11-26-2002, 12:10 AM

Only about 5 years after the victorious, most miraculous defeat of Sin, Yuna, the only daughter of High Summoner Braska, found her own sending being performed, by one of the very few Summoners left. Yuna, at the age of 22, died of an unknown disease. While she was transported to the farplane, Tidus, who had disappeared, disintegrating into the air, found himself again, on an unknown planet�

This is...merely the beginning, watch, for the wonders of life - after death...

Chapter 1

The flat rooftops, high towers, skyscrapers glittered, glimmering in the dim light of a dark sun, which provided enough energy for comfortable warmth and vision. The lights slowly flickered off, one by one. A very familiar tune ringed in his ears, yet he was far from grasping the euphonious song's real source. It sounded foreign, unheard of, and yet too familiar to be deja vu.

Long dark blue lyrca trousers hugged around his legs with slight flaps on the bottom, while a loose, black netted top revealed his muscular and strong frame. He stood tall, with wavy blond hair, falling over his eyes and around his head in short spikes. His slightly tanned skin gave him an asian appeal, and the gleam in his dark eyes reflected his victorious, triumphant soul.

A wide, dark path, with yellow, intensely bright lines marking the centre. This road, was in the heart of a living, breathing, throbbing and inevitably active city called �Lunaresca�. Footpaths of black-grey cement, shining and sparkling with cleanliness and glitter dust, High skyscrapers surrounding the prominent road, with dazzling, flashing signs displaying highly respected, and valued company names.

The young man slowly proceeded on, walking on the footpath, watching with a sly smirk as a couple of �beauty snatchers� passed by. They were a group of feminine girls, always struggling and striving to be up-to-date with the latest-fashion-items, which they considered essential to be a �person�.

Four young women, advancing towards him, on the opposite path, smiled and whistled at him, as he was one of the most popular guys in the city. They waved their arms at him cheerily, blowing kisses and giggling simultaneously, sounding like a whole crowd rather than four young girls.

He smiled, waving back and shook his head to himself. Just opposite him was the highest skyscraper in the city. Among the very many black and grey ones, this one was silver and belonged to the most rich and famous Man in the country, Mr. Jecht Blaize. It was the most glamorous, and most affluent business around. With the pelf of customers travelling in and out continuously to and from this prominent capital city, it wasn�t a surprise.

His son, Tidus Blaize, rested his hands behind his head, arms high, as he slowly proceeded towards his father�s place. The skyscraper loomed over the city, dominating the highest space of them all, accommodating over 200 travellers, home-seekers and whatnot, in the space of over 299 different rooms, lounges, caf�s, restaurants, leisure areas, libraries and quiet-rooms.

All in all, Tidus never expected anything more from life; given the gift of superior, and extravagant wealth, popularity and fame. Daydreaming of a strange, foreign place, he never was quite able to decode where he was receiving the images. D�j� vu had been widely accepted, but this surely felt like something distinctly different. It was palpably the most strange, reminiscent feelings Tidus had ever gotten, yet with advice from many doctors, philosophers, psychiatrists, and the like the answer always ended up being vague or not realistic. Tidus, was embarking on a very unusual point in his life, here, it began�the story of Tidus�s past�

Chapter 1 (part 1)

A couple of room cleaners stood around the corner of the corridor, smoking cigarettes, and conversing with another, whilst Tidus slowly made his way towards them.

The young men saw him amble along the long, vast white-silver walls of the corridor, and suddenly stood up straight, with a rigid saluting posture and a hand to their foreheads. The cigarettes instantly landed in the long, tower-like black bin.

Tidus stopped in his tracks, glancing at them, as they stood there, dressed in white shirts, black trousers and maroon bows.

Keeping their position in respect, they stared blankly into the space. Silence. Tidus held a hand on his hip and tilted his head, sighing irritably.

The silence was thick, at this time of night, where the dim sun shone so weakly, everyone slept, with only a few exceptions, which could be heard in the background, in their own rooms laughing and talking.

The bottom thin strip of long narrow wall glowed with silver glitter whilst the other was plain white. Tidus saw that they�d done their cleaning work, but his strict gesture wasn�t to validate or test any of that.

�What have I told you guys?� Tidus smirked, watching them stand in perfect stillness like statues.

�We�re to talk to you like friends, SIR!� one of them answered, a very firm, military voice echoing in the corridor.

Tidus sighed, dropped his head down slightly and shook it.

�FRIENDS, don�t say Sir to another.� Tidus whispered rudely under his breath, just enough for them to hear, and trod closer, forcefully moving their hands down from their foreheads.

They relaxed, and one, with the unique red-maroon eyes, bowed smiling. His black hair was slickly and neatly pushed back with gel, and his bow under his chin was the very maroon of his eyes. Another with blue eyes and dark brown, chestnut hair held a blue bow under his chin and smiled also, tilting his head casually. Tidus smiled, then jokingly saluted them and sped off on his airblade.

�HEY! No airblades allowed inside!� was all he could hear, echoing, in masculine unison�

Swerving around the sharp corners of the narrow spaced corridors, Tidus accelerated through the main, middle path, which branched out into many others, with the big, wide silver double doors straight ahead.

He felt the intense waves of air rush against his face, smothering his hair back forcefully, as he continued on. This, ahead him, was his father�s leisure room. Feeling a cool sense of bitterness surge through his veins, he leaned harder on the front, accelerating faster, and faster towards the double doors, he usually hated to enter.

But now, with an urgent call from his so-called �Old man�, Tidus reluctantly agreed to meet him again, after a long period of time. Shifting his weight suddenly to the back of the airblade, Tidus skilfully bounced on it once, flipping it up into his arms, as he landed back onto the floor, just before the two, immense double doors.

Tidus rolled his eyes slightly at the thought of his father and gripped one of the curled metal handles, pulling the door open swiftly. Long wide rows of stainless, beautifully cleaned black shadowed windows being the interior of a surrounding pitch-black wall with silver lining coasted into his view. It was Jecht style all right.

There, directly under the windows were seated a couple of comfy, shiny black leather sofas with a bar to its left. A bar big enough to be called a wine store, Tidus had always thought. The room was comfortably recognized as a very wide and long rectangle, presumably taking up two average hotel rooms put together.

Vast, powerful and classy was all Jecht wanted it to be. There, to the right of the sofa suit, he stood, bent over a golf ball, angling his shot. Tidus tilted his head irritably, holding his airblade under his arm and coughed intentionally, trying to get his father�s attention.

No avail. Jecht methodically made his shot, oblivious to his son�s presence. Tidus knew this from before and remained silent. It was Jecht after all. A small clicking sound confirmed his victory, and then, a short applause sounded from the holographic golf course game. The red pole and flag, along with the fake green grass suddenly faded back into a dark blue laminated floor. Jecht released his grip from the holographic golf club, instantly making it disappear.

He turned to glance at his son, a set of perfect white teeth sparkling in the small bright lights fitted into the ceiling. His tanned complexion seemed to shine in the light and his short cut black hair somehow looked unusual to Tidus, although he�d seen him like this since he could remember.

His small beard curled up along with his lips as he smiled. He wore a loose white shirt with sophisticated trousers, something, which again, struck Tidus very bizarre, despite his past experiences with him.

He always smiled like this. So indirectly, cunningly, as if there was something to hide. The mocking smile.

�Ah, there�s my lil boy.� Jecht chuckled, making Tidus uneasy.

Why does he always have to greet me like that� Why? he suddenly thought inside, his agitation growing. He felt the strange sensation that he�d relived something similar to this before, yet he quickly dismissed the little disturbance in his mind.

�Little Tidus, heh. Gonna cry that daddy�s so big and mean? Awww�� Jecht tilted his head at him slightly and shook his head, grinning

�What do you want?� Tidus sighed, rolling his eyes.

Jecht turned, and slowly walked towards the other end of the room, where on the side of a door were two long thin black shelves.

They held upon them trophies, diplomas and certificates of business achievement and a special scroll that Tidus hadn�t seen before. His emotions surged, eating him inside, with every mocking glance that he received from his father.

He slowly stepped back towards Tidus with that selfsame scroll, tapping its head into his palm and eyeing him slyly. His eyebrows were raised in interest and he enjoyed the curiosity that began to slowly show on Tidus�s face.

What�s that�? he wondered watching the scroll, as it tapped up, and down, slowly into his palm.

Jecht remained silent a few moments, just watching that wanting expression on his son�s face, which soon, slowly turned into bitter annoyance. Tidus gave a frustrated cry, swivelling on his heel and about to exit straight out the double doors.

�Hah, I haven�t even started with you. Come �ere you useless punk.�

At those words, Tidus didn�t cower back. He didn�t let them beat his feelings into a pulp and be trampled all over. He didn�t relent this time.

No way. He spun round sharply and glared into his father�s blue sparkling, triumphant eyes, sensing much of a challenge to keep up the stare. His father�s eyes narrowed disapprovingly and he nodded his head slightly, as if to call him back. But then, his courage faded, deliquesced into pure hatred.

The bitter, shameful onus of being Jecht�s son, his only son, made Tidus obey, the way he�d been brought up since he was only five. For he didn�t dare think what else was to await him if he chose not to. He didn�t even think about it. He resented it.
Stepping closer to his father, he stood, watching him with much patience and tolerance, a lump forming in his throat, which he was surely afraid of. Jecht held the scroll high and let a flap drop down so it unrolled, down. It was a pure white, brand new piece of paper, not long at all.

�What�s that, then?� Tidus asked, the exasperation, and contempt ringing at the end of his sentence. His expression was fiercely tempered, the fury seemed to be an endless fire, and unforgiving, unrelenting fire that wouldn�t die, not matter what Jecht did. Tidus hated Jecht. It was as simple as the alphabet.

�Well, for your own good, and because you can�t possibly do anything on your own, I thought of you giving a try to my kinda business. Heh, that�d be impossible for ya to handle, but, hey, everyone ends up small, right? Heh, I know you can�t do it, but then again, you can always try�� and then, it was evinced, a tiny whisper that followed after Jecht�s sentence, �Only to fail.�

Jecht turned the unwrapped, opened scroll around, and a blue print of Jecht�s new hotel, which was to be made in another major city coasted into Tidus� view. He glanced at it sceptically�

11-26-2002, 11:15 PM

that is amazing ... your use of imagery is truly wonderful ... everything is described so perfectly while still leaving enough to the imagination for the reader to visualise what they perceive the text to be describing.

The storyline looks very promising, although I haven't played FFX (yet, it is sitting on my shelf beckoning ... ) it is still appealing and interesting which is anothe rpoint in its favour!

We love talented newbies XD! Very much looking forward to the next chapter.

11-27-2002, 05:48 PM
Thank you very much! *blushes*

here's the next chapter, I'm up to chapter 5 on MSword, but here I'll post chapter by chapter. ^^

Chapter 2

The airblade rotated several times in perfect round circles, as Tidus frantically swivelled on his axis, bouncing and flipping the front half of the board up and down as he smoothly flew up against the training ramps. Soon, he�d pick up speed, grasping hold of the railing with the edge of his fingers and flicking his board up high into the air in one risky, skilful movement.

He then smoothly flowed down the u-shaped training zone and flew up at the other end, going higher than before. Lunging down angrily, he rushed back to the other side, reaching higher as he flew up at the edge, and gracefully fell down at the middle of the training zone.

He looked around himself; the silence and emptiness of his surroundings suited him well. His irritated frown, infuriated, flaming heart had just about taken enough of Jecht. It really was all his fault. It was true. Not just a frustrated, angered accusation. No, it was a valid fact all right.

And this, bothered Tidus even more� Slowly ambling to a nearby bench, airblade under one arm, he sat himself down and leaned back, watching the bright stars. A few smooth, circular ditches, u-shaped airblading ramps, railings and streetlights coasted into his view as he sat there. Beyond the Airblading Park, he could barely make out a Mansion between rich, dense bushes that surrounded the whole property of a certain V.I.P.

He noticed how the sun was slowly losing its dimmed darkness, slowly regaining heat and light, to welcome another dawn. Yet, it floated there, a mass of fire and gas that occasionally changed its colour to black to give the humans something to call �night�.

Just like Wakka� Tidus suddenly thought. He blinked, resting his head in one hand, whilst it leaned onto his knee. He frowned at his own remark, now seriously considering if he really said it or someone else. Yeah, just like Wakka, the sun of the Besaid Aurochs�he has his ups and downs, and his bad times gave people something to call a �loser�� Why am I thinking this? Who the hell is- Oh my God�I�m going insane�

Tidus rose sharply, shaking his head, and gripped it, feeling a rush of confused emotions bubble up in him like the interior of a hot, brewing cauldron of some witch. It questioned him, agonizing him with utter seclusion, the popularity he�d owned himself suddenly deliquescing into the paved ground�

There he was, the same old Tidus from Zanarkand. He looked around himself, not recognizing the city he found himself in, yet he was there, while hoards and hoards of screaming, panicking people rushed past, and all havoc broke loose, whilst some sort of force seemed to summon everything into the sky�

Tidus blinked, feeling cool, fearsome perspiration slide down the sides of his muscular neck. He breathed uncertainly, heavily and gasped as he stumbled back into his seat on the bench.

His fretfulness grew stronger as he recalled each element in his short, sudden vision and pieced it together only to find himself confused. The more of it he tried to piece together, the less he knew. It all seemed a big, cosmic revelation of some sort; yet out of his powers.

Comparing everyday objects with peoples and characters that he didn�t even knew existed were far from being sane for him. His blue eyes flickered nervously from left to right, the silence leading him on, hiding things from him.

It was all too quiet. He searched frantically for answers, clues, trying to recall all his childhood memories which could possibly connect with this, or any d�j� vu he recently had, and the silence, and isolation around him made him grow even more frustrated than he was.

It spoke its own language; the language of silence, knowing, and unrevealing the truth, teasing and mocking. Just like Jecht.

Suddenly Tidus gave out a frustrated, aggravated cry, burying his face into his hands, shivering. He trembled all over, not knowing anything. The more he tried, the less he knew, yet his curiosity and determination never let him rest.

Suddenly he saw it again, yet something different.

A beautiful, luscious beach, surrounded by palm trees, plentiful vegetation, exotic plants and a recently broken and devastated town. Upon the beach, there stood a young girl, holding a strange looking staff, who then suddenly walked straight onto the shimmering waters. Slowly, she took her steps, and gracefully wove her sceptre around herself.

Bruskly, a vivid rush of fountain-like waters lifted from below and elevated her upon the waves, sparkling and bubbling with rapidity as they rotated, letting her perform some sort of ritual dance.

Tidus frowned as the vision ended. It seemed to relieve him somehow, but this instinctive feeling gave him another jolt. A jolt back to reality. Who is this girl? What on earth was she doing and how can she walk on water?

Tidus sighed, leaning back into the black-silver bench and closing his eyes. He had enough for one day, the depths of his heart thudded hard, almost paining with excitement and anxiety..,

A few moments passed, as he lay there, just resting his eyes, trying hard, and concentrating on forgetting the whole thing. It all started on his 18th birthday, which, quite frankly, Jecht forgot. From that day on, Tidus didn�t know what he�d done wrong, yet he felt the presence of maybe a second past� He couldn�t grip the concept.

He never believed in religious teachings, which usually taught of heaven and hell, and a whole different idea to what he was experiencing right now. It was all junk�

Immediately after he had slowly regained his composure, a soft hum sounded from afar, growing louder. Tidus raised his head, and gasped, only to see the blue underside of an airblade slap some rapid wind into his face and fly directly over his head.

A clap sounded, echoing across the Airblading Park as she landed. Tidus turned swiftly, looking at the mysterious airblader, he�d never seen before. She wore an orange v-necked short top and blue lycra trousers.

Tidus blinked, seeing the cheery smile of Rikku in a sudden flashback.

The anonymous airblader turned around, flicking her open golden blonde hair and smiled at him softly, with a face that resembled Rikkus� frighteningly, yet with the distinct difference that validated that it wasn�t her. Her hair fell down to her elbows, tied neatly in two ponytails at either side, with a few strands invading her face.

�Howdy, Tee.� She beamed, giggling and holding up a hand in greeting. It seemed as though everyone knew Tidus, even his nickname, �Tee�. He smiled a little, trying to wipe away the familiarity he found with this girl, and a girl he didn�t even remember he knew!

A very strange smile inhabited his lips. He �d tried not to frown at the resemblance, and tried not to raise his eyebrows in wonder as to WHO the girl in his memory was, and tried to smile a little more polite than what he was showing� It was a pure mess.

�Uh, Hi, who may you be?� he asked, switching back into his own world and burying the strange thoughts and flashbacks in the pits of his �forget� pile. But he was sure it would haunt him all over again, very sure.

�The name�s Melissa, I�ve heard a lot about you.� She smiled, her voice ringing like alarms in his ears, as he found the exact resemblance in their voices. His eyebrows raised themselves involuntarily.

�Uh�everything okay?� Melissa frowned, raising an eyebrow in wonder. She stepped onto her airblade, and flipped it up, catching it in her arms.

�Er�nothing, it�s nothing, don�t worry�� Tidus replied nervously, his eyes frantically gazing right to left as he stood before her. Melissa giggled slightly, making him watch her, as if in a trance, remembering how Rikku used to laugh. He was trapped. He knew he was going insane. It was a vicious unpredictable thing he couldn�t control�

�Yeah, uh, so you like airblading?� Tidus asked, not knowing what to say, through the jumbled pieces of thoughts in his mind. It was an obvious question. Either you do, or you don�t. It was a simple thing.
�Uh�yeah, I do, it�s my favourite hobby and I�m taking part in the Airblading championships in Besaid.�

Tidus blinked, thinking he overheard. He must of. He watched her carefully; frowning as though she�d just slapped him.

�Where did you say again?� he asked suspiciously, focusing on her face.

�Uh�� she uttered backing off slightly from the weird look on Tidus�s face, and looked around herself for any other soul who would help her out if this guy suddenly chose to go crazy on her. �Uh, I said�Billaid�y�know? Like�the town next to Luca?�

Tidus blinked again at �Luca�, and sighed, turning around and holding his throbbing, aching head. He suddenly fell back into the bench and held his head, shaking it vigorously, growling furiously at his strange misinterpretations of her words.

Melissa raised an eyebrow, seeming very disappointed in who all the people said Tidus was, and what he turned out to be. She frowned at him, feeling a drop of pity in her heart and suddenly jumped back on her airblade and sped off. All that was heard from afar was, �Good luck on finding your mind, CREEP!�, and then she was gone�

Tidus sighed, not blaming her for calling him that. After all, he felt his way of thinking to be pretty irrational, and the experiences he had with the small flashbacks. Secluded from the rest of the normal people that lived in Lunara, Tidus faced difficulties, that he never knew he�d face.


Soon afterwards, as the sun slowly began to show herself fully in the light of dawn, Tidus glanced back over his seat at the passenger area, wondering if he really did pack everything. Only a couple of hours had passed, and he was already packed, ready to leave the famous city in which he was brought up�

Jecht had gone too far, this time. It was Tidus�s only dream to be the exact opposite to his father. There was no ambition in it, only solid, fearful determination. Fear of repeating bitter, unbearable history� Childhood. The dawn of character, the very element of development, spent in fear? No. He wouldn�t let that happen.

The silver-white, shimmering hovering vehicle hummed melodiously along with the purr of other cyber cars. His, of course, wasn�t ordinary; it was a long, thin, sleek silver-white painted beauty with super low air resistance factors, allowing super speed.

He glanced in his rear-view mirror, watching some vehicles slowly turn into a parking position on the side of the curb, and waited patiently for them to move into their places. Turning a dial on his dashboard, he felt his cyber car rotate on its axis, facing the opposite way.

The clear endless black road silently lied ahead of him, surrounded by the posh fences of high-class citizens, who wished to shield and protect their vast gardens. Tidus threw a swift glance over the whole place around him.

To his right, Mr. Japazi�s Mansion, yielding a garden that owned a 1st class trophy, whilst the one opposing owned 2nd prize the previous year. The first one held an array of different coloured roses, all different, unique, and chosen carefully to form borders in the interior of the high metal fence. In the center of the low-cut grass garden there stood a rose bush, red and pure, symbolizing love between Mr. Japazi and his wife�


Tidus blinked, wondering why that name ringed in his mind when he was only thinking of some old, shrivelled people who were in love. He sighed, not wanting to figure it out, as it always only led to failure and swiftly trod on the accelerator. Driving along the free, clear long road, he frowned as he noticed something approach from behind. And all he saw�was Jecht.