11-28-2002, 08:15 PM
Okay, I've never seen this show because Fox cancelled all of their kids shows (now replaced by the FoxBox...shudders)
Is it any good? I hear it airs on UPN and YTV for those of you who get that channel...does that mean abc Family only shows the first three seasons? This is so confusing, and none of the anime sites I go to cover this new season of Digimon. It looks a, awkward. Those toys with the kids give me the creeps...transformation yeah right! Looks like Hasbro can take a couple of pointers from Transformers producer Hasbro.

11-28-2002, 08:52 PM
I'm not a big fan of kid shows but Digimon was pretty cool. I got used to watching from babysitting my cousins. Weird huh?
I dunno where they would air it, YTV shows it alot(canadian channel). I bet it might make a comeback on Fox, the line up right now is boring..Hey nothing wrong with a lil entertainment eh?

11-29-2002, 08:42 PM
I *think* I've seen this one, since it's the only Digimon on UPN. It plays in the morning, and quite a show it is...

I saw an episode somewhat into the series, and I was o_O to the max. The children meld with the Digimon...that was weird. Maybe if I watch the beginning I'll understand it...obviously XD

02-04-2004, 06:34 PM
digimon rocks, i'm not a kid anymore but it was awesome for the first time, now new kids, fans even, are animated and given their fifteen episodes of fame..