11-08-2010, 09:32 PM
Hi everyone,

I am currently looking for several music tracks from the original Metal Gear Solid game (PSX/PC) that were not in the official CD release.

As of now, I just found one unreleased track which is the Enclosure theme from the Codec conversations (it's a bit different than the one played during Wolf's death). But I noticed there are several other musics in this game that I'd like to get.

There's for example :

- "the Best is yet to come" instrumental version (played during Meryl's cutscene in the bathroom and in the codec conversation just after she has been shooted by Wolf, and also when Gray Fox speaks to Snake a last time during REX's battle)
- the music from the opening movie (in the submarine),
- the fast music that plays when Meryl is shooted by Wolf or when DARPA Chief dies in front of Snake (it's the same one)
- the music you can hear during the final conversation with Campbell (particulary when it's Otacon ending, it's a sad music)
- the final music when Snake and Meryl or Otacon are going to leave Shadow Moses Island
- the one that plays three times at the beginning (the first time when Snake arrives, the second time when Snake is in the elevator and the third one at the heliport).

I think I did not list all the songs that were not in the official soundtrack, but those ones are the main ones I'd like to find.

Thanks !

11-11-2010, 10:02 AM
Please anyone ? I can give some links to YouTube videos where these musics are played during the game if that can help.

10-25-2014, 09:31 PM
Please anyone ? I can give some links to YouTube videos where these musics are played during the game if that can help.

Hi there, I've searched for ages and all I could find was this youtube channel which seems to have what you're looking for. I just used a youtube to mp3 converter to download these.

Ding0dil3 - YouTube (