stand her and her damn perkyness and she too is just plain annoying...hmm..thats all for now..:D

03-06-2003, 04:12 PM
Hmmmmm.. gee ya know, I only have two annoying anime character and they are Dorithy cattalonia from Gundam wing. God man whats wrong with her??? I just wish someone had plucked her eye-brows.

As for DBZ I dont hate no one except for Yajarobi (I think thats how you spell it..) He's fat. I got nothing against fat people but he is Just So GAY!!

Green Arrow
03-09-2003, 02:36 PM
I have to say that I hate all the chicks and animals that talk on DBZ.... AHH, now I have a block and can't remember anyone else. I hit this back later with more responses as they come to me.

03-09-2003, 05:44 PM
yes i remeber some now..all those damn animals in dbz..including Oolong, and i can't stand Yajarobi he is just so gay..my god:notgood: oh well i'm done ranting for now..maybe i'll come back wiht some more..once i remeber the rest..:D

03-10-2003, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by Joeshie
Well, I really wasn't planning on going into depth in this topic but if you insist....

1) In the TV series, when she was going to go and buy food for the rest of the crew, she went and spent it all on herself. Ignoring everyone else's wellbeing.


I asked for an example in the OVA series...the other serie's characters are reflections.....:(

2) She is constantly picking on Ayeka. Sure Ayeka is annoying too sometimes, but Ryoko really needs to get a new hobby that doesn't involve picking on Ayeka 24/7.


Aeka's a ray of sunshine too. Don't forget in OVA5 she was trying to be nice to her......did you see that one?Im sorry (non-sarcasticly) If i'm making a referencve you don't know....

3) She is a thief. Plain and simple.

*Looks in dictionairy*

Theif doesn't mean slave does it? :rolleyes:

I'm not trying to be 100% anti-Ryoko here. In some instances I really respect Ryoko for her bravery and courage; however, that doesn't change that fact that most of the time I find her annoying.

And I respect that :D:D :D

I'm not being 100% against you wither..it's just alotta fun to defend her.....ty! :D :D :D

Oh and BellaMuerte...I TOTALLY agree with you on Aeka! :D

03-21-2003, 07:12 AM
All DBZ characters and any other crap thats on Cartoon Network.

03-21-2003, 09:08 PM
Ryouko-why thank you!:D

Sigurd-i'm not trying to be mean or anything but cartoon network(toonami) has some damn good stuff once in awhile! for instance their new stuff..Rurouni Kenshin is quite good if i may add! and i just so happen to like DBZ!sorry..but i had to get that out..:erm: tata!

03-29-2003, 06:56 AM
Originally posted by Brolli
As for DBZ I dont hate no one except for Yajarobi (I think thats how you spell it..) He's fat. I got nothing against fat people but he is Just So GAY!!
I just started laughing when I read that post....

Yeah, sometimes Cartoon Network will have an interesting series. But that is not very often so yeah...

03-29-2003, 03:57 PM
Rurouni Kenshin:
-Kenshin....I hate his "oro". It looks stupid and ruins the image of the great samurai ( I'm a big fan of Japan old culture ) XD [/B][/QUOTE]

:eek:NOOOOO!! Not Kenshin! Not my beloved Kenshin!! He is great! His "oro" is just fine damn it!!

04-01-2003, 02:57 AM
Originally posted by Ryouko

I asked for an example in the OVA series...the other serie's characters are reflections.....:(


Aeka's a ray of sunshine too. Don't forget in OVA5 she was trying to be nice to her......did you see that one?Im sorry (non-sarcasticly) If i'm making a referencve you don't know....

*Looks in dictionairy*

Theif doesn't mean slave does it? :rolleyes:

And I respect that :D:D :D

I'm not being 100% against you wither..it's just alotta fun to defend her.....ty! :D :D :D

Oh and BellaMuerte...I TOTALLY agree with you on Aeka! :D

First off, who said the OVA was the complete lord of all the Tenchi's. Examples from the TV series are just as valid as examples from the OVA.

I agree that Ayeka isn't exactly the nicest girl ever, but far better than Ryoko. Just cause she tries to be nice to Ayeka once in the series doesn't make up for all those times she was a bitch.

Also, one question. Was she being brainwashed when she stole the money from the swimsuit competition? I think not.

Like I said before, you can't just follow the OVA all the time. Although, I do like the OVA more, the TV eps. are just as valid examples to show why Ryoko is an annoying character.

All DBZ characters and any other crap thats on Cartoon Network.

Yeah, umm, that's a pretty arrogant view. Not everything that is on Cartoon Network is crap. Ever heard of Midnight Run? Might want to check it out. It has some great anime on there, unless you don't consider Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, and Inu Yasha good anime.