12-03-2002, 08:40 PM
Title: Untitled
Author: Rosiel/Nymph VanTassel
Pairings: 1+2
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Angst, POV, deathfic (.. with potention sequel where it's revealed that the character still lives ^^)
Disclaimer: Gundam Wing nor its characters are mine, blah blah blah.. you know the rest.
Notes: *huge sweatdrop * I don�t write often, so uh.. yeah.
Thanks to Ponderosa for betaing!

It's still untitled, because er.. I have no ideas right now. If anyone's got suggestions, please do tell. ^^;


I wake with a start.

I look to the right; you�re not beside me in bed. I throw the covers off, swing my legs over the edge of the bed and shake my head in an attempt to wake up. Stroking one hand through my always-messy hair, I pull on my morning robe and walk out of the room, down the stairs and towards the kitchen. There�s a cup of coffee waiting for me. Did you leave it for me?

I down the coffee in a few long gulps and feel much more awake. And lonely. I used to be alone in the mornings before I met you and we were paired up together for missions. But now it�s different. Now I�m used to you being here. You don�t like waking up early in the morning, but you do it anyway, so that we can watch the sunrise together, drink coffee, have breakfast.

With that thought, I look out the window. I�m looking at a view that shouldn�t be there. Instead of the morning sun coloring the landscape in orange and yellow tints, I see a pitch-black alley, with a light at the end.

Curious... I set down my coffee cup and walk towards the front door. When I open it, I�m greeted with a totally different vision than what I saw from the window, and yet not. Colors swirl before my eyes. At the end of the alley, I see a silhouette.

I start walking towards it. It seems to be turning around. It appears to be looking at me. No, it�s looking past me. The figure jumps and turns back around quickly. It starts to run away from me and I turn around to look over my shoulder.

The house is gone. All I see is the dead end of the alley. Turning back around, I can just see the braid of the shadowy figure trailing around the edge of the wall. Wait� a braid? I run towards the end of the dark alley. When I reach it and turn to the left, to follow the figure who so resembles my lover, I nearly bump into him.

I see him clearly now. Loose strands that have escaped from his braid flow around him. He�s wearing a dark blue shirt and his favorite black jeans. I love those clothes, if just for the fact that he wore them� on that day. Looking back at him, I see him smiling at me. I�m confused. I haven�t seen him since we last fought together. That was months ago, wasn�t it? I think I�m losing my sense of time.


I snap my attention back to him. He�s close, yet he sounded so far away. He�s still smiling� but it doesn�t quite reach his eyes. He looks more sad than anything else. Regretful. The colors start swirling again and he turns around. No. No! He can�t leave again! I reach out for him but instead of grabbing him around his waist, my hands pass through him like he�s made of smoke.

�I�m sorry� He mouthes, silently.

�I love you� He sounds in my mind.

A tear escapes my eye and rolls down my cheek. My lover�s apparition starts fading away. His head first, then his arms. I�m staring at him open-mouthed, as his last smile is burned into my mind.

And now he�s gone.

My knees feel weak and I sag to the ground, tears streaming down my face. Not caring where I land, I topple to my right and crash into the ground. I grab my knees and curl up to a ball.


I wake with a start.

I look to the right; your half of the bed is empty. And I know you�re not coming back.


Anima Relic
12-03-2002, 08:46 PM
I actually kinda like that Marielle. It's quite a moving, but sad type of story. But continue to always have faith, despite anything that happens in your life...

12-04-2002, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by Anima Relic
I actually kinda like that Marielle. It's quite a moving, but sad type of story. But continue to always have faith, despite anything that happens in your life...

Thanks, Chris. :) It's quite sad, yeah. To be honest, I *hate* angsty fics, but for some reason I can't help writing them. XD XD

And I actually wrote thise a few weeks ago, but I got it back from my beta reader just yesterday. ^_^