11-25-2002, 06:30 AM
The three words I hold,
frozen cold in my chest.
Never again to be told,
a truth never confessed.

A kiss never to recast,
a dream to awaken from.
This love to be passed,
this fear, not to calm.

The love that we shared,
never again to be given.
Sleepless nights spared,
with my feeling hidden.

A rose not to be taken,
a tear never to be cried.
My love left to question,
and not ever to be tried.

All this is to be lost,
a price for friendship.
To gamble at this cost,
a weighed coin to flip.

Odds tourn from a fate,
destined for me to lose.
To bear all this weight,
a burden I must refuse.

I cannot pay this debt,
the chance falls too low,
that I will win this bet.
These dice, I won't throw.

Anima Relic
11-25-2002, 07:08 PM
Nice poem on ambivalence and indecision. Very nice rhyme scheme and consistency.