11-26-2002, 07:30 PM
Sargeant Joe, from the Duck from Duck Village, is one of my fave characters in this game! The ducks are so cute! ^_^

I used pencil, watercolors, and a small touchup(sp?) in Photoshop. I really should have inked it, but I'm not good with pens. O_o I did this a few days ago. I hope someone out there likes it! :)

Also, it might apear a little large in whatever browser you have. Sorry!

Good ol' Joe! *Quack* ()

Neo Xzhan
11-28-2002, 10:44 PM
Awwww look at the cute little ducky. I like it alot it is a very good drawing/painting good job, well done.

11-29-2002, 06:56 PM

It's probably just my computer, but the link appears to be broken.

11-29-2002, 10:26 PM
hey look......... it's a ducky ^_^

I think it's cute, and ya did a good job drawin it. *pets the duck* yum O_O

great job ^_^x