12-06-2002, 11:55 PM
People always say that this game is really bad. But I can't see why. Okay, storyline kind of got off the traditional the FF series is famous for, but I personally think it was pretty good. Please vote.

12-07-2002, 12:26 AM
I don't see why everyone hates the game so bad 'I loved it' just what makes it so bad.

12-07-2002, 12:29 AM
It was okay.

12-07-2002, 12:31 AM
*sigh* Forestmage, please specify what you like about it.

12-07-2002, 12:38 AM
ok, I'll say what i like about it. the graphics were better. I really liked the FMV's the story was more origanal than most final fantasies not the best (I would have to say 7 has the best actually I don't really know nine had a good story). the action part was higher than usual but, it didn't have the dark mesterious charactar wich is a favorite in most FF's (squall was the closest but still).

12-07-2002, 12:46 AM

Enigmatic Angel
12-07-2002, 03:13 AM
Yeh, its pretty good..........
i liked the stroy to a certain extent, until they had to time travel, that was gay, but up till that point it was pretty good......

Another thing is that the characters were generated really nicely, especially in CG mode....

thats bout it....

12-07-2002, 04:22 AM
Hey, Roo, how about you? You called on Forestmage to say what he likes about the game, but how about you? You said you thought it was pretty good, but you never said what you like about it. So I guess turnabout is fair play. Spill the beans.

To answer the question:

Yeah, I thought it was a good game. I guess I'd have to, I've played it many times. I don't know, I liked FFVII better. And there were certain elements about FFVIII that I didn't like, such as the draw system, but there was a lot to love too. I enjoyed a lot of the subquests, including Fisherman's Horizon and some of the stuff in Dollet. Another thing I thought was really neat was the music. I loved pretty much all of the variations of "Eyes on Me," Mods de Chocobo (the "riding a chocobo" theme for FFVIII, possibly the best chocob theme ever) and the ending theme. A lot of the other music too. And the ending FMV for the game was totally kickass. Loved pretty much everyone about it.

12-07-2002, 09:36 AM
Heh, this thread has been done many times but whut the hell... I really liked FF8 and it's the best FF game to replay IMHO after FF9. Sure, the plot had a few holes here and there but the characters were very interesting, the graphics were amazing, the music was ruley and the setting was pretty good.

Enough said ^_~

12-07-2002, 02:09 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">FF8 was my favourite FF. I liked the graphics, characters, story, battle system, card game... almost everything.

The junction system meant you could easily increase the stats of your characters. People say it made the game too easy; but nobody said you have to refine loads of good magic early on. :p You can actually limit yourself to make the game harder, or even better, try the no junctioning challenge, that's fun. ;)

I liked the characters (except Irvine; Selphie had her annoying moments but was alright normally). Squall was a really good main character, a lot of people don't like him, but I did. Maybe the fact that I always get him in character tests may have something to do with that... :p Anyway, I liked him.

Limit breaks were great. Renzokuken > Lionheart, Duel, Degenerator, Invincible Moon, The End... everyone had their uses at times (well, I still never used Irvine... ;))

The card game was a good break from the great story. You could play at almost any time if you wanted to do something different; and it was worth it as you could refine the cards into some useful items.

Brilliant opening, brilliant ending. Best I've seen in any FF I've played (I've played 5-9, and completed all except 6).

So overall, FF8 is my favourite FF, and I've played through it more times than any other FF (about 10+ times, I think).

12-07-2002, 09:20 PM
hmm i find this disturbing i thought this was the best ever and all my friends agree never heard any one diss it ff9 ruined the series i thinks though good character story lines

12-08-2002, 01:03 AM
Originally posted by Agent0042
Hey, Roo, how about you? You called on Forestmage to say what he likes about the game, but how about you? You said you thought it was pretty good, but you never said what you like about it. So I guess turnabout is fair play. Spill the beans.

To answer the question:

Yeah, I thought it was a good game. I guess I'd have to, I've played it many times. I don't know, I liked FFVII better. And there were certain elements about FFVIII that I didn't like, such as the draw system, but there was a lot to love too. I enjoyed a lot of the subquests, including Fisherman's Horizon and some of the stuff in Dollet. Another thing I thought was really neat was the music. I loved pretty much all of the variations of "Eyes on Me," Mods de Chocobo (the "riding a chocobo" theme for FFVIII, possibly the best chocob theme ever) and the ending theme. A lot of the other music too. And the ending FMV for the game was totally kickass. Loved pretty much everyone about it.

okay, what i like about it is the way the game flows. sometimes, a rpg will skip around, but ffviii didn't do that.

12-08-2002, 01:09 AM
Well, I like it. I mean, FF7 is my all-time favorite, but FF8 was great, and left me with good memories....and I havn't even beat it

Anyway, I absolutely love the characters...well, most of them anyway. Quisits and Rinoa are a bit annoying...x.x;; But they're all great.

The plot, in my opinion, starts out good, but gets weird. I love the game from the ending to disc 2, then it gets weird. I don't dislike it, it just gets weird.

The places you can go and such, they're great. 'Cept I didn't like a few places (like Esthar) that much. But for the majority, i liked 'em.

All in all, FF8's great. But of course, there's always gonna' be a few things you'll dislike about it.

12-08-2002, 04:10 AM
Welps, seeing as this was the first FF I played all the way through, it's my favorite. I love the romance aspect of the whole thing; I think that's what hooked me. The music was nice, but there was definitely a lot of things missing. But still, it was a pretty good game IMO. I don't think it really deserves to be bashed so much.

12-08-2002, 06:08 AM
FF8 is a decent game. I finally took the time to play it and to tell you the truth I was impressed. Although, I don't like squall really.
He wasn't the best leader IMO.
I love the graphics in it...the characters were a big step from FF7's model's.
I must agree, the game gets bashed too much. It is a good game and I think ppl should play it through before really bashing...because I bashed it hehe. Why did I bash it? Well before playing it, I was a hardcore old school player and I bashed FF8 for it's new futuristic style.

Anyways, FF8 isn't the worst FF game there is but it isn't the best. So with that in mind, it get's my "okay" vote.

12-09-2002, 12:59 AM
FFVIII is pretty cool. There are some scenes where it makes the game a bit shaky, but the entire game itself was very well-made.

Neo Xzhan
12-09-2002, 02:04 PM
Ah here I go again :P.

The game is ok, the graphics are good and the music very atmospheric. I disliked the battle system becouse the limiting on it is too pressing (eg you all your characters on magic and you need to heal but you are silenced/out of magic and then you can't use items). The junctionong system was great. You can actually make characters resistant and stronger/faster. Though I hated the battles and GFs. You are using them too!!!! much. Early in then game but even later as well. They are too strong or the characters dont level good enough. When you level up you only gain a little bit of power which should be changed. Or they should put up a limit on how many times you can summon a GF during a fight.

12-10-2002, 10:05 PM
Actually there is a limit. Instead of just summoning them a few times you can summon them until they are dead. This is the only thing in ff8 that was better than ff7.If you use your GF more it gets stronger and the gauge goes down faster. But there still is a limit to how much you can use it. Square plans their systems well so make sure you know what you are getting into before you say that sort of stuff.

12-10-2002, 10:15 PM
Yeah, you're right. I remember now. It's sort of like halfway between FFVII's summon system and FFX's aeon system. The GF's can take damage (while you're waiting for them to do their attack) like in FFX, but unlike FFX, you don't actively control them in battle. Once they've done their summon attack, they leave, until you call them again.

lone wolf
12-12-2002, 02:57 PM

lone wolf
12-12-2002, 03:02 PM
i don't usualy stray from the ff8 and ffX forums but i like the topic, i though the game was very good over all, the junction system was awsome but compared to other one's it really stacks up. i give it props for the graphics and story line, i liked how through out the whole game, Squal was always competing with Seifer, it was almost a brotherly thing.

but ya, i would say that even though it had it's weird times and problems, i would give the game an 8 out of 10, but i also agree that it could have been better

P.S- at least we didn't get another FF9, what a terrible game


lone wolf

12-27-2002, 12:50 AM
as i said before, the game was well made. i especially like the whole junction system. very neatly made. and characters rocked too.

12-27-2002, 05:52 PM
Well first off, Final Fantasy 8 is my favorite game EVER. Nothing can compare to it in my book. FF8 was the video game that got me in to the series and even video games in general. Had I never played FF8 I probably would not have the mass addiction to video games that I have now.

Also to touch upon the subject. FF8 is the most bashed Final Fantasy ever. In fact, one of my biggest pet pevves are n00bs who go around bashing ff8 and praising ff7. I know I did a big topic on this a long time ago when I used to come here alot...I dunno if its still here tho.

Anyways, FF8 combines all the great elements of gaming into one sweet package. What really got me into the game was the intricate storyline. (And the fact that I'm a sucker for romance stories :P) The characters were also so life-like and you could relate to them so easily. The characters also grew on me and have stayed with me ever since I have played it.

When I first started to play FF8, the whole idea of magic, junction, summons, ect. was new too me since I had never played an RPG or even beaten a video game. So at that time I thought that junctions and draw were the best thing out there. Eventually I bought FF9 and its system absolutly trashed FF8's IMHO. But I still enjoy the junctions and draw system even after playing so many RPGs. It's far from the best but its also far from teh worst.

The only real thing the peeved me off when I first played FF8 was the long summons. But eventually I got to the point where I never needed to summon them because I had become so strong.

There's my two cents for you all. I dun know how many times I've written articles in the FF8 forums regarding "FF8 bashed" threads and "FF8 sucks" threads, but evertime I write an article on FF8 i kinda get carried

12-28-2002, 04:20 AM
I know what you mean, FFVIII was my first FF game/ first ps game too. I loved it because the story was cute and so were the characters. I think that FFVIII would have been better if they didnt put a FF to its name because people would be expecting it to be like all the other games. If it had a different name it would probobly get alot of praise. And as for FFVII I can't play it, i think it sucks so much, its hard to play it the story line is kinda interesting but the controls and characters sucks (i think barret should die and areth should get her face cut off, and cait sith....oh god....) And its not the graphics that turn me off because i love ffVI to death and that has worse graphics. I just dont know what people see in it. In short; I loved it.

Black Mage#1
01-03-2003, 07:58 AM
First I thought, this game sucks, then, it's ok, now, I like it. It's still not my favorite, still like FFVII. My brothers they were like, ****SPOILER**** (maybe) Who the hell is this Ultimecia bitch? They tell you all about her in the middle of the game, like who she is and stuff. I really like the music, sometimes I like to sit and listin.

Nanaki XIII
01-03-2003, 11:12 PM
FF8s great in a lot of aspects but after drawing magic so many times I do get sick of it. I hate the draw magic part of the game, its too repetitive.

01-09-2003, 06:43 PM
I thought final fantasy 8 was the best final fantasy until final fantasy 10 came out now I think 8 is my second favorit.

Heavens Cloud
01-09-2003, 07:58 PM
I love this game i like how during the game Squall goes from someone who keeps to himself and never shows his feelings to being open about his thoughts and feelings for himself and other people especaily Rinoa..

And then theres Rinoa...... :rolleyes: *drifts off into dreamy world*

01-14-2003, 12:20 PM
FF8 was the first FF i played and i thought it was great, then i played FF7 and thought that was better, but FF8 is still a really good game