11-11-2010, 01:34 AM
This game was talked about a bit in the Sonic 4 thread but it's a little dead. Has anybody else played this yet? I've had a go at both the Wii and DS versions now and they're both pretty good. The DS version is the usual Dimps affair where you hold right to win while going through lots of loops. It's pretty fun though and if you liked any of the other handheld Sonic games you should go check it out.

The Wii version is much better though, in my opinion. It's the first 3D Sonic game I've ever liked. I think I've put about 4 or so hours into it now, mostly replaying the early stages to try and get the S rank and find all the red rings. I think there's a pretty great incentive to find all the rings too, since they unlock these 2D levels with awesome 8 bit covers ( of all the main themes in the game. Most of the soundtrack is really good though, except the two dreadful rock songs with lyrics by Cash Cash. The game is also really pretty ( There seems to be a lot of inspiration from Super Mario Galaxy in Sonic Colours' representation, which is not a bad thing.

I think I've sold it about as best I can. I've never been a fan of the series so I'm kind of excited I've found a Sonic game I think is really fun. Everybody should go try it out.

11-11-2010, 02:05 AM
I can only talk about what i've seen. I like most of the 3D sonic games. I also like the innovations they put into the games so it doesn't get rehased and boring.

11-11-2010, 05:58 AM
Got another week to wait before this game is released in the US, but it definitely looks worth checking out based on your description and the videos you've provided.