12-01-2002, 05:30 PM
Eye Love You (

This is my first attempt at photography. The eye in the picture is of my fiancee. *photography and photoshop newbie*

12-01-2002, 06:00 PM
Well, that sure is an eyeball :D . When you're working with "real" images such as photography & film, you want to pay extra attention to lighting. With that image, it seems to be really on the dark side of the spectrum. The thing that I find most interesting about eyes is when light reflects off them, it has a really interesting effect. Since this is so dark and there is hardly any light reflection, I don't know, it doesn't really do anything for me XD . But like you said, this is your first try at photography. Try maybe using a couple different light sources, and if you want to get fancy use a filter or something (just don't overdo it ;) ). I like your concept though. Photography is not a simple thing to master... lighting can be very tricky. Keep trying!!

12-01-2002, 08:09 PM
I like it, actually ^_^ I read some of the comments on there, what they said about it, and I think that the idea of it is good. Like, when someone says they can see someone's soul by looking into their eyes, they know what there thinking, love-wise, emotional stuff like that. I dunno if that's what you meant by the photo, but that's what I get from it ^^

good job. :)

12-06-2002, 02:08 PM
I think that is a very good first try. Well done! to me it's not cliche, but has meaning, especially as it's between you and you're fiancee!