11-06-2010, 04:31 PM
Here it is, my TFU II custom soundtrack. I have to say I think this is probably my best work yet, I had a lot of fun making this one. There was a lot of music to work with which made it both challenging and fun. A word of note though is that many of the levels or scenes in the game not only used original music my Griskey, but it used music from all the SW films. In some instances I couldn't find the exact music in the rip, so I did my best to substitute it with similar SW music. I hope you all enjoy listening to it as much as I did making it!

You can check out all my scores here: Thread 77767

The Force Unleashed II Custom Soundtrack

Credit Goes To: RadeonX1950
Composed By: Mark Griskey
Year Released: 2010
Format: MP3 @ 320
Size: 120 MB
Runtime: 0:57:01

1. The Force Unleashed II Main Theme
2. Star Wars Main Titles and Darth Vader's Arrival
3. Escape From Kamino
4. Cato Neimoidia and the Search for Kota
5. The Gorog
6. Visions At Dagobah
7. The Rebel Fleet (Finding Juno)
8. Terror Aboard The Salvation
9. Memories Of A Dead Man
10. The Battle For Kamino
11. The Rebellion's Victory and Finale
Password: The10ne

11-06-2010, 05:28 PM
Thanks a bunch, been waiting for this a while, love the main theme

11-06-2010, 05:44 PM
Dude!! this is fantastic!!! this is why i come to ffshrine! amazing soundtracks, better than the originals, and they always come sooner! thanks a ton!!

11-06-2010, 07:34 PM
Your both welcome, and just to anyone that may be curious, the majority of the music was taken directly from the rip. . .however the Star Wars main titles and the opening music after is actually the exact same track as the opening music for Attack of the Clones. . .same one note for note.

11-06-2010, 07:34 PM
I hope I'll hear there cue which plays during the last cut-scene (Light side) as well as in the credits. =) downloading anyway. thanks.

11-06-2010, 07:36 PM
I hope I'll hear there cue which plays during the last cut-scene (Light side) as well as in the credits. =) downloading anyway. thanks.

You sure will, I thought that piece was very beautiful, a very moving piece. And yes you'll hear it in the very last track, although I omitted it from the credits as I didn't want to have the same exact piece play twice within a 3 minute span of one another. Enjoy. :)

11-06-2010, 07:48 PM
woooo ! thanks ! :-)

11-06-2010, 10:19 PM
Great orchestral music, thanks for sharing mate :)

11-06-2010, 10:29 PM
What a treat, thank you!

11-06-2010, 11:39 PM
Thank you thank you! =)

11-07-2010, 03:05 AM
thank you!

11-07-2010, 04:19 AM
Even though I haven't played the new game (And probably will never will) this soundtrack is epic!! like the first one

hope I can find the game walkthrough on youtube

Deviant Reaper
11-07-2010, 07:38 AM
Thanks, while this game is mediocre and somewhat boring in comparison to the first...the music is classic Star Wars epicness.


11-07-2010, 09:19 AM
Thank you so much... Great job
I only missed one track. the one with the drums. similar to "Zam The Assassin And The Chase Through Coruscant"

11-07-2010, 02:12 PM
Are there many any unused/unheard cues from the first game's music?

11-07-2010, 03:07 PM
Thanks! But could someone upload a mirror, please? MU is being especially uncooperative today...

11-07-2010, 08:21 PM
Thank you!!! :)

11-07-2010, 09:38 PM
ummm dang it. i tried downloading and it is telling me and i quote "the file you are trying to access is currently unavailable"!!! NOOO! please reupload! much appreciated man.

11-07-2010, 09:43 PM
Thanks a lot for this another amazing job.

11-07-2010, 09:43 PM
Hmm its working for me, I know sometime MU is problematic sometimes. I'll try posting a mirror later.

11-07-2010, 09:44 PM
k thanks man, i dunno maybe its my computer... its a piece of crap

11-07-2010, 10:38 PM
I have my own version of this but I stuck to cleanly-available TFU2 material. Shame I couldn't get hold of the clean ending for the Carbon Freeze reprise at the end of the game, or the rest of the cue, as a matter of fact. It's much shorter but I feel like sharing it anyways. It's promo-styled:

My promo version (


WARNING: Purely Mark Griskey material. No John Williams material has been included.

11-07-2010, 10:40 PM
as soon as anyone can re upload, perhaps on mediafire i have no problems with them. i am really eager to listen to it!

11-08-2010, 01:39 AM
Mirror please? Megaupload quits downloading and keeps showing errors. Thanks!

11-08-2010, 05:07 AM
Uploading on mirror now, will update post when its added.

Edit: Mirror added! :)

11-08-2010, 02:15 PM
Thank you very much for the mirror :) (and the soundtrack!)

11-08-2010, 08:38 PM
Thank you so much!! I have been looking for this and this looks awesome!

11-08-2010, 10:28 PM
Thank you for this, but i was wondering does anyone have that piece of music for the dark side ending? YouTube - Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 - Dark Side Ending (

11-09-2010, 09:52 AM
I have the promo for TFU2 (the official Griskey promo), and I am uploading now. However I will open up a new thread for it.

11-09-2010, 12:00 PM
The1One I should say it's a great work of yours! sounds like a real album! respect. :)

11-09-2010, 03:13 PM
I have the promo for TFU2 (the official Griskey promo), and I am uploading now. However I will open up a new thread for it.


11-09-2010, 11:17 PM
dude thank you so much!! downloading now. ahhhh i cant wait to hear it. you made my day man!!

---------- Post added at 02:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:46 PM ----------

I have the promo for TFU2 (the official Griskey promo), and I am uploading now. However I will open up a new thread for it.

cool man, put the link here so we can all find it. i like adding all the soundtracks i can find together so i can get the best quality and quantity :P[COLOR="Silver"]

11-10-2010, 09:46 AM
Hi there, thanks very much for this custom soundtrack. Can anyone clarify some stuff for me please? Is the custom soundtrack (this version and version 2) made from the promo release or other rips? I'm confused I cant tell which is already on the promo, and doubled up on the custom soundtracks? I'm trying to make sure I dont miss any material not on the promo basically. Any help anyone? Appreciations in advance!

11-10-2010, 10:30 AM
These custom soundtracks contain none of the promo material because they were made before I found the promo.

11-10-2010, 10:40 AM
Ah, I see. Thank you for clairifying that. Do Custom Soundtracks 1 and 2 double up the music from eachother or are they both fresh material? I would appreciate any advice on whats non-repeated. Thanks again! Excellent work!

11-10-2010, 10:48 AM
My custom soundtrack uses purely Griskey material from the game whereas the first uses both Griskey and Williams material, even using the first trak from AOTC.

11-10-2010, 10:58 AM
My custom soundtrack uses purely Griskey material from the game whereas the first uses both Griskey and Williams material, even using the first trak from AOTC.

Thanks for that. So am I right that both your custom made albums have seperate fresh material, not repeated on eachother?

Ur custom is great and I'm enjoying it.

11-10-2010, 11:04 AM
They probably do repeat some material since it stems from the same rip but the order and usage will differ. I was creating mine blind, basically, because I do not pay that much attention to Griskey material while I'm playing TFU2 (too busy forcing Stormtroopers to attack their allies or commit suicide :p )

11-10-2010, 11:07 AM
They probably do repeat some material since it stems from the same rip but the order and usage will differ. I was creating mine blind, basically, because I do not pay that much attention to Griskey material while I'm playing TFU2 (too busy forcing Stormtroopers to attack their allies or commit suicide :p )

Sure! :) Its a cool game.

11-11-2010, 05:54 AM
My custom soundtrack uses purely Griskey material from the game whereas the first uses both Griskey and Williams material, even using the first trak from AOTC.

Actually, its interesting though, I know you said you didn't really notice it, but if you watch the opening credits of TFU II, the music used in the custcene is the same as that used in AOTC. I mean, when your composing something for Star Wars material its only natural to borrow from Williams, but I've noticed Griskey often uses his material but then tweaks some of it to get the desired sound. He did that with Kotor 2 as well. . .and thanks for the promo btw.

The1One I should say it's a great work of yours! sounds like a real album! respect. :)

Thanks, I appreciate that! :)

11-23-2012, 03:44 PM
Link is dead !!

05-21-2013, 08:09 PM
Re-Up link!

06-08-2013, 02:13 AM
Can We have a re-up of the Link, Please?

08-18-2013, 06:51 PM
Ditto, would love to see this re-uploaded. Thanks!

08-18-2013, 10:48 PM
I would also appreciate a re-upload of this please

08-22-2013, 08:03 PM
A re-upload would be greatly aprreciated. Thank you !

06-10-2015, 06:04 PM
AHH! So much love for this and I get to it and it's not here! A re-upload would be amazing! Cheers :D

06-21-2015, 08:15 AM
Hello The1One,
I am very interested in your edit of Star Wars - The Force Unleashed II Custom Soundtrack (Mark Griskey).
Is there a chance that you can re-upload your edit again?
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards, Klaus.

06-22-2015, 01:45 AM
Link has been updated, Im not sure why it was saying it was invalid. Anyways hopefully it works now.

06-22-2015, 02:00 AM
It works fine for me :)

If mediafire link doesn't work anymore try this link. (!PUsAUAAA!Mv5lqd9MeFd3NjcXCowk5Z07Gr4t3Xi-tTcwTkxayLI)
Password: The10ne

10-05-2018, 07:21 PM
Many Thanks!