Chronos X
09-29-2010, 06:35 PM
Here's the complete music to one of the most beloved games of all time, as found in Disc 1 of the "Akumajo Dracula Best II Perfect Selection" set. Three pieces ("The Cave," "The Waterfalls," and "The Submerged City") are blended into a long, single track, which kinda annoys some of us, more or less, but otherwise, it's an amazing, well put collection.

I also ripped the "Player Miss" track from somewhere else and added it, since it's missing in the original release. Also took certain liberties with the track order: some VGM collections tend to put the "Player's Death" and "Game Over" BGM's at the very last, but I think this usually brings down the flow of the collection as a whole, so I switched them around a bit, saving the "Ending Theme" and "Secret Room" musics for the big finale. Will re-upload if needed and requested: enjoy and happy hunting.