10-30-2010, 05:51 PM
Hello everyone here! I�m Terra, a fans of Mr.Sakimoto�s music =)
This is a project from fans, it's not official.
As title stated, it�s a project about Hitoshi Sakimoto�s on coming birthday which fall on 26 Feb 2011, I�ve a plan of gather all fans of Sakimoto and make a birthday present together then send to him! Aiming the goal to surprise Mr.Sakimoto! XD

The project is doing a book. It�s printed book, fans need to work on the content part.
Main concept is like, a compilation of each letter & birthday wishes. Put them together and turn it into a book!
So yea, content pages is about birthday wishes and personal message to Sakimoto.
Each fans are provided maximum 2 pages to work on it.
My idea is gather fans at least 100 people. if 50 people joining, there�s already around 100 pages for the book, gather at least 100 people joining to make the book as epic as possible!!!! XD

There�s only 1 book will be printed out for Sakimoto present. For fans joining this project, still managed to see the book content, just it will be in digital file format(PDF file) =)

Project Info
Present : 1 printed book
Book size : A5 , 148x210mm (half of A4 paper)

Timeline of the Project
28 Oct ~ 15 Nov Gather 100 fans to join project
16 Nov ~ 31 Dec Work on the page and submit to me before 1st January 2011
01 Jan ~ 31 Jan Compile all pages into a book and send it for printing
February 2011 Ready the book for shipping to Mr. Sakimoto

Content pages
1) Each fan is then provided a maximum of TWO A5-sized pages to work on. You may take just a single page too if you prefer.
2) Fans can fill in their pages with anything they like, for example: a personal letter, drawings, photos or even music sheets. Anything goes as long as it can be printed out (and not offensive)!
3) For those who are writting a message on the page, it's highly recommended to use your own handwritting instead of typing it out on a compuer. Because your handwritting will make the message more unique and personal.
4) After receiving everyone's work, we will apply layout and arrange them properly, before send it off for printing.

How to work on your page (for none photoshop user)
1) If you are doing your page on a piece of paper, make sure the paper is A5-sized, 148 x 210mm (or you can just fold an A4 sized paper in half)
2) Then scan it into digital form in 300dpi, and save it out as a JPEG/JPG file format in the highest quality setting possible.
3) You can just focus on the content, as we will be doing the layout for the pages. =)
4) Email your files to [email protected] , with the email subject as "HS Project Submission", along with the required information below (the info will be displayed on your personal pages along with your content)
1. Name/Nickname :
2. Country :
3. Fav album of Mr. Sakimoto :
4. Fav tracks of Mr. Sakimoto :
5. Where did you find out about this project? : (this won't appear in the book, it's just an alternate way for us to find you if email contact were to fail)

* Please take note that your content will be resized to fit into the page layout, so please don't write your messages too small!

Project update : H.S. year 2011 Birthday Project (http://community.livejournal.com/hs_birthday2011/)
Project FAQ : hs_birthday2011: FAQ of the project (http://community.livejournal.com/hs_birthday2011/304.html)

If you are fans of Sakimoto and interested to join this project, please leave a comment here or send a PM to me, or email to : [email protected] with title �HS Birthday Project 2011�

Thank you!!

01-26-2011, 09:38 AM
How many people from here besides myself that participated in this?

01-26-2011, 03:52 PM
so far 43 participant take part the project, received 32 submission so far
none of them from ffshrine for now
are you interested? :)
there's still 3 days left until the deadline

02-11-2011, 07:52 PM
Count Me In.....

02-11-2011, 11:39 PM
Great idea! Count me in, aswell.

02-18-2011, 04:36 AM
Hi topopoz & Caliburner9

the book already sent to print before your messages here... so not managed to apply your entry for the book
sorry about that ><;;;