12-07-2002, 12:33 AM
What is up with them? What is the point?

12-07-2002, 08:26 AM
<font face="lucida calligraphy" size="2">What's up with posting tons of very open-ended questions? What is the point?

They're cute, maybe?

Anyway, this belongs in General FF discussion as it pertains to a number of the FF games.

12-07-2002, 08:42 AM
I think that they add the fantasy sense to the game. they are like chocobo's. they are just neat cute little charactars and usaually serve a pupose in the game. like saving, fighting, info, buy sell trade and what not.

I like them and I don't think it is nesaccary to remove them from the game.

12-07-2002, 09:29 AM
Serienne, why do you feel the need to nag at Roo_Dekart? Sure, he acts like a stereotype newbie but it doesn't mean you need to hassle him even if you are an Admin. *Shrugs*

But if you have your reasons then go ahead... Make his day. It just looks to me like you are out to get him which isn't very fair.

And Roo_Dekart's questions are fair enough as I do that all the time in my posts. Sure, it is pretty spammy but people are more likely to read your post cos it's short and it tells the reader what this thread is all about, which is good. Also, Serienne I don't see why this is put in the general FF section of the forum as far as I can see moogles are only in FF9 but if they are in another FF game then I will say sorry to you about this post but until then... I really thought you would know better.

Anyhoo, about the moogles... I think they are there just to make FF9 more fun to play, more interesting and it's just an excuse to add something to the game that is cute and yush, even ruley somewhat. Also, they are pretty useful as well.

Sure, the creators of FF9 could have found something else to find the moogle's purpose in the game but I thought the moogles did their job perfectly ^_^

12-07-2002, 10:14 AM
Moogles are a returning thing just like the chocobo's in every FF.

You can play a moogle in FF6 and there are tons of them running around in ff6.
Moogle in FF7 is called Mog I believe and he's in a mini game you can play in Gold Saucer
Moogle is FF8 can be found in chocobo world and if you find him there you get to summon him in battle as well and he'll do a crazy dance.
So, it's safe to say that Serienne knows her FF's :) Also the question Serienne asked was directed to Koo, not to you Arwen but let us not dwell on that in this topic...

Back to the topic; Moogles are fun, cute and just one of those little things which makes Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
12-08-2002, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by Arwen
Serienne, why do you feel the need to nag at Roo_Dekart? Sure, he acts like a stereotype newbie but it doesn't mean you need to hassle him even if you are an Admin. *Shrugs*

Come On. Serienne was only adding a bit of saracasm, its not the end of the world.....anyway i'll stop there I don't want to get into a big debate over something so small.

I kind of found the moogles annoying, sure some people find them cute. But I must be a bit blind as I think they're pointless, Pink Powderpuffs. Running around as if the own the place (well maybe not 'as if they ow the place' but they run around too much)

While Chocobo's on the other hand can sometimes have a purpose, maybe not in all Final Fantasy's, but like in FF7, Gold Chocobo's were key in getting Knights Of The Round.

But I just suppose the creators thought they would be fun to some people, it's up to them I guess.

God of HellFIRE
12-08-2002, 11:22 PM
I also don't like moogles!!!! blarghhh...:mad:

12-26-2002, 01:13 AM
I love Moogles they so cute...... they will always be a part of Final Fantasy

David F
12-26-2002, 02:03 AM
Same can be said for Chocobos, the point is they just look cute.

01-05-2003, 10:45 PM
If you recal moogles have been given a small sub-quest in FF9, and used in saving, but if you look at FF3 they were just Fully-able to fight and Dance playable characters. Moogles role in the game have been very jumpy and varied, but they are normally just a background character.

01-06-2003, 05:24 AM
XD what the? Moogles are the best. KUPOPO!! Yes, in FF9, they save the game, FF8, they..........umm, scratch FF8, FF7, that moogle is in that game. FF6........they help in battles... they're everywhere.

01-06-2003, 06:18 AM
Mog is a fantasy creature and that's one of the reason which clarified Final Fantasy as fantasy RPG ^^

Just like IRL, Square use moggle as one of his "mascot" and I don't think we should remove them from the game.

they're everywhere
Indeed, but not only the game, we also have a "moogle" in this forum *Point to someone* Lol

Nanaki XIII
01-06-2003, 07:02 AM
I think of Moogles as the dinosaurs from Mario and Mog as the Yoshi of Mario. they just help make the world and series have a completeness.

01-06-2003, 07:33 AM
Well all worlds have their variety of wildlife be it Moogles and Chocobos or Tigers and Pandas. Moogles, as with all the creatures in the various worlds of Final Fantasy, add the extra diversity to the world itself and should definately not be removed.

01-15-2003, 07:49 PM
I think its just to add more creatures to the game make it more interesting.

01-16-2003, 02:28 AM
FF8, they..........umm, scratch FF8,
Moogles are in FFVIII. If you play chocobo, you can meet Boko's friend Mog. And then if you get the item Mog Amulet, you can use the ability MiniMog to see "Moogle Dance," which heals all of your GFs.

01-16-2003, 10:20 AM
What's the point of Moogles you ask?

Well, what is the point of Chocobos? And Moombas? Cactuars? I could go on forever.

The point of them is, that they are one of the many traditions of the Final Fantasy games. Ever notice the repetative nature? It's a Final Fantasy thing. It's a character that was created just for the series.

They seem to have a different job in every game, so obviously that always changes. It's just all about keeping up with the Final Fantasy Tradition. Ever notice that Cid is in every game?

01-21-2003, 11:03 AM
Moogles are Kinda like a mascot to Final fantasy's. Kupo!!

01-29-2003, 04:27 PM
WHAT? can you be horrible about moogles..just look at them...there like the ultimate pet ,don't take up much room,they'd attract cute women cos there colourful & furry.

Plus they totally bring ff to life(gives depth by creating an whole new eco-system- animal-chocobo's + moogles & plant thingy thinks -cactuar)