11-28-2002, 02:52 AM
How am I going to get the Chocobo? Do you have any suggestions? If you know, tell what you require to have a Choocbo.

11-28-2002, 03:28 AM
Eventually, when you reach Sweggy woods, a chocobo is in dire need of some assistance. Your job will be to proctect it against the local forest villians. It's a piece of cake to save him and after you defeat the baddies, the chocobo will join forces with you.

You can become a meditator also to persaude one to join you, keep in mind there will be some skills you will need to learn. I think a meditator is a level 2 oracle.

Hope this helps you.

P.S in battle, when you have a chocobo, you can ride on it's back and move alot further.