09-27-2010, 08:58 AM
Hello everybody. This is my first post here, so I introduce myself. My name's Andrea, I am a musician and long time gamer (being 39 y.o. ...) . Own PC, PS2 and Wii, and played lots of the games I read about around here.
This is not exactly a request for a specific soundtrack, but more a request for suggestions. I am both a metal guitarist and a classic piano-organ player, I do love many styles of music, but of course fall in love every time I hear a great rocking tune like "Edge Of Soul" (Soulcalibur) or "Capriccio Of the Scarlet Moon" (Castlevania), "Bad Behaviour" (Obscure II), even more if instruments like harpsicord, violin, piano, or even choirs are mixed in.
Then: what soundtracks should I be looking for to get more of these epic rock-metal tunes?
Thank you very much,

10-02-2010, 03:49 PM
Official instrumental rock -- these are albums released by the companies :
- Anything by The Black Mages for Final Fantasy music
- Perfect Selection Dracula Battle I and II for old-school Castlevania music

Unofficial instrumental rock -- these are individuals or groups who remix music on their own, usually for no profit :
- a list of artists/groups who do rock renditions:
Kurogane THIRD, The Red Wings, ...crap, can't think of any more off the top of my head.

Youtube them, and you'll get a whole slew of other links.