12-07-2002, 12:32 AM
Will FFXI be the last?

12-07-2002, 02:43 AM
Who knows and whose to say, personally I don't think Squaresoft will end this series without a notice in some form, wether it be in a mag. or whatever. Just wait and we'll see...

12-07-2002, 10:00 AM
They already registered FFXII and 3 more follow ups so I dun think FFXI will be the end, but I think they will be offline though and Square Enix better make some big innovations in the new games or else they will lose money fast.

God of HellFIRE
12-07-2002, 01:33 PM
Nahhhhhh.... It won't be the last!!
Why do you say that??

12-07-2002, 07:47 PM
Because he just wanted to put a post up just to say he has posts in the shrine...

12-08-2002, 12:35 AM
*sigh* strange folks. i posted because i read that they are coming out with sequals to ffvii and ffx, so i thought that they won't go beyond ffxi!

12-10-2002, 06:26 AM
i heard that they were coming out with sequels to ffx and ffvii does anyone have any info about that??

P.S.-should i have posted this on the corresponding game discussion boards(i.e.-ffx sequel on ffx discussion board?)



12-10-2002, 04:24 PM
Wakka_Wakka_Wakka I agree with you but I hope that you are wrong. Tsk. A sequel to a legend? Like WTF?? Thats so gay.. It would ruin everythin!

12-12-2002, 07:05 PM
actually, they were giong to remake ff VII but, cancled it they were giong to make it for PS2. later on they scrapped the idea

but I never heard about the sequel of FFX

01-09-2003, 05:20 AM
If Final Fantasy 16 is going to be the last one of those series that will suck but I do give squaresoft credit for going that far that is a huge series.

Nanaki XIII
01-09-2003, 07:46 AM
They never said 16 would be the last so i highly doubt it will be. I think this series will go on forever to tell you the truth. Maybe im just optimitic.

01-09-2003, 07:51 PM
Yeah, I think they will keep giong until Hironobu Sakaguchi (the president of square) dies. Unless he pases it down and want to keep the series giong. I know fans will be dissapionted when the series ends.

Nanaki XIII
01-10-2003, 02:44 AM
Of course he will passit down. That why the series wont die. If they continue to gain success, which they will, then Square will live forever and which means FF lives forever. I aint worried *smiles*

01-10-2003, 06:47 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Yep, they are definately making an FFX-2, and there's a possibility of an FF7-2 aswell. FFXI needs to be released everywhere still, and FFXII is currently in development also, and it will be offline. They are also making FF: Crystal Chronicles for the Gamecube, which has graphics similar to FF9's really; I'm not sure when this will be released though. And they have bought the rights for the names of FF's up to 15 already. I'm not sure if they'll keep making games after that; they'll just have to see how successful the games they're making now become. If FF games continue to sell really well, then there'd be no reason for them to stop producing them. If people stopped buying them, then they'd stop making them. It'll be a while before FF15 has been made and released anyway, so FF's will still be coming for a while at least. ;)

01-13-2003, 07:52 PM
I don't think so I think they will make them all the way to sixteen at least.

01-14-2003, 03:40 PM
I hope there is never a FINAL fantasy, or maybe up to, erm lets say Final Fantasy 30! that might do me

01-16-2003, 10:42 AM
Seems as of lately, they are going off track with the "number" fantasies. They have Tactics Advance coming out for GBA, and the new one that should be hitting out on GameCube. Final Fantasy X2, and some rumors about a Final Fantasy VII2.

So if you think about it, just because a Final Fantasy game has the number "9" or "12" in it, doesn't mean it's exactly that number of the Final Fantasy game. I'll have to go with saying they'll probably be around 30 or possibly more Final Fantasy related games out before it's all said and done.

01-16-2003, 09:06 PM
I've read that Squaresoft(Squaresoft-Enix?) are planning to release FFXII under 2003. And that FFXIII is currently under planning...

Nanaki XIII
01-17-2003, 01:21 AM
Yeah FFXIII is under construction so I thik FFXII may be close to done and out by 2003. thats speculation though.

01-17-2003, 07:25 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Hah, FF12 out in 2003? I don't even think FF11 is going to be released here in Europe until 2004. :p Although it really wouldn't surprise me if that did happen... but considering the amount of FF's in production at the moment, FF12 might not be out for a while. But I dunno. ;)

01-21-2003, 12:05 PM
I dont care how many Final fantasy games there will be as long as Im loyal to the Squaresoft empire the Spirit of Final fantasy lives on!

Ark Mune
01-31-2003, 02:30 AM
.................mmm....they are working on FFX-2 which won't be released in Japan until like May, and we have not got any information on FFXII yet so I think I stand for most people when I say "Shut the F*** up and stop saying shit about games that have nothing released about them and isn't it freakin' obvious that FFXII will most likely not be released until 2004! If in all the gaming magazines and IGN are dishing out information about FFXI and FFX-2 and nothing about FFXII, they most likely put that game aside for FFX-2. IGN says that FFXI's american release is suppose to be February 15th 2003 (I have not heard this form SquareSoft yet, just IGN, so it's not official), and that we are just finding out about FFX-2 should be a hint that FFXII won't be released until next year, we find out about the games about 10 months before it is released, so worry about the games you know are being made officialy. SO STOP MAKING RUMOURS ABOUT GAMES AND IF YOU FIND OUT INGO FROM A SITE, INCLUDE THE SITE'S URL ADDRESS SO OTHER PEOPLE CAN SEE WHAT IT HAS TO SAY, YOU NEED TO BACK UP WHAT YOU SAY...and my back up is and OPM(official playstation magazine)."

I think I got my point across that I am sick and tired of hearing all this shit about FF's that will come after the ones we are just finding out about.

Nanaki XIII
02-01-2003, 02:57 AM
1) calm down

2) i think FFX-2 will be out in March (in japan)

3) im not gonna put the URL where i found that

02-23-2003, 10:43 AM
Squaresoft will continue to make Final Fantasy games so long as they are profitable. It would be bad buisness to do otherwise. And I am quite sure that they will continue to be profitable for quite some time.

Darth Revan
02-28-2003, 06:32 PM

Well, personally, I think if Square conitues to make FF games after what they have already announced, they're just proving one thing. They are there just to pawn off games. I mean, how many FF's do we really need? I'm not saying I hate the Final Fantasy franchise, far from it, but one day the curtain will fall. I think Q said it best in the final episode of Star trek : The Next Generation "All good things, must come to an end., and the FINAL Final Fantasy is probably just over the horizon.

Now, after having said that, I've probably made a lot of you angry, and for that I apologise. Squaresoft, in the beginning was a pretty darn good company, and when they released the first FF, they were in deep trouble. If the game didn't succeed, then that was going to be Square's Final Fantasy. Hence forth, that's where they got the name for the series from. Take a look at a lot of the other games Square has released, and you have to admit, some of them are pretty weak.

In regards to FF X-2, FF XI and FF XII. Well, from some sources (namely square's european website, as well as GameFAQS and the GIA.) FF X-2 apparently is only going to be released in Japan and Japan only. Myself, I don't really think they should've made a sequel to FF X. None of the other FF's had a sequel, so what made FF X so special? FF XI, well it's online, and I'm having nightmares of Phantasy Star Online again here. I mean, do we really NEED an online FF game? There'd be no story, no plot, no real character development nothing to seperate it from other online games, just the name of Final Fantasy. FF XII, well, I'll wait for more info, but from what I have seen and read, it looks impressive, going back to the more traditional gameplay. Here's hoping the job system will return.

And finally, the biggest gripe I have with Square..... Final Fantasy VII-2. The rumours about FF VII-2 have been going around for ages, ever since FF VII came out. FF VII was released early, to compete with the newest instalment (at the time) of the Dragonquest series. Now, FF VII was a milestone, it brought RPG's out from the niche, into the mainstream market, so I give Square credit for that. Looking back on the other games they released, they did have some good ones. However, they also had some which weren't quite as successful, but that's beside the point. In regards to FF VII-2, all I can say is this If it aint broken, why fix it? FF VII is complete the way it is. Why go back and alter it? If they do, Square will be under a tremendous amount of pressure, to add the news parts to it, whilst still maintaining the integrity of the game, something which, I'm afraid to say, will not work (as far as I'm concerned that is.).

Square should focus on the future and concentrate on making new games with fresh ideas, not going back into the past and altering it. If they do, who knows what legacy they'll leave behind them.

03-02-2003, 03:23 PM
It must be hard making new FF games. Square must have used up every single plot you could think of by now, and i think pretty soon they will run out of ideas.

I agree with Deaths_Head about making sequels to any of the FF games.

03-02-2003, 11:32 PM
you guys are so wrong

there is always new storylines to be made into Final Fantasy
there for as long as there is FF fans, then Squaresoft will go on

03-29-2003, 06:24 AM
Does anyone remember way long ago at they posted an article saying that Squaresoft has already registered for,, all the way to FF XVI or something?
It's highly unlikely Squaresoft is ever going to stop making these games. They've continually redefined RPG gaming and what's more is that they made Squaresoft into the giant corporation it is today. They need the FF series because, especially now, they're desperate for money. That's why there are so many games that use the FF concept as a crutch...Kingdom hearts...FF X-2. That's not to say these aren't great games, just pointing out that Square really relies on FF to pull it through.

G Unit
04-22-2003, 05:38 PM
Nah defo not theve registered up to 15 and sales have been gd for the sorto 'spin offs', FF origins, and FFX-2 so they probably have the financial backing to make more, and also probably more stable after the merger with Enix

Ark Mune
01-17-2004, 01:21 PM
Lets just say that when the FF series comes to an end it will prolly go out with a big bang, some sort of a hella long game and like some sort of big tribute to all of the games showing funny stuff like "you spoony bard" and serious stuff. I couldn't see Square-Enix just releasing a FF game and then a bit later at a press conference be like,' that is the final final fantasy' and everybody would be like holy shit it just ends like that.

01-17-2004, 07:17 PM
I've said it before. They will keep making FFs as long as it is finacially viable. That's all. Which means we will probably be seeing FFs for many years to come.

03-09-2004, 02:44 PM
The will probably never ever stop makin Final Fantasy....i hope

03-09-2004, 10:16 PM
Reviving this thread when it was a year old was pretty bad. Then reviving it again after 3?


03-10-2004, 01:28 PM
Yes, quite.

Today, the right thread for this would be in FFXII & Beyond:

This thread here is no longer needed...