11-11-2010, 04:15 AM
Hey guys, this is my first time posting my own thread, so i hope it dosent suck lolz. i thought it would be cool to get peoples opinions on who they think the Villian/Villians should be and who should play them in Christopher Nolans up coming film "The Dark Knight Rises". i look forward on seein what people say lolz. me personally, i wouldnt mind seein Catwoman being played by Kate Beckinsale. Hope to hear from you all.

11-11-2010, 04:24 AM
Hey guys, who do you think should be the Villian/Villains of The Dark Knight Rises? heres a poll you can vote and give your opinion.

Chocolate Misu
11-11-2010, 04:27 AM
This should really go in the TV/Movie Discussion forum :p But hey it's a good start for a first thread.

Personally, I WANT THE MAD HATTER!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously. He's one of my favorites. He gets no love. And in the gritty-realistic new Batman world he would fit in just perfectly. I'm not sure who I would want to play him though. I'm not up-to-date on who the actors of today are...

11-11-2010, 04:27 AM
Doctor Octopus :D

Chocolate Misu
11-11-2010, 04:28 AM
Doctor Octagonapus :D


11-11-2010, 04:29 AM
Hmm...I never thought of the Mad Hatter. He'd be a fantastic villian to see.

I don't think Catwoman has enough to pull off being in the final installment of the Nolan Batman series. Unless they do something really neat with her.

I kind of wish it was The Riddler though :(

11-11-2010, 04:40 AM
The Riddler! Played still by Jim Carrey would be total win.

matt damon
11-11-2010, 04:49 AM
stole this from thelongbox, eh?

anyway, my vote is for harley <3333 and ivy too.

11-11-2010, 04:55 AM
For new villains, Black Mask, Deadshot, Hugo Strange, Dr. Hurt, or Zsasz would all be great. Bane done well would be awesome too. I prefer him when he's not a villain, but the man who broke the bat would be terrific for a movie plotline. Deadshot could set up stuff for a Suicide Squad movie, since Amanda Waller's going to be in Green Lantern, but since the DC movies aren't interconnected like the newer Marvel ones are that might not work. also also: I'd love a super creepy take on The Ventriloquist. Professor Pyg would be amazing, but he's really Dick's baddie and not Bruce's.

I'm really hoping for more Ra's al Ghul though, and for a huge League of Assassins plot. This makes room for new characters like Talia and Lady Shiva too. ^^

p.s. really feel the need to state that Jim Carrey as The Riddler was terrible. I actually think Jim Carrey could pull off a proper Riddler, given that he's a pretty good dramatic actor, but the Schumacher version of him has nothing to do with the character, like all Schumacher versions of Bat-characters.

Chocolate Misu
11-11-2010, 04:59 AM
The Riddler! Played still by Jim Carrey would be total win.

For that perfect 'WTF?!' moment that makes everyone leave the theater in disgust ^_____^

11-11-2010, 05:21 AM
LOL, I'd probably be the only one to stick around :D

11-11-2010, 05:43 AM
thanks for fixin that for me Chocolate Misu :)

Chocolate Misu
11-11-2010, 05:46 AM
^ Thank the mods :)

11-11-2010, 06:20 AM

Red Hood shouldn't really be on the list since he's usually Jason Todd or sometimes in backstory the Joker. Jason Todd obviously won't work in a Batverse that's Robinless and Nolan's confirmed he won't recast the Joker. Random baddie in the old school Red Hood outfit would be a neat easter egg, though.

Tom Hardy might be playing the villain, so that's something to think about too? Though my prediction is that he'll be cast as Harvey Bullock, especially since there are rumors Sarah Essen's going to be in the movie.

11-11-2010, 07:29 AM
a predator and a xenomorph.

Tom Toonami Tunes
11-11-2010, 07:49 AM
For new villains, Black Mask, Deadshot, Hugo Strange, Dr. Hurt, or Zsasz would all be great. Bane done well would be awesome too. I prefer him when he's not a villain, but the man who broke the bat would be terrific for a movie plotline. Deadshot could set up stuff for a Suicide Squad movie, since Amanda Waller's going to be in Green Lantern, but since the DC movies aren't interconnected like the newer Marvel ones are that might not work. also also: I'd love a super creepy take on The Ventriloquist. Professor Pyg would be amazing, but he's really Dick's baddie and not Bruce's.

I'm really hoping for more Ra's al Ghul though, and for a huge League of Assassins plot. This makes room for new characters like Talia and Lady Shiva too. ^^

p.s. really feel the need to state that Jim Carrey as The Riddler was terrible. I actually think Jim Carrey could pull off a proper Riddler, given that he's a pretty good dramatic actor, but the Schumacher version of him has nothing to do with the character, like all Schumacher versions of Bat-characters.

I heard Tommy Lee Jones did research and read up on Twoface only to have Schumacher tell both him and Carrey to do Adam West villains.

David Tennant.......The Riddler

John Hodgman......Ventriloquist

Ian Holm...........Mad Hatter

Henry Rollins.......Mad Stan

Killer Croc and Deadshot were in Gotham Knight and Croc wasn't apprehended as far as we know.

I heard on a toy board that in an early script Slade Wilson/Deathstroke was going to be in one of the last scenes of Dark Knight where he takes Ra's al Ghul's place. There was even an action figure in the Dark Knight line of Slade.

Now I only know Slade from the Teen Titans cartoon and I know he's basically Deadpool. So I guess they'd go for the Teen Titans toon Slade and if that where to happen would we be ok with Ron Perlman reprising the voice while an actual martial arts guy does the body?

---------- Post added at 12:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:46 AM ----------

a predator and a xenomorph.

We still would need a new Joker :,(
Andrew Koenig - IMDb (

Chocolate Misu
11-11-2010, 07:50 AM
^ Ian Holm as Hatter???????? 0_______0 No.

Tom Toonami Tunes
11-11-2010, 07:52 AM
^ Ian Holm as Hatter???????? 0_______0 No.

Who then? Do we want to go younger?

Chocolate Misu
11-11-2010, 08:56 AM
I would say somewhere from at least mid 30's to maybe early 50's. A bit of a broad range without getting to old for it.

edit - My bf keeps teasing me that they should make Depp the Batman Hatter.......... I groan every time but the more I think about it........ it might work. He is a very versatile actor..... but I just can't let him ruin 2 hatters for me T__T

---------- Post added at 02:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:59 AM ----------

OH! I know! I know! Ok even though he is older than what I thought would be good, I know who would make a great Hatter........

Dustin Hoffman

Tell me you can't picture him in the outfit with the crazy smile. Dye his hair and a little make up and he'd look the part. I'm sure he could give Hatter a great performance too. Look at you all nice with that big smile and as soon as you walk away......

11-11-2010, 08:51 PM
i agree wit u Misu on Dustin Hoffman as Mad Hatter. he could totally pull it off lolz

---------- Post added at 02:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:47 PM ----------

Do you think Tom Hardy would be a good Bane? cuzz thats the rumor goin around right now, at least thats what i herd lolz

---------- Post added at 02:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:49 PM ----------

Also i think Luke Goss would be a great Black Mask. anyone else agree wit me?

Chocolate Misu
11-12-2010, 01:22 AM
Hoffman Hatter........ Somebody call Nolan and make it happen. I want it to happen.

edit - Looks like we're getting a villainess -

11-12-2010, 02:29 AM
What about Mister Freeze? There's a metric pantload of dramatic potential with his origin story, and it would only require a level of Mad Science just slightly more implausible than the microwave weapon that vaporises all the water in the sewers of Gotham City without affecting any of the water in the bodies of everyone standing on the streets above the sewers seen in Batman Begins. I vote for casting Clancy Brown as the tragic Doctor Victor Fries.

11-12-2010, 04:45 AM
There's so many to choose from! They should just do like Spider Man 3 and have a sort of villain collage all in one movie.

Mr. Freeze, The Penguin, Cat Woman, The Riddler, Mad Hatter TEAMED UP.

Tom Toonami Tunes
11-12-2010, 06:41 AM
What about Mister Freeze? There's a metric pantload of dramatic potential with his origin story, and it would only require a level of Mad Science just slightly more implausible than the microwave weapon that vaporises all the water in the sewers of Gotham City without affecting any of the water in the bodies of everyone standing on the streets above the sewers seen in Batman Begins. I vote for casting Clancy Brown as the tragic Doctor Victor Fries.

Yes Clancy Brown. He's one of those guys who deserve more main stream recognition. Alternately I heard that before Arnold Schwarzenegger was cast Patrick Stewart, Ben kingsley, & Anthony Hopkins all were considered for Freeze.

As for Harley I just can't see her in a movie without at least some scenes with her & Mr. J. Now I do believe she can carry a movie on her own or at the very least paired up with Ivy but an establishing film with her & Joker is a must to understand her.

11-12-2010, 07:22 AM
i too cant picture harley withouth joker, i mean, harley was born thanks to joker, and in nolan's films, joker was never in arkham, so they would have to pull harleys origin out of their asses if she was featured.

Tom Toonami Tunes
11-12-2010, 07:26 AM
i too cant picture harley withouth joker, i mean, harley was born thanks to joker, and in nolan's films, joker was never in arkham, so they would have to pull harleys origin out of their asses if she was featured.

That's one of the only things that bugged me about Dark Knight, The Joker had no send off. We should have seen him in a straight jacket in a padded room or something.

11-12-2010, 03:16 PM
There's so many to choose from! They should just do like Spider Man 3 and have a sort of villain collage all in one movie.

Mr. Freeze, The Penguin, Cat Woman, The Riddler, Mad Hatter TEAMED UP.

Ack! No! No more villain team-ups! That's the primary reason that Spider-Man 3 was such a mess, by trying to squeeze too many characters' origins and development into the running time, so nobody gets used to their full potential. Did we learn nothing from Batman and Robin? Clearly not, beacuse Batman and Robin didn't learn anything from Batman Returns and Batman Forever.

In theory, it's possible to have multiple villains if a lower-tier, physically-oriented character like Killer Croc or the Rhino is used as an Oddjob/Jaws to another, more intellectual villain's Goldfinger/Hugo Drax, acting as a sort of mid-level boss, but it's a bad idea to treat them as equals, which will demand equal screen time and be forced to steal it from other characters who deserve it more.

Admittedly, Batman Begins managed to do it with Scarecrow acting as a minion to Ras' al-Ghul by inverting that paradigm, but Nolan never forgot that it was Batman's movie and the focus should be on him, unlike all the others that expect you to care about the villains and their tragedy just as much as Bruce's. In general, though, I recommend keeping it simple, because the more characters and elements you try to squeeze in, the more you're diluting your focus. See Daredevil, X-Men III, and both Fantastic Four films for examples.

Tom Toonami Tunes
11-12-2010, 06:49 PM
Ack! No! No more villain team-ups! That's the primary reason that Spider-Man 3 was such a mess, by trying to squeeze too many characters' origins and development into the running time, so nobody gets used to their full potential. Did we learn nothing from Batman and Robin? Clearly not, beacuse Batman and Robin didn't learn anything from Batman Returns and Batman Forever.

In theory, it's possible to have multiple villains if a lower-tier, physically-oriented character like Killer Croc or the Rhino is used as an Oddjob/Jaws to another, more intellectual villain's Goldfinger/Hugo Drax, acting as a sort of mid-level boss, but it's a bad idea to treat them as equals, which will demand equal screen time and be forced to steal it from other characters who deserve it more.

Admittedly, Batman Begins managed to do it with Scarecrow acting as a minion to Ras' al-Ghul by inverting that paradigm, but Nolan never forgot that it was Batman's movie and the focus should be on him, unlike all the others that expect you to care about the villains and their tragedy just as much as Bruce's. In general, though, I recommend keeping it simple, because the more characters and elements you try to squeeze in, the more you're diluting your focus. See Daredevil, X-Men III, and both Fantastic Four films for examples.


Dark knight did a great job with Joker & Two-Face I thought. I thought that making every spidy bad guy a tragic Jekyll & Hyde story was lame and kinda made them too identical to each other.

11-12-2010, 07:24 PM
I Played Lego Batman and I think Mr. Freeze was the coolest Villian in the game out of the Batman Universe (Even though I'm not a fan of Batman or anything)

11-12-2010, 08:02 PM
I Think Naomi Watts would play a great Catwoman. shes got sex appeal and a sertain seduction to her voice. OH ya, and she also Very Beautiful

---------- Post added at 02:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:58 PM ----------

Ack! No! No more villain team-ups! That's the primary reason that Spider-Man 3 was such a mess, by trying to squeeze too many characters' origins and development into the running time, so nobody gets used to their full potential. Did we learn nothing from Batman and Robin? Clearly not, beacuse Batman and Robin didn't learn anything from Batman Returns and Batman Forever.

In theory, it's possible to have multiple villains if a lower-tier, physically-oriented character like Killer Croc or the Rhino is used as an Oddjob/Jaws to another, more intellectual villain's Goldfinger/Hugo Drax, acting as a sort of mid-level boss, but it's a bad idea to treat them as equals, which will demand equal screen time and be forced to steal it from other characters who deserve it more.

Admittedly, Batman Begins managed to do it with Scarecrow acting as a minion to Ras' al-Ghul by inverting that paradigm, but Nolan never forgot that it was Batman's movie and the focus should be on him, unlike all the others that expect you to care about the villains and their tragedy just as much as Bruce's. In general, though, I recommend keeping it simple, because the more characters and elements you try to squeeze in, the more you're diluting your focus. See Daredevil, X-Men III, and both Fantastic Four films for examples.

I dont think Nolan should have any Villians with Supernatural powers such as Ivy or Freez

---------- Post added at 02:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:01 PM ----------

Hoffman Hatter........ Somebody call Nolan and make it happen. I want it to happen.

edit - Looks like we're getting a villainess - Christopher Nolan Narrows ‘Dark Knight Rises’ Casting List To Six Actresses, Two Female Leads (

Brilliant idea Misu, Hoffman would do a wonderful job as Hatter. Also i think Naomi Watts would portray a wonderful Catwoman, wat u think?

Chocolate Misu
11-13-2010, 03:33 AM
^ I don't even know who Naomi Watts is.............. *looks her up*........................ Looks like the only thing I've seen her in is King Kong............ and I hated that version. I don't know if she's usually that uninteresting of an actress or if it was just the overall blandness of that movie, but I'm going go with not having an opinion on her. She might do well........ but hell, Ledger went from one of the absolute worst actors I ever saw in my life to one of the best by playing Joker... These Batman movies seem to get people to act..... well, good.

01-21-2011, 06:58 AM
hey guys, interesting news as of late, it seems Christopher Nolan has confirmed that Ann Hathaway will portray Selina Kyle\ Catwoman. and Tom Hardy will portray Bane. wat do u guys think

01-14-2012, 03:17 AM
Id love to see the Riddler again I though he was cool. Riddle me this riddle me that who has on his mind a big black bat....