Smurf Stomper
11-01-2010, 09:09 PM
Per the new forum guidelines, here is a standalone thread for this release...

Title: Fallout 3 Custom Soundtrack
Bitrate: 192k, mp3
Year: 2008
Composer: Inon Zur


01 Main Title (War Never Changes)
02 Vault 101 Action
03 Welcome To The Wasteland
04 The Capital Wasteland
05 Megaton Theme
06 Exploration
07 RobCo Facility
08 The Dunwich Building
09 Requim For Humanity
10 Nightfall (Paradise Lost)
11 Raiders
12 Meresti Station
13 Old Olney
14 Talon Company Ambush
15 Dawn Over The Wastes
16 D.C. Ruins (The Perfect Life)
17 Super Mutants
18 Metro Tunnels
19 Super Mutant Behemoth
20 The National Mall
21 Rivet City
22 Vault 112
23 The Brotherhood of Steel
24 The Citadel (Power Armor)
25 The Forgotten Vaults
26 Paradise Falls
27 The Enclave
28 Raven Rock
29 Project Purity
30 Take It Back!

Download here: MultiUpload (

11-02-2010, 09:48 AM
Thanks!!! :)

11-02-2010, 01:25 PM
Um do you have the radio stations too?

11-03-2010, 05:48 AM
The tracklist looks interesting, please can you indicate which files were used from the music folder of the game? I wanted to do my own custom ost but am not a major fan of the franchise...

11-03-2010, 11:22 AM
This is a very good effort. It is hard sometimes to name the files such as Explore 1,2,3, Battle 1,2,3 Etc. Since the music plays at random, there is no real right or wrong answer to where certain musical cues could go. Makes me want to release my 3CD effort, but that has been a year in development and i'm struggling with the artwork.

11-03-2010, 04:42 PM
Heh, nice. I think I came up with "Requiem for Humanity", assuming you based your title upon the one I gave the track in one of my YouTube videos ( :)

In fact, a couple of those are the same titles I gave the songs. If you want, I can post my complete list.

Reminds me I still need to upload the rest. Nice work. :)

11-03-2010, 07:54 PM
Nice. Could we have a custom soundtrack with all the radio stuff to?

11-04-2010, 04:15 AM
what we need is a filename-to-track corresponding list. I think all 30 of Zur's ingamemp3s were used. Also, running times can help to make my own comparisons. Thanks guys.

Smurf Stomper
11-05-2010, 05:37 PM
Hello all. Thank you for the positive feedback.. I created this soundtrack after searching since the game's release for one like it, and always coming up empty. To answer a few questions:

I no longer have the source files I used for the compilation, so sorry, no radio tracks will be added, although it was tempting to throw in some of Agatha's 'noodling'!
Ninja, your youtube videos were of great assistance in naming some of the tracks, I hope you don't mind that I used Requiem for Humanity as the title, it was too good to pass up. Some of the other tracks were named with the help of the many comments left on your videos as well.

Other tracks were named and arranged from both my own experience of about 100 hours of gameplay and the fallout 3 wiki. And yes, the source files are the mp3's in the game folder. After finalizing the names/track order, the mp3's were given a volume boost via mp3gain, which losslessly modifies the volume multiplier of the file, resulting in a more 'powerful' sound.

Renaming and arranging them took a very long time, so anyone contemplating a similar effort to mine is hereby warned: take a day off first!