Anima Relic
11-25-2002, 07:17 PM

Love to which I'm acquainted
Subject once fake as silicone
My heart once frozen and tainted
Falsity has grown wings and flown
Decadence and lingering envy
For lovers igniting omnipresent
My eyes were feeling so heavy
Back when the days were not pleasant

But finding that one rare entity
Delves a soul into metamorphosis
Leads one to question his identity
Perhaps a prosthetic synthesis
The simplicity of artificial emotion
Confusion between love and lust
Can perminently sour any possible devotion
A soul is ash to ash, dust to dust

But the love burning inside of me
Has built a sturdy bed of coals
And the flames burning directly beneath me
Like the fires of dead evil souls
So I welcome the death of melancholy
And a reincarnation of bliss
Fuck all my downtrodden follies
A metamorphosis from your one single kiss.

11-25-2002, 07:28 PM
That's a pretty good poem Anima Relic. I liked the way you used metaphors (I think that's the right word) and the interesting words you used which I have gotta find the meanings to, lol. It's also full of good emotions and you can get a good picture in your head while you're reading the poem.

Yush, well done Anima Relic! *Claps* ^_^

11-26-2002, 12:52 AM
splendid, it is if I could almost herd it stright from you, very nice words and personification, maybe I should try poetry hmmmmm,

Thanks I feel better just readin it. poetry is the best I come here for my daily dosedge of sweet goodness.

11-26-2002, 11:19 PM
Your poem is really beautiful and emotive Anima Relic. The subtle rhyming aids the flow ... you've chosen your words really well, sometimes rhyming means you use inferior words but your's seem to all fit perfectly. I think, however, you need to puntuate the ends of your lines to make it easier to read, otherwise it's just one long sentance which I doubt is how you mean it to read.

11-27-2002, 03:07 AM
I'm real happy to see a poem of yours ^_^ I havent read your poetry in a long time, and I always used to follow and read them back at the old shrine... your a very great writer :) you know well how to get your emotions out, and I get a feeling I know what your going through, or rather what you wrote about, because of how well you word the poem, and how you say it all. The rhyming is perfect, and as Alielle said, aids it's flow.

extremely well done, Krelian ^_~

Anima Relic
12-02-2002, 11:44 PM
"Thoughts and Quid Pro Quos"

Take a long stare at the world we live in
And please appreciate anything we've been given.
It's easy to forget because we only take
And only remember the dead presidents we make.
Why have we no interest in the life of another
And we don't have no concern for anyone who suffers?
Why does nobody ever give a second chance
No matter the severity of the circumstance?

We live in a country who claims good intention
But the conflicts were caused by our intervention
And the personal depravity we seem to contain
When we aren't bombing the hell out of Saddam's terrain
Personally I don't agree with any of his notions
And I don't claim to harvest any set emotions
But granted what if we performed a statute of peace
Wouldn't it be logical the confrontations would decrease?

And please tell me what is the point of terrorism?
Eliminating innocents as if it were a cataclysm
All you're doing is cutting an even deeper incision
Into the soul of man, because of senseless religion
Because its ideas are all skewed in your head
To which all its non-believers must be stricken dead
But tell me how you smile and go on with your lives
Your loved one could be the next person to die.

12-03-2002, 12:31 AM
Wonderful job as is your usual, Chris, Welldone ^__^ *finally found time to read*

12-04-2002, 09:29 AM
Heh, your recent poem was pretty good Chris. I liked the way you choose an important topic in our world today to write a poem about and we also got your view abouts it alongside. Oh, and the rhyming and the interesting words you used were really good as well.

Great job! *Claps* ^_^

12-04-2002, 09:47 PM
I'm very pleased with your poem, "Thoughts and Quid Pro Quos", it was very thought provoking and well written. The words seem to be careful chosen to fit tightly together and have meaning. I stopped and questioned myself for second after reading it. Thanks and keep up the great work!

12-05-2002, 05:42 AM
<font face="lucida calligraphy" size="2">I don't get around to reading poetry here very often, but I suppose its a good thing I decided to read these two. They were both good, though I liked 'Metamorphosis.' better.

Good work. I'll have to read some of your stuff more often. ^^

Anima Relic
12-09-2002, 04:58 PM

A spectrum reflection from the snow
Shining on your face with subtle glow
I instantly focus on your eyes
Feel placid like being told lullabies
Anthologies of time and waste
Leaving a sour and bitter taste
Arms of sunshine, rays flare
Pulling me back from open air

I understand I have forgotten
As past nightmares flash back to me
But I make beauty of what is rotten
And let it not flail into entropy
As this seems like a prelude
And my wondrous faith resides
Praying against single interlude
Hoping melancholy won't reprise

12-10-2002, 02:24 AM
Heh, Anima Relic your last poem was pretty good. I really like the interesting words you use and the emotions in your poems. Great job!

*Claps* ^_^

Anima Relic
01-20-2003, 07:43 PM
Walk With Me - 1/20/03

My heart once skipped a beat
Dropped and landed by my feet
For words once heard dealt quite a scare
Who could have imagined such words could tear
A heart and soul into broken piles of dust
A heart and soul once infatuated with lust
But I pine inside, I immediately hide
For it is still only I of which I can confide�

But I know when I get lost in your eyes
Once dominating fear solemnly tries
To run amok and cause chaos in my brain
And drag me to a point from love I will abstain
But it seems this heart is stronger than mind
Because allowing fear to dictate is asinine
It would be absurd to just let you fly away
I still can�t let out all I�m dying to say�

Chorus: So until the time is right
I�ll just sit here in the night
And keep you in my mind until the sunrise
You got to know the cheer you bring
You�re like hearing an angel sing
Bringing joyful tears into my eyes�

There was once a time
Where this patience of mine
Began to slip and slip away from me
Importing hypnotic uncontrollable misery
All it took were moment�s thoughts
And the drowning fear to the table you brought
So I needed to look more deep
Stand more stable on my feet

There is nothing in life that could scare me more
Than losing the only person I will ever adore
So I�d kill the world to be good to you
And write a holy testament that all my words are true
And convince you that the world just isn�t bad
It�s a natural emotion to once in a while feel so sad
That you just might want to end everything at once
And those worries cause me to be overly blunt

Repeat Chorus

Give me a moment to yell out a good explanation
For my behavior, because it�s a difficult translation
And my patience is becoming in a perfect mediation
So perhaps it�s the ideal time for a noted proclamation..

I forget you�re young
And you�re growing inside
You have words unsung
From change you�ll try to hide
You�re learning to deal
With situations I already deal with
You�re learning to feel
What is love and what is myth
It�s a natural fear
Of losing the wonder you obtain
You may shed a tear
And even constantly complain
But you must understand
It is complete normalcy
So please take my hand
And walk this narrow path with me

01-20-2003, 09:44 PM
Krelian... I envy you!!! Yer writing skills are fabulous, and you use big words ^-^ if I used big words it would sound silly, but they add to show just how your mind and thoughts work, which is always good. These last few poems I esspecially liked, but the song just blew me away. They're all very good ^-^;

01-25-2003, 09:50 AM
Oh, prettiful well written song there Chris even though it seems more poetic to me, really. Like Amara Ciel said you use very interesting words in your writing works and I must look up the words ASAP. Yeah, great job on trying something new for you ^_^