Roneo Strife
12-07-2002, 11:55 PM
Most peeps have never heard of this game but it kicks alot of arse. In my opion, this game has a better story than and alot better movie sceens than FF but FF has a better battle system.

If you ever see it in a store...BUY IT!
Its $50 for the first one and $60 for the second.
I know they are alittle pricy but the come with all kinds of cool stuff like a think instruction book (not those thin booklets that most games come with) and a sound track and a cloth world map. The second one comes with all of those and a pendent and some character stands.

This game is really cool and a must for collecters.

12-09-2002, 10:04 PM
I have beaten the first and am going to get the Game Boy Advance version of the first one. It was a good game, far inferior to FF IMO, nut good over all. Can't wait to get the first:D

12-14-2002, 12:00 PM
I agree that Eternal Blue was an incredible game and worth all the money, especially since it cost me45% less of the actual price. I have not played the first one yet but I will one day. It�s on my "to-get-to-play-to-love" list.

And uhm... GHALEON RULES!:cool:

Evad D'Aragon
12-14-2002, 05:18 PM
Misao, you played Eternal Blue BEFORE Silver Star Story...gosh...

Believe me , you would have loved the games A LOT MORE if you had played them in the "correct" order.

As for me, I have both games, that I got new with all the goodies included. It's impossible now to get the first Lunar with the collector's package, but Working Designs shipped a new batch of the game , without all the goodies, but with new art on the discs. Eternal Blue's still available though.

BTW, speaking of Working Designs, you should also check out the Arc The Lad Collection. More expensive than any other, but without a doubt the biggest RPG anthology ever...Six discs dammnit ! Playing through all three chapters ( with save conversion form one game to another, which was actually done BEFORE Suikoden since the Arc games were released in Japan before the Suikoden games ) takes well over 80 hours, and that's without looking for all the secrets there is, and without playing the fourth game "Arc Arena". Therefore, it's well worth your cash.

12-24-2002, 12:15 PM
But, you know... there was a sell-out, everything cost 45% less of the original price and Lunar 2 was the only game left that was not mere crap. I had to buy it then, I had to!! It would have been soooo stupid to say: Nah, I�ll let slip this occasion and wait until I have played Lunar 1 and then pay twice as much as it�d cost me now...

... Of course, you might say, "buy it, but play it later", and then I will look at you and say: "Do you think I can do that? Could you? It was impossible to resist the urge of playing such a sweet game!"

I am nothing but a victim of sell-outs, and rpg-addictions.
But hey, now I am crazy for the first game, you know? And believe me, that�s just impossible, having even more fun when playing a game! XD
Marry X-Mas, and I will suuuuurely try Arc the Lad, if ever I get the possibility, which I will, yay yay, certainly. ^_^

12-24-2002, 08:31 PM
The very first version of Lunar (The Silver Star) for the Sega CD was probably the best in battle system but not great in the department of voices and story.... in fact, the ending completely sucked! In the Sega CD Version...


Luna will no longer exist as a human and forgets everything about you (Alex) and her entire life as a Human


Then theres the improved Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete where they rewrote most of the story. Luna actually stays as an active character until a certain part in the game versus the Sega CD where Luna stays after you get a boat ride to Meribia. Alex also has an orcarina and NOT a harp. While I liked this version the most out of the two, this version is mostly the other half of the 2 games, one has gameplay, the other has story.

Then theres Lunar 2... which I semi-completed it. I will someday after I finish all my other RPGs.

09-14-2008, 11:02 PM
My favourite rpg series after Grandia (no wonder, since they are the same creators). This period I'm playing Lunar Silver Star Story.

As about the battle system, it's much way better that Final Fantasy which is so old and lame.

10-25-2008, 03:16 PM
I was lucky enough to give the complete collections for both Lunar: Silver Star Story and Lunar 2L Eternal Blue about 3 months ago at my local game shop. Snapped them BOTH up and have been very very happy ever since then! Both the sets have all their goodies intact...books, cd's, pendant, cutout character figurines, maps and what not.

Last time I was at the place they still had another copy of the collection for Lunar SSSC.

10-26-2008, 06:47 PM
Your post rocks!

10-27-2008, 08:13 PM
Yes most of us have heard of these two games, the stories are not better than the FF's, except for FF1 - FF3. so calm down fanboy.

I found EB on ebay couple years back complete mint condition, with the pendent, characters and map, for 30$. i dont remember what i paid for the first one though, i think around 50$

01-10-2009, 08:10 AM
Proudly own and played both games.

The real question is do you have this....