Sephiroth W/ K.O.F.T.R.
11-27-2002, 08:30 AM
mostly all final fantasy fans know that the movie was crap and had absolutely nothing final fantasy about it. I also think that ff7 had the best music, plot, characters, vehichles and all that good stuff, so why didnt they make a movie out of one of the games instead of total randomness, i think ff7 would make best movie myself but im just me. So who thinks square could possibly make a movie out of ff7, i mean i would like it better animated too.

talk to me on aim about kingdom hearts or ff7, i love em both.

11-27-2002, 06:55 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">FF games wouldn't work as movies. Think that the average movie is about 90 minutes to 3 hours long (3 hours is considered long); and the average game of FF takes much longer than that. Even the fastest time for completing FF7 is about 12 hours, and it would be hard to make a movie of FF7 without missing out some important parts of the story.

Also, I'm not sure people would want to watch it. Most people who would go to see it would have already played the game and so would know what was going to happen anyway. So with the things missed out of the movie, plus people having seen it when they played the game, it wouldn't be that successful. ;)

Basically, Square should stay away from movies completely, and concentrate on what they do best: making RPG's. ;)

Sephiroth W/ K.O.F.T.R.
11-28-2002, 02:42 AM
i know that all the ff's have long hours and most movies are 3 hours at most, but they could put it different movies, as in Lord if the rings, but yeah, know that i think about it they should stick to games

11-28-2002, 03:40 AM
Originally posted by Meltigemini
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">FF games wouldn't work as movies. Think that the average movie is about 90 minutes to 3 hours long (3 hours is considered long); and the average game of FF takes much longer than that. Even the fastest time for completing FF7 is about 12 hours, and it would be hard to make a movie of FF7 without missing out some important parts of the story.

Also, I'm not sure people would want to watch it. Most people who would go to see it would have already played the game and so would know what was going to happen anyway. So with the things missed out of the movie, plus people having seen it when they played the game, it wouldn't be that successful. ;)

Basically, Square should stay away from movies completely, and concentrate on what they do best: making RPG's. ;)

True dat, I feel Square should stick to what the do best. If it wasn't for the FF movie, I bet Square would have made sequels or remakes of some of their greatest games.

11-28-2002, 05:13 AM
it may be possible to have ff movies. most of the in-game time is random battles. so if you left that out, and alot of bosses and cut the story a bit, you oculd make a movie.

but would it be the same? no, it would be crap

11-28-2002, 05:18 AM
I agree with Vivi. I don't like the idea of FF movies. When I play the game, it's all about the experience. You know? Getting to know the characters, making the decisions, feeling like you're a part of the game. A movie doesn't work that way.

Sephiroth W/ K.O.F.T.R.
11-28-2002, 05:25 AM
well i agree with you guys that it would be a long ass movie if they made one, and we already now the whole story so im guessin it would be kinda boring. But what they could do is make a whole new movie, new story and stuff, but with the characters reunited after a few years to find that sephiroth is back. or maybe some one else, but sephiroth is best. and if they did make one after the game as someone posted earlier the time is mostly random battles and talking, so they could cut it out and some less important parts as well, and if still too long could make multiple movies.

11-28-2002, 06:30 PM
after the losses square made on the last film I doubt they'd make another one, plus they'd either give Cloud some overblown macho voice or a squeaky one

11-28-2002, 08:23 PM
Ah, have you seen/heard Cloud in Kingdom Hearts? The voice acting in that game is about a trillion times better than FF X...(gags)

"I'malittle neeeeeeervous."
"Ys." (yes) - Yuna

"Yuna. Kimahri. Protect." - Ki. Mah. Ri.

(squeaky, petulant voice) "Hey! Lemme go!"
"Gimme a break. MAAAAAN!" - Tidus

Ys, the voice acting's definitely better in Kingdom Hearts...

Anyway, if Square did make a movie if should be an anime with content. The FF V sequel anime isn't too terribly interesting and I hear FF Unlimited isn't that great either. Hmmm.

Sephiroth W/ K.O.F.T.R.
11-28-2002, 08:31 PM
well yeah, the kingdom hearts voices were awesome compared to ffx, wich, i think totally discraced the final fantasy name. But what sucked and totally made some sephiroth fans mad, his kingom hearts voice was lance bass, the pop star "ladies man" from n'suck, wich made me raging mad like a rabid chocobo with no greens. but besides that, if i think a bit more to squares past ff movies, they didnt make much money. but ff7 did have the best plot ever, and im still thinking it would make great anime.

11-28-2002, 08:35 PM
if they did make a movie they'd probably havt to cut out a few charachters

but ff7 did have the best plot ever, and im still thinking it would make great anime.

no arguement there:D

11-29-2002, 12:08 AM
if they did make a movie they'd probably havt to cut out a few charachters
:::sigh::: There goes my favorite character, Yuffie.

Sephiroth W/ K.O.F.T.R.
11-29-2002, 12:23 AM
agent, i do think they would cut out yuffie because she has no past story, and she is optional character, like vincent, but vince has a connection with sephirtoh. so yeah, u are right, they probobly would cut yuffie, and ur sig thing, the this place is boring. lets go somewhere, lets find some materia. the funny thing about that is about 5 minutes b4 i posted this message, i was at that part at cosmo canyon, and it reminded me ur sig. cool huh?

Sephiroth W/ K.O.F.T.R.
11-29-2002, 01:24 AM
u guys all have pics in ur sigs, i made on and how do i put it as my sig?

Safer Sephiroth
11-29-2002, 02:33 AM
I really don't think that Square wanted to make FF the Movie a game based Movie. They wanted to try somthing new out and see how it went (which wasn't that bad) but many people either hate it or love it. Much like FF8, when Square tried somthing all new the Junctioning system.

11-29-2002, 05:01 AM
the spirits within was a sad attempt at a movie. i was very dissapointed. square should just stick to games.

sorry for sounding like an ass, but it is true, someone has to say it

Sephiroth W/ K.O.F.T.R.
11-29-2002, 06:13 AM
yeah the spirits within did suck big time, but theres big rumor that microsoft is gonna buy out final fantasy!?! if any of u guys heard about it tell me, damn that bill gates devil!!! hes worse than seymour(ffX)

Safer Sephiroth
11-29-2002, 06:25 AM
I guess I'm the only person in the world who loves FF The Spirits withen..... ^_^

11-29-2002, 06:40 AM
Mmm, no more about how bad Seymour is, eh? I already got spoiled on the fact that he's bad guy (not that I wouldn't have suspected it myself anyway) and I really don't want to hear anymore until I get to it the game.

Sephiroth W/ K.O.F.T.R.
11-29-2002, 06:58 AM
oh i didnt mean to spoil any thing, sorry about that agent, lol.

11-29-2002, 08:28 AM
I just got to the part where I found out how totally evil he is, so I guess I just found out a bit sooner. No big deal.

Sephiroth W/ K.O.F.T.R.
11-29-2002, 09:30 AM
what part are you at agent?

11-29-2002, 07:42 PM
Private message me if you want to know. I don't think the mods are going to like it if we carry on this conversation here.

To get back on the topic at hand, I don't know about making it an anime. I'm not really much into anime, so that probably wouldn't do much to me. But to each their own tastes.

Sephiroth W/ K.O.F.T.R.
12-05-2002, 05:42 AM
so if you master all summons you get master summon right, it has ability to summon everyone, but who would you use it on, safer sephiroth couldnt survive it(one winged angel).?

12-05-2002, 06:02 AM
Um, did you mean to post that as a separate thread? Because this thread is about a Final Fantasy VII movie. Anyways, a master summon materia allows you to summon any summon that you want, as many times as you want. But no, it doesn't allow to summon all of them at one time or something. What's the use of it? I guess just like any of the other master materia, if you want to have a character to be able to summon anyone without having to equip all the different materia and take the penalties and stuff.

Sephiroth W/ K.O.F.T.R.
12-05-2002, 06:08 AM
thanks for info.

12-05-2002, 09:45 AM
That would be a kick-ass movie. By the time they get on their asses to make it, i'll be old enough to play Cloud ;) Wouldn't that be a dream come true?

12-05-2002, 09:48 PM
You guys are forgetting something. Square would most likely not make the movie, since they've already learned their lesson in that department.

A big company, like Warner Brothers or Paramount, the movie kings, would have to buy the rights to the game (at least partial rights) if they were interested, and then get someone to undergo the HUGE task of writing a script.

It can be done, but only with the right people. And it can be done in a three hour movie, since a lot of play time in Final Fantasy is traveling and stuff.

12-07-2002, 04:13 AM
well rumors have been floating around about a live action ff7 movie... but its just a rumor who knows it would be interesting if its true...

12-15-2002, 08:54 PM
Yep, they could easily make an amazing, long anime series of FF7. Things like Dragon Ball Z go on forever, but are broken into chunks. They could do the same. It's a great idea, some body should do it.

12-30-2002, 03:21 PM
An anime version of FF7 sounds great! A live movie? I dunno. No one here's mentioned a 'computer animated' movie just like the 'original' was made up of. You know the FMV sequences and all.

But please, cut them some slack you think the designers don't sweat blood and tears to give us great games? Have some consideration. They work round the clock you know.

Perhaps the idea has come to them, but think about it. When we play the game we decide what happens, Cloud's dialouge, his actions...etc Can you really put all that in a film? No! We have to watch what happens the writer's way. We're gonna see how they defeat all the bosses. How they figure out the puzzles. I'm not so sure about the finding items out of nowhere thing.

Originally posted by victorchau05

Ah, have you seen/heard Cloud in Kingdom Hearts?

Yes I have! I almost fainted when I heard how gorgeous he sounds!

01-10-2003, 12:23 AM
I think that Final Fantasy eight would make a good movie. Also I think that they would make the graphics better because they did it on the Final Fantasy the Spirits with In. Also I think Final Fantasy eight would make a excellent movie as well I thought the plot for that game was awesome.

01-13-2003, 07:32 AM
After what happened with FF:TSW I don't think square would risk it. It's to financially risky imo. But, yes FFVII would make a great movie. :)

01-15-2003, 11:01 AM
FF7 would make a great movie, they really should try it, in manga or somethink, all FF fans would buy/watch it i think

02-13-2004, 06:39 AM
well the joke's on you then, isn't it guys. did you think at the time (the first post to this thread) that square would actually make a FFVII movie. maybe somebody read this thread and thought: why not? rather funny actually. you guys should be psychics

02-14-2004, 07:13 AM
Square-Enix Official Site (

02-16-2004, 10:32 PM
I'll bet anything that this has been said already by countless people, but it is bout the location, or place, that Advent Children takes place at.

If you exmine the logo for the movie, at first glance it looks like the meteor from Final fantasy 7 (big woop. has nothing to do with the story though). But upon a closer look, you'll notice that the tail actually looks like a cannon.

Pop Quiz: Where was a huge ass cannon last seen (or used for that matter) during the game?


Neo Sephiroth
02-17-2004, 09:48 AM
if anyone has said this before me then i did not see em...but they ARE making a ff7 movie call Advent Children...god read other posts before making threads like this

02-17-2004, 11:18 AM
Yes this whole discussion is pointless because it is reality!!!