01-10-2002, 03:48 PM
Wouldn't it be great if they would release more games like Chrono Cross/Chrono Trigger. I personally thought those games was better then any of the FF games. Don't get my wrong I like FF games, but the Random battles get SOOOOOOOOO annoying. Especially when your going back to a easy zone to do something and every 8 seconds you have to fight wimpy monsters that give you nothing exp wise. I think Chrono Cross had the best leveling and Battle System in any game. If you haven't played chrono Cross I would highly recommend buying it. IF you like FF games you will Love it. Its 19.99 at Wal-mart around here, so it won't cost much. It is, of course, a Ps1 game.

01-10-2002, 04:18 PM
This would fit better in RPGs.. Moving it there ^_^;

Silicon Wolf
01-11-2002, 12:16 AM
I think the random battles with no encounter options is best. Though no encounter needs to be available very early, but battles need to be necessary for levels, unlike FF 8. Geez, FF 8, I play the card game so long before leaving Balamb that I can forge the Punishment and junction stuff like 100 Regen to my HP.

01-11-2002, 09:02 PM
I'd have to agree with you though, Veggita.
I don't like the random battles, they rattle my nerves.
I REALLY like the Chrono system where you can avoid enemies. (I like ff's battle system to, though not as much....)

And I like how when you replay the game again you can still be at whatever level you was at when you beat the game.

(More ff games need that.)

Rabid Monkey
01-14-2002, 05:33 PM
Like Chrono Trigger, yes. Like Chrono Cross, hell no.

Don't get me wrong, Chrono Cross did have it's up sides, but certain things about it were just...bad. For one, though I hate brining this up because it has nothing to do with the game play itself it is still part of the game, I don't need 52 characters to choose from! Any more than 10 are too much! I mean FFVI is one of my favorite games of all time but even it is pushing the limit on the number of characters in the game.

The battle system is good, but the thing is that it's not like it's the first time a game like that has been out. Just because it is the first one you've played doesn't mean it is the first with stamina or the allocating system, though they have had different names in the past.

Chrono Cross itself is just a sad use of the CT name to try and make a few extra bucks. Unless the third game in the series ties the two together perfectly I personally consider CC a waste of my money because I bought it hoping for something that resembled CT is SOME way and I got some silly side quest that really didn't go along with the first game at all.

:End Vent:

zidane tribal
01-14-2002, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by veggita2099
Wouldn't it be great if they would release more games like Chrono Cross/Chrono Trigger. I personally thought those games was better then any of the FF games. Don't get my wrong I like FF games, but the Random battles get SOOOOOOOOO annoying. Especially when your going back to a easy zone to do something and every 8 seconds you have to fight wimpy monsters that give you nothing exp wise. I think Chrono Cross had the best leveling and Battle System in any game. If you haven't played chrono Cross I would highly recommend buying it. IF you like FF games you will Love it. Its 19.99 at Wal-mart around here, so it won't cost much. It is, of course, a Ps1 game. i agree with you on some things.. chrono trigger was about 57537x better than chrono cross... yes the random battles in the ff's make it annoying especialy if your a step away from saving or entering a cave or something... but what the ff's have that the chrono cross doesnt is more story, more depth, and an all togetherness of more everything.... later...

Nanaki XIII
01-15-2002, 04:36 AM
Chrono Trigger is great everything. The only thing I liked about Cross was the music and battle system. They did copy the battle system in most parts. It resembles Xenogears a lot, but it is still super fun and the music is to die for. I hate the 40+ characters though. Sure if they all had a story and personality great, but if you have 40+ characters just to trick people into thinking this game has a lot to it, it doesn't work. Final Fantasy brings the plot and character development better than anyone. Chrono Trigger did this very well too but when you have 40 characters to choose from how could you.

On the plus side, I like this game because of the battle system, and its good the first time you play it. Pretty interesting.

But I recommend CT first. Its better.

01-15-2002, 08:38 AM
I'd love to see more CC-like games, just so long as the ending wasn't like what they had in CC. I hate that ending. It made the whole story feel so pointless, like it was one long Chrono Trigger subquest.

01-15-2002, 08:51 PM
It WAS a subquest for Chrono Trigger.

Anyway, I don't wanna judgeover this before having played a sequel that I await eagerly. And demanding.

I preferred CT's battle system and absolutely agree that it should be used in more rpgs. It's just more realistic not to bump into invisible enemies. I am so easy to scare, you know. Plus where is the fun when you are running away from a big enemy, trying to avoid a battle. It's just more vivid, less static, it's more fun.

Rabid Monkey
01-15-2002, 11:28 PM
Originally posted by Misao
It WAS a subquest for Chrono Trigger.

Yup, that would be what I was hinting at...thank you for saying it more directly for those who didn't catch my meaning when I said '...some silly side quest that really didn't go along with the first game at all'.

01-17-2002, 09:06 AM
I guess I am easily impressed I really enjoyed Chrono Cross. I do think Chrono Trigger was a better game though.

01-18-2002, 10:47 PM
Too big expectations and I am in love with Janus. That'd be all that triggers my unhappiness.

But hey, it did have a unique feel about it and the graphics... Aaaahh! Adorable graphics!

01-23-2002, 02:09 PM
This is for the people who said the ending was meaningless to Chrono Cross. I figure you probably know this but there is a GOOD and BAD ending. To get the BEST ending (where it actually shows a ending pretty much) you must: *spoilers*

Save Kid both times (first time from the poison, second time from her childhood dream)

You also must find the Chrono Cross and use it on the final boss, which BTW is a pain in the ass. I forget exactly how it is done but I know you had to use certain colors in a certain order then use the Chrono Cross.

I have beat it both ways, and if you don't get the good ending basically it just shows the credits and thats it.

Rabid Monkey
01-23-2002, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by veggita2099
This is for the people who said the ending was meaningless to Chrono Cross. I figure you probably know this but there is a GOOD and BAD ending. To get the BEST ending (where it actually shows a ending pretty much) you must: *spoilers*

Save Kid both times (first time from the poison, second time from her childhood dream)

You also must find the Chrono Cross and use it on the final boss, which BTW is a pain in the ass. I forget exactly how it is done but I know you had to use certain colors in a certain order then use the Chrono Cross.

I have beat it both ways, and if you don't get the good ending basically it just shows the credits and thats it.

Heh...I got the good ending...still sucks in my opinion. It wasn't an ending actually. Endings are supposed to END the game, not leave you in the exact same spot you started the game in. I mean they basically come right out and say 'everything you did was pointless' and at another point they came right out and said �this whole game is happening because you screwed up� (which means the game itself was rather pointless). I won't get into why due to spoilers, but like I said, that's not an ending, it's just them trying to either A) really piss you off or, B) buy the third game in hopes that IT will actually answer all the questions that were left by CC. In my opinion that is a pretty sleazy way to try and sell more games, but hay, if you like the ending more power to ya...

And also, I can�t stress this enough. CC is not a �game�, it is a side-quest�on it�s own (with no attachment to CT) it would have been a great game, but when square tried to connect the two they just ruined both stories AND games.

01-23-2002, 09:34 PM
Its not as bad as what they are doing with the international version of final fantasy 10. They left the ending hanging with it and expect us to pay another 50 dollars for the exact same game with a extended game past the ending.

Chrono Cross was still a game not just a side quest. While the 30+ chairactors was stupid it still was a good game with a decent story line. I agree the ending could have been better (especially with all that you have to do to get the best ending) but I do not regret buying it and think it a all around good game. It don't beat most of the FF games, and in no way beats Chrono Trigger.

As for leaving you hanging I don't think it did. *spoilers* Basically from what I get by doing what they did they are no longer controlled by the FATE computer and they can live there lives however they want to. They are no longer under the control of it so it wasn't a meaningless adventure. IF they was to make another Chrono game I would buy it, but I don't really think Chrono Cross nor Chrono Trigger left off with the ability to make a sequel follow the story line to it.

Rabid Monkey
01-24-2002, 12:21 AM
First off, leave FFX out of this, the discussion is about CC and CT, not a Final Fantasy, if it was then I would have already said something on the topic.

Now...let me ask you this. CC is supposed to be a sequel to CT, right? Well where the hell were those damn islands in the first game? I remember they came up with some really BAD excuse for how they got there and why no one could leave them, but honestly I think they were just kind of drawing up a storyline one day for a game and then all of the sudden they realized 'Hay! It has something to do with time! Let's link it to Chrono Trigger!' They then proceeded to get drunk and dance into the night for they now had a new game that could be connected to one of their all time greatest achievements. However, possibly due to the drunkenness, they were unable to connect the two games in any meaningful way and alas, lost all hope of salvaging the once great hope for a wonderful game...

Now, moving on to the ending. I don't know if you played CT (Spoilers coming up people) but the thing is that CC is suppose to be a search for Schola apparently (if I spelled her name wrong oh well, you know who I mean). However, you never actually find her. Therefore you are in the exact same spot you were in when the game began, except this time all the original cast members of the first game have been replaced by the 52 characters of the second one, Lavos has nothing to do with the game, and Square must try and come up with yet ANOTHER way time can get screwed up for their to be a third game in order to answer all the questions from the second one.

Now tell me, was the game really worth being connected to the first one?

01-24-2002, 07:08 AM
I never said it was worth being connected to the first one. I just said it was a good game. It would have been better off if it had nothing to do with Chrono Trigger I agree.

Rabid Monkey
01-25-2002, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by veggita2099
I never said it was worth being connected to the first one. I just said it was a good game. It would have been better off if it had nothing to do with Chrono Trigger I agree.

Heh...ok, fair enough, just seemed like you felt it should have been.

And now, so that my post isn�t entirely meaningless, has anyone else heard anything new on the next game in the series?

01-26-2002, 08:15 PM
Is there supposed to be a new one??

02-07-2002, 09:25 AM
I like both CC and CT. I don't think CT is better than CC or vice-versa. CT and CC have its own fantasy

Divine Strike
02-07-2002, 01:49 PM
i liked CC's leveling up alot better than FF's leveling up but overall FF is much better than CC.

02-07-2002, 04:12 PM
I agree with the Chrono Trigger, but other than the music for Chrono Cross, for me it was a total let down.

I guess its because in my mind I still thought there would be the originality of the first Chrono, the beloved Epoch, Flying to differant time zones to solve numerous puzzles.

Divine Strike
02-07-2002, 11:42 PM
I also thought there was going to be more time traveling between several different times, instead it is traveling in between two different "presents" (do you travel through more then two time periods...i'm only on the first disk so far)....

and i think that the music for chrono cross is much better than any of the FF's music other than One Winged Angel and Kuja's battle music

02-08-2002, 11:10 PM
I have heard about the new Chrono Break as well, i heard the information at and i can not wait either, i want it to come out because i beat Chrono Cross and Chrono Trigger and they were two of the top ten games i have ever played. I have started 5 New Game + and Chrono Cross and 2 in Chrono Trigger. I was so use to them i beat a Final Fantasy and forgot there was no New Game +. Chrono Trigger was harder than Cross and they both had great storylines.

02-09-2002, 07:26 PM
***Spoiler about Chrono Cross, but this was asked so...****

Don't seem to remember any Major time Traveling that the party actually did. HOWEVER.... The whole story DOES revolve around something which involves time travel. I don't want to tell you cause it would give away a major part of the story.

***End of Spoiler******

I look forward to this Chrono Break, I would imagine it is going to be on the ps2 right? I know I have heard rumors of Square going back to Nintendo. If they do that there going to make alot of ps2 owners mad. But then again by the end of this year I will probably own a Gamecube since they dropped the price to 150 bucks. Soon as Metroid comes out I will have a reason to buy one. Also Im sure a Cool Zelda game will be out for it soon as well.

02-10-2002, 09:16 AM
Chrono Break??? Did you guys have some news about it ? Will it be released in PS2?

02-10-2002, 03:42 PM
All the news we have got on the Chrono sequel can be summed up here:

At first Squaresoft announced that they were thinking over a new Chrono game, but nothing was planned yet, bot the story, not the system.

Some time later Hironobu Sakaguchi announced that the sequel would be a PS2 game.

Two weeks or so ago Square got the copyright for the title "Chrono Break".

That is about all we know.
Sadly, no pictures or rumours.

Divine Strike
02-11-2002, 12:58 AM
Now i must get a ps2

02-11-2002, 07:29 AM
Well i COULD comment on whether they should make more game like CC but nooooooo, stupid, lazy Square can't be bothered to release it in Australia can they now?!

02-11-2002, 03:31 PM
Welcome, fellow PAL-sufferers! Alas.
But in the case of the Chrono series. Entirely neglected by Square Europe & Friends. Importing is a goood idea.
You should import it. The game should not be as expensive today anyway... If only I had waited... grrr... could have bought two games...grrr... Hehehe. Anyway, I never regretted importing the game.

02-15-2002, 03:53 AM
Hope Chrono Break will be betterthan ChronoCross. I've just bought PS2 with $275. Can't wait to play CB