12-08-2002, 01:15 AM
Courtesy of WS/Chrysalis:
(P.s. Sorry, Bri, just had to share ^_~)
This is a story WS was forced to tell me late on night from 1:12:11 AM to 2:05:15 AM

Warning: May sound familiar.

SO it begins:

Chrysalis: Once upon a time, in a land far away, there was a kingdom called Corneria

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> Was it big???

Chrysalis: it wasn't reall big, but it wasn't samll either

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> hmm... middle!

Chrysalis: it was a fairly good sized kingdom though. It was ruled by a gentle king and kind queen, who had 2 very beautiful daughters

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> did they have ponies??

Chrysalis: Princess Sara, the eldest, and princess Jane the youngest
Chrysalis: yes, they had ponies

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> big ones??

Chrysalis: the were just the right size for the princesses

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> oh, middle

Chrysalis: The king also had a large army to protect him from the evil monsters that lived in the wilderness around his kingdom
Chrysalis: it was considered to be the best in the world

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> Go Team!

Chrysalis: and the man who led the army was the famous knight Garland
Chrysalis: He was the best swordsman in the kingdom
Chrysalis: No one could beat him in a duel

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> Did he have a pony??

Chrysalis: he had a very beautiful black stallion
Chrysalis: the fastest horse in the kingdom

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> oooOOOoh
<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> was it big??

Chrysalis: it was big

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> WOO hoo!
<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> He's my hero!

Chrysalis: he's everyone's hero

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> ooooh, I not sharing... *covets*

Chrysalis: Garland was in love with Princess Sara
Chrysalis: but Sara loved another, a commoner from the town outside the castle

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> *growls*
<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> *pushes Sarah out window and climbs on stallion's back*

Chrysalis: O_o

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> continue!!!!!

Chrysalis: Garland, not one used to being rejected, was very hurt when Sara refused his hand

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> that's okay, he has me!

Chrysalis: and one night, in a fit of rage, he kidnapped princess Sara and took her to the old ruins north of the kingdom

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> ooh... bad man

Chrysalis: THe king and queen were very distraught about their daughters abduction, and sent their best troops to get her back
Chrysalis: but Garland was too good for them, and drove them away

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> *Sniffs*

Chrysalis: Not knowing what to do, the King offered a reward for anyone who could rescue Princess Sara
Chrysalis: It was then that the commoner stepped foward

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> ooooOOoh, was the reward a pony???
<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> did he have a pony???

Chrysalis: no, he didn't have a pony
Chrysalis: he was poor

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> ooooh.... poor poor boy, no pony ride..

Chrysalis: the King offered him riches untold if he could save the Princess
Chrysalis: he could have all the ponies he wanted

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> if they were untold and he didn't get it in writing, the guy got jipped!

Chrysalis: The commoner knew that by himself he could never beat Garland
Chrysalis: So he got 3 of his closest frinds to help him

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> bill fred and Christopher!

Chrysalis: okay, bill fred and christopher

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> Woohooo!!

Chrysalis: Bill was a very good martial artist
Chrysalis: he could break swords and armor with his bare hands

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> wa-foo-yung!

Chrysalis: Fred was a priest from the church
Chrysalis: he was a master healer, and could banish evil spirits

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> Daio-gratzia

Chrysalis: and Christopher was a powerful wizard

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> zap.
<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> o_O

Chrysalis: they went back to the King, and he promised each of them a share of the reward once the Princess was safe
Chrysalis: They agreed and set off for the ruins in the north
Chrysalis: It was a hard and long journey to the ruins

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> did they eat their pony?
<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> *Hides under covers*

Chrysalis: no, but they did eat their minstrels

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> oh, *phew*

Chrysalis: First they had to make it through the wods around the kingdom itself
Chrysalis: woods even
Chrysalis: The woods were full of imps and wolves

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> they should ride their ponies, silly!

Chrysalis: they don't have ponies to ride

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> oh yea.. I forgot

Chrysalis: It was hard making it through the forest

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> yea.. they had no ponies *sniffles*

Chrysalis: the wolves and imps were very tough
Chrysalis: but they fought on, and made it past the woods to the plains beyond the kingdom
Chrysalis: the plains were very beautiful
Chrysalis: you could see for miles, and you could even see the ocean that bordered the kingdom

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> sea-ponies???

Chrysalis: no, no sea-ponies

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> oh, okay

Chrysalis: They decided to stop and rest there

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> pretty

Chrysalis: it was very pretty
Chrysalis: they ate dinner, and slept that night on the plains before moving on towards the ruins

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> dream about ponies?

Chrysalis: yes they dremt about ponies

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> Good! ^__^

Chrysalis: they crossed the plains the next morning, and came to the evil swamp that was just south of the ruins

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> ooh... bad place
<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> *hisses*

Chrysalis: the swamp was a very bad place, and a lot of evil monsters lived there

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> ooh, bad place with friends

Chrysalis: It was evn harder here then it was in the forest

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> why it do that?

Chrysalis: but the team pushed on, but had to return to the plains
Chrysalis: the monsters there were too tough for them
Chrysalis: but the commoner would not give up
Chrysalis: he went back into the swamp without his friends

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> hmm... determined lil pony-less bugger

Chrysalis: he fought hard and bravely against the evil monsters in the swamp, but there were just to many, and he was being overwhelmed

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> *gasps!*

Chrysalis: he knew he was going to die, but he fought harder, because he wanted to save the Princess

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> aww... Go He Man!

Chrysalis: but just as things looked grim, his friends showed up and helped him out, and they were able to beat the monsters that lived in the swamp

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> did they have ponies now?

Chrysalis: no, they still didn't have ponies

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> oh.. okay

Chrysalis: finally, they made it through the evil swamp

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> were they dirty?

Chrysalis: very much so

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> stinky?

Chrysalis: more than they were dirty

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> ...

Chrysalis: and they were even more tired then they were stinky

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> *lowers her voice* did they remember to brush their teeth???

Chrysalis: but on top of the hill before them, was the ruins where Garland had taken Princess Sara
Chrysalis: the ruins were of a very old temple, and was haunted by all sorts of evil ghosts

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> why?
<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> did they like it there?

Chrysalis: the ghosts liked it so much there that when they died, they chose to stay there instead of passing on

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> oooooOOoh

Chrysalis: a few of them had even sworn to protect the ruins for eternity

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> silly dead guys!

Chrysalis: the commoner told his friends that he was going to face Garland alone

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> he was being selfish! He's in it for the ponies!

Chrysalis: He left them at the foot of the hill, and entered the ruins by himself

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> o.o

Chrysalis: Inside he found Garland, and Princess Sara

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> and the black stallion???

Chrysalis: and the black stallion

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> ooOOoh

Chrysalis: Garland was surprised to find that a commoner had made it to the ruins on his own

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> but... he didn't... o_O...

Chrysalis: So Garland challenged the commoner to a duel

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> o.O
<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> GO Team!

Chrysalis: If Garland won, the Princess was his
Chrysalis: If the commoner won, Garland would let her go

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> o.o

Chrysalis: they fought hard against each other
Chrysalis: Garland was impressed by the commoners skill
Chrysalis: but he was still the better fighter, and knocked the commoners sword from his hands

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> Woo! My hero!

Chrysalis: He was about to swing the final strike, when Princess Sara jumped in front of the commoner to save him

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> o_O she wanted ponies too?

Chrysalis: SHe told Garland that she loved the commoner, and wouldn't let harm come to him

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> aww...

Chrysalis: Garland was overcome by the amount of love she had for the commoner, and decided to let her go anyway

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> see, he not a bad man!

Chrysalis: The commoner and Princess Sara left the ruins and headed back to the castle with thier friends

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> smelly friends
<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> o_O

Chrysalis: Garland however, knew he couldn't go back to the kingdom, because of what he had done

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> He played pool with his ghost buds!

Chrysalis: He roamed the countryside, killing any evil monsters that he came across

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> aww.. *wipes tear from eye*... bye bye hero-man

Chrysalis: The commoner and Princess Sara and their friends eventually made it back to the castle

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> stinky o_O

Chrysalis: The king was overcome with joy, and immediately told his servants to wash them and put them in the kingdoms finest clothes

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> Yay!

Chrysalis: After they had cleaned, the king held a feast in honor of the Princess' safe return

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> King's a nice guy, he married?

Chrysalis: yes

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> o.o oh
<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> I forgot

Chrysalis: The king then brought the 4 heros in front of him

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> Aethos, P---.. not them?

Chrysalis: ???

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> dartanion...
<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> Parthos?

Chrysalis: oh
Chrysalis: no, not them
Chrysalis: the commoner, bill, fred, and christopher

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> oh yea!

Chrysalis: he offered each of them a portion of his kingdom they could rule over

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> presents!

Chrysalis: and he also offered them as many ponies as they wanted

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> And they lived Happily Ever After!!

Chrysalis: bill fred and christopher gladly accepted the kings offer
Chrysalis: but the commoner refused it, saying that knowing the Princess was safe was reward enough for him

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> free ponies, who wouldn't!
<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> *blinks in shock*
<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> .. he was dropped as a newborn, wasn't he...

Chrysalis: the King knew that the commoner and Sara were in love, but law prevented them from being married

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> is Sara a pony?

Chrysalis: so the King made him captain of the army, and as such, he could marry the Princess
Chrysalis: (no she's not a pony )

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> can I be one?

Chrysalis: I dunno, can you?

<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> hmm....
<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> no...
<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> unless....
<font color="green">CutesyMe:</font> > : D

Chrysalis: the not-so-commoner and Princess Sara were married
Chrysalis: and they lived happily ever after
Chrysalis: with all the ponies they ever wanted

The End.

Young Country Gurl 2004
12-08-2002, 01:24 AM
LOL, that's funny. What is it with the ponies though?

Rabid Monkey
12-08-2002, 01:48 AM
monkeys are better...

12-08-2002, 06:30 AM
Heh, that's pretty funny and somewhat weird. Lisa, what is up with the ponies? Anyhoo, it's still pretty kawaii ^_^

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
12-08-2002, 07:09 AM
*insert echoing laughter here*

12-08-2002, 07:20 AM
XD Classic, I wanna pony for christmas. SO I wonder what happened to this Garland fella.

12-08-2002, 08:13 AM
That's my cuz!

You never cease to amaze me!

12-08-2002, 05:39 PM
Hehehe, great story Quistis-chan!

That was a great fantasy type story. The character's, setting, and the plot were very cool. All except the little pony interuptions.

12-08-2002, 09:19 PM
Ponies, ponies, ponies....they are sooooo cool!
Can I have one too?
That's great Lisa! I remember a story about ponies *caugh* anyway, hope Brian doesn't get mad!

12-09-2002, 03:31 AM
Brian, Lisa, ya'll are too adorable for your own good. :P

That was extremely cute, and I loved it. I normally don't like reading a whole lot of stuff, but I really liked that.

I'll have to make Brian tell me a bedtime story one night. ^_^

12-09-2002, 12:12 PM
See what you're getting me into, Lisa? :P

Man, we must've been on something that night...


12-09-2002, 04:47 PM
*laughs* That was funny. And I liked the story.

*wants a bedtime story too* j/k

And the pony interruptions were cute.

(What were you two on, btw?) ^__~

12-12-2002, 04:46 AM
Lol I wish I had bedtime stories like that, (poor deprived me)
Anyhoo, cool story, loved reading it (and I liked the pony parts.....nothing wrong with ponies....well ok yeah monkeys are better, but thats besides the point)

*wanders off*

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
08-30-2003, 03:51 AM
Originally posted by Nny
See what you're getting me into, Lisa? :P

Man, we must've been on something that night...


Oh, don't go blaming it on her. You know it's your fault.

To heck with ponies, and monkeys too!

Teddy bears and conversations with Lisa are far better, IMO.