10-19-2010, 01:30 PM
Do you go to any? What games have you played recently?

10-20-2010, 05:22 AM
I spent a LOT of time in my childhood in arcades. Sometimes I spent more time there than at home, if I could. *sniff* Good times...

Unfortunately, they've been going the way of the dinosaur lately. There are three reasonable ones in my town currently, but I miss the huge-ass ones that I remember growing up with. And even the ones that ARE pretty big usually get dominated with pinball games (now this is just me, but I never could understand the fascination some people have with pinball games...but that's my opinion) and the ticket games (seriously, WTF?!?).

But to answer the second part of your question britfriend, the most recent arcade game I played was Terminator Salvation...fuck, that was all kinds of awesome!

10-20-2010, 06:14 AM
When I was growing up I too spent most of my time in arcades. Playing Mortal Kombat usually and then Tekken when the MK machines were going away. Now there's only one game I play in the arcades; Initial D. I was never a fan or sports games back then but this one takes place in the mountain passes of Japan. Takes a lot of skill to be good in those games and it took me years just to be where I am today (started when I was around 13).

10-20-2010, 06:27 AM
arcades are dying, fast.
theres around 2 arcades left in the city, they all have had the same games since ever.

10-20-2010, 08:29 AM
Yeah here where I live in a city called Portsmouth, there's two little arcade areas from the nineties that's rarely updated. That being said, they have all The House of the Dead's (bar Overkill) in them and they're a blast to play. No fighting games actually which sucks, I've always wanted to kick butt on a game of Tekken in an arcade, but I've never seen it. Arcades aren't the same anymore anyway as you people have already said, but it's also a UK thing, we just don't do arcades like Japan and the US did/do.

10-20-2010, 04:49 PM
When I was growing up (here in UK) we had a big Arcade in Bedford which was awesome, then moved to Milton Keynes, which had some fantastic VR games. Now they both gone. The closest I get to an arcade now is when the travelling fair comes to Norwich. Even then it's all populated by chavs so i stay clear lol. Had some good times in arcades though. I enjoyed paying for two players and playing Area 51 using both guns. Good times.

10-20-2010, 09:23 PM
When I was growing up (here in UK) we had a big Arcade in Bedford which was awesome, then moved to Milton Keynes, which had some fantastic VR games. Now they both gone. The closest I get to an arcade now is when the travelling fair comes to Norwich. Even then it's all populated by chavs so i stay clear lol. Had some good times in arcades though. I enjoyed paying for two players and playing Area 51 using both guns. Good times.

And I thought I was the only one who did that! You are officially awesome, BalambStudent!

The days of yore, when cooperation consisted of scrambling to grab powerups before the douchebag in your group did("WTF, you had 3/4 life, I only had two bars left, fucker! Why'd you steal that pizza?!?"), bruised shoulders from punches thrown by your allies/opponents("I TOLD YOU TO BE CAREFUL! WHY'D YOU SHOOT THE DAMN FOOD?!?"), the feeling of camaraderie when that tough SOB of a boss finally fell("OWNED! FRICKIN' OWNED!!! THAT'S WHAT TEAMWORK IS ALL ABOUT!") and the laughter of watching irony in action("I'll show you, dragon scale shield protects against dragon breath." *survives dragon breath, dragon eats him*)

XBL and PSN can never, I repeat, NEVER get to that level that arcades were at. Damn shame...

10-21-2010, 03:04 AM
I do spend quite a lot of times in Arcades. Usually flee to one when I tire of what I have on my Wii/PS3/PC, or when I've just been given lemons by life. Usually spend time on rhythm games (Taiko No Tatsujin, Dance 86.4, DDR, PPP) or if I'm in a nostalgic mode, any Metal Slug game, Outrunners or even Tetris. Idk, some games just feel better on the real thing than in MAME.

If I'm in a really bad mood (after being given a lemon), however, expect to see me get on a coin-operated ride instead (usually animal ones, particularly horses. it's just how wipe the frustration off my forehead). Doesn't help that most arcade personnel aren't amused when they see me riding a coin-operated ride, tho.

I have a list of arcades within a 40km radius of my area stored in my mind.

The big C
10-21-2010, 03:10 AM
Hiya, new to this site but was hoping someone could tell me if there is a way to get bolo ball game full version working. I used to have the full version but had to format my pc and can only get the unregisterd version now :(

10-21-2010, 04:54 AM
You are in the wrong thread. Ask elsewhere!

10-23-2010, 03:01 PM
There's no arcades near me sadly.