10-18-2010, 11:24 PM
90 tracks - Steve Jablonsky & Penka Kouneva

Info about the sound system of this game
The gameplay tracks by Penka Kouneva have six levels:1. the basic one, track 05, (Prince keeps still), 2. first level of the song (Prince walks), 3. second level (Prince's running), 4. third level (Prince's performing acrobatics), 5. fourth level (battle starts) and 6. fifth level (in battle). Each level is ~3 min and I mixed second + third level and fourth + fifth level, so that's ~6 min.
Note: All Steve Jablonsky's tracks (cinematics and boss battle) are from the original file or official OST (just 02).

01. Forgotten Sands (Main Theme)
02. Prince Arrives
03. The Ramparts I
04. The Ramparts II
05. The Kingdom
06. The Fortress
07. Family Welcome
08. Malik Goes On
09. Climbing the Fortress
10. Fall Back
11. Thieves
12. Smash the Soldiers
13. The Release of the Sand Army
14. Corridor Break
15. Razia
16. Turn Back
17. The Stables
18. Pry into the Stables
19. Booby Traps
20. Wraiths find the Prince
21. The Army Barracks

01. Malik Thinks up a Plan
02. The Works
03. Levers of the Works
04. Ratash Convokes
05. Destroying the Fortress
06. Charger Encounter
07. Undead Creatures
08. Servant Has Been Defeated
09. The Fortress Gates
10. The Gears of the Gates
11. Gears Unlocked
12. Break Through
13. Strike in the Fortress
14. Give me the Medallion
15. The Prison
16. Dodge the Cages
17. Introducing Enemies
18. Struggle in the Prison
19. Entering the Baths
20. The Baths
21. Flowing of the Water
22. Treason
23. Bump off the Army

01. Chase through the Royal Chambers
02. To the Throne Room
03. David and Goliath
04. Fighting Ratash I
05. Fighting Ratash II
06. Fighting Ratash III
07. Malik Ends the Fight
08. The Terrace
09. Moving Ledges
10. A Sandstorm is Coming
11. The Terrace Conflict
12. Thirsty for Power I
13. The Rooftop Gardens
14. Rooftop Activity
15. Thirsty for Power II
16. The Sand is Rising
17. Malik�s Transformation
18. Malik Fight I
19. Malik Fight II
20. The Tower Breaks
21. Djinn City Entrance
22. Collapsing Staircase

01. Welcome to the City of Rekem
02. The City of Rekem
03. Recall Rekem
04. The Story of the Marid
05. Enemies of the Djinn
06. Razia Reactivates the Reservoir
07. The Rekem Reservoir
08. Water of the Past
09. Assault in the Reservoir
10. The Sword to Kill Ratash
11. Solomon�s Vault
12. Returning to the Palace
13. Smash the Sand Army
14. The Palace
15. The Final Climb
16. Ratash Gains Power
17. Anger
18. The Demon In the Sand
19. Through the Storm
20. The Last Stand
21. Final Words

22. Forgotten Sands (Main Theme Reprise)
23. Game Over I
24. Game Over II

(This job was made by me just for fun last summer and I decided to release the tracks today.)

10-19-2010, 01:44 PM
Thank you!

10-24-2010, 05:41 AM
Yeah! Thanks very much! :)

12-06-2011, 12:55 AM
thank you very much

12-06-2011, 02:12 AM
Sorry... I just kinda need another explanation on who composed which parts of the score... I'm just curious... Didn't they compose for different consoles?

12-06-2011, 12:13 PM
i thought penka just composed some of the track while steve did 90%.

12-06-2011, 01:32 PM
In fact, Penka composed the 90%. This is the list by Kouneva (not 100% accurate):
CD1: 05,06,09-12,15,17,18-21
CD2: 02,03,07,09,13,15-21,23
CD3: 08,09,11,13,14,16,22
CD4: 01-09,11-15,23,24

Steve Jablonsky composed main theme, cinematics and some key moments (like final bosses). Penka composed one important cinematic (CD4-04 The Story of the Marid) because she did the Razia's theme. You can found a lot of interviews about her and this game. Also she updated her website some time ago: Penka Kouneva - Composer (
03. Palace Combat 3 = CD2-07 Undead Creatures
04. Razia Ancient Queen = CD1-15 Razia + CD4-04 The Story of the Marid
07. Prince Palace Ambient = CD3-08 The Terrace
09. Xtreme Acrobatic = CD4-15 The Final Climb
11. Chargin the Gate = CD1-10 Fall Back

12-06-2011, 02:12 PM
This is really awesome. 2 down, 2 to go. I love how you joined the dynamic tracks! If you are itching to do another POP title in this way, may I recommend a total rerip of POP:2008? The Inon Zur music is beautiful, and even the rock dude went a lot more orchestral on this one. I believe the ingame tracks are also streamed in the same way as POP: TFS. There was a previous rip around that was deinitely line-in and rife with pops and clicks, the game's engine, perhaps?

Anyway, I will download the last two rars this evening :-)

12-06-2011, 02:29 PM
Hehe, I finished a complete soundtrack for POP2008 (~91 tracks) before this release, but I'm fixing some tracks. In that game there's 5 levels, I mixed the first 3 levels, then, level 4 (Ormazd's plates) and level 5 (battles) are independent. I can upload it this month ;)

12-06-2011, 04:04 PM
CD3 and 4 done. Thanks a million, Sumori!!! Looking forward to POP: 2008 :-)

04-30-2012, 11:02 AM
please, reupload :c

05-04-2012, 05:06 AM
yeas i second this please

05-04-2012, 11:12 AM
Yes Please, I Love Music of Steve Jablonsky

05-04-2012, 06:28 PM
Here it is:
CD1 (
CD2 (
CD3 (
CD4 (

05-08-2012, 03:54 PM
Many Thanks, you are Great ;-)

08-13-2012, 11:32 AM
Any chance you can do this complete rip of the Wii version?

This is absolutely great :D

07-18-2013, 01:22 AM
Great themes!

Any chance you can do this complete rip of the Wii version?

This is absolutely great :D

I Second this.

12-22-2013, 02:36 AM

Kevin Thomas
04-09-2014, 02:32 PM

08-19-2014, 10:40 PM

I know this thread was created in 2011, but I'm just hoping I'm getting a reply. The links to download seem to be broken, they all just... Won't load. Please fix.

UPDATE: Nevermind, I seen your update post. Thanks for the upload! You're great!

08-20-2014, 04:56 AM
I am still keen to hear your rendition of 2008 :)