11-25-2002, 11:17 PM
how many games final fantasy are actually making?

zero one
11-27-2002, 07:41 AM
well, Square made quite a few final fantasy games and many are still on the way.
they made final fantasy I-XI, tactics, anthologies, chronicles, mystic quest, tactics 2,and FFX-2. they started on making a FFVII for the N64, but decided not to. rumor has it that they are currently trying to figure out a way to make a FFVII-2, they want to come up with a story that you would want to share the same name and characters with. they are also planning on releasing final fantasy 1 and 2 as remakes on the psx, along with a game for the gamecube/gba dubbed final fantasy: crystal chronicles.

here is a list I made for my forum quite a while ago:

FFI (nes)
FFII (snes)
FFIII (snes)
FFVII (n64) (remake of FFIII) (cancelled)
FFVII (psx)
FFT (psx)
FFA (psx) (FF's V & VI (or Japan's II & our III))
FFVIII (psx)
FFIX (psx)
FFC (psx) (FFIV (or our II))
FFX (ps2)

FFVII (ps2) (indefinate hold)
FFVIII (ps2) (indefinate hold)
FFIX (ps2) (indefinate hold)
FFI (psx)
FFII (psx)
FFT (gba)
FFCC (gcn)

FFI (nes) (same as ours)
FFII (nes) (only in Japan)
FFIII (nes) (only in Japan)
FFIV (snes) (our FFII)
FFV (snes) (only in Japan)
FFVI (snes) (our FFIII)
FFVII (n64) (remake of FFVI) (cancelled)
FFVII (psx)
FFT (psx)
FFVII:International (psx) (US copy, w/added cd)
FFVIII (psx)
FFA (psx) (FF's IV, V, VI)
FFIX (psx)
FFX (ps2)
FFX: International (ps2) (UK as well)

FFVII (ps2) (indefinate hold)
FFVIII (ps2) (indefinate hold)
FFIX (ps2) (indefinate hold)
FFI (psx)
FFII (psx)
FFT (gba)
FFCC (gcn)

11-27-2002, 07:00 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Aswell as FF:CC, FFX-2 and the possible FFVII-2, I believe Square have already brought the rights for all FF's up to 15 (FFXV), so plenty more on the way. ;)