11-10-2010, 10:57 AM
What is achieved once the tracks are mastered? The mastered tracks can easily be sent for commercial release. The best part of it all is that they can be played on any media and not just the one on which it was created. Music is created when the notes are written and tuned, arranged and mixed, recorded and finally mastered. The mastering done makes it a great piece to listen to. The difference is obvious to even the most inexperienced set of ears. The process is what renders the tracks its professional touch. Mastering makes the track loud, crystal clear and professional. The master engineer has years of experience finding the right tune. The compression, equalization and limiting given makes it sound great. The process is cheap and affordable mastering service ( uploading the audio files on the server to be modified or mastered by the engineer. The recording engineer may not be able to find any discrepancies in the track as the engineer listens to the track, every now and then. But when the mastering engineer listens to the track with fresh ears, he can find out the issues that were not pointed out by the recording engineer. The recording engineer may not be able to trace changes owing to the constant hearing. This is attributed to the experienced ears of the mastering engineer. The mastering engineer also has a well designed mastering studio which makes it easy for the engineer to master the tracks easily. The process is necessary if the music is to be released in the world market.

11-11-2010, 10:38 AM
....and? This is a request forum, so what is the request...or point even?