11-25-2002, 02:41 AM
I've been to Zanarkand,Omega Ruins and everywhere i go i cant find Lvl.4 Key, i know Lvl.3 Key is the rarest but i have tons of those but i cant find anymore Lvl.4 Key sphres can someone tell me where to find them and where on the sphere grid is bribe i looked everywhere and i cant find it and where do you get Gillionair ability.
And i have the PAL version the one with the Dark Aeons.

11-25-2002, 05:02 AM
i dont know about bribing. but you can steal them from nemesis. its free, and if you're strong, then it'll be easy.

11-25-2002, 08:21 PM
Where do you Find Nemesis in Omega Ruins.

11-25-2002, 09:09 PM
Level 4 Key Sphere x2 for 196,000 gil from the Chimera Brain in the calm lands..this is the best deal i've heard of.

11-26-2002, 01:43 AM
Yeah but i dont have Bribe, and isn't there any other way i can get Level 4 Key Sphere. couse i cant MAX out the sphere gride if i dont have Level 4 Key Sphere.

11-28-2002, 02:01 AM
Well that it's that or you can steal it from nemesis( gotta collect 10 of every monsters everywhere...) in the calms lands monster arena or find some in the Omega Ruins.

You can pick some up in treasure chests but beware they dissapear most of the time.... i'm pretty sure you can get lvl.4 spheres that way.

12-01-2002, 01:31 AM
Mebbe I'm all wrong here but in the area just before cloister of trials in zanarkand temple there's this mech you can run into (via random encounter, has about 50,000 HP or so), defeating it (with especially overkill) should earn you lv.4 key spheres... Or mebbe I recall wrong :/

Neo Xzhan
12-01-2002, 01:37 AM
Originally posted by ChronicSaiyan
Where do you Find Nemesis in Omega Ruins.

Nemesis can't be found in Omega Ruins, you will get him when you capture 10 of every fiend species, which is alot of work bur worth the effort.

[edit]To unlock Nemesis you also need to defeat ALL the monster arena bosses.

Vivi FF
12-01-2002, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by Dalahan
Mebbe I'm all wrong here but in the area just before cloister of trials in zanarkand temple there's this mech you can run into (via random encounter, has about 50,000 HP or so), defeating it (with especially overkill) should earn you lv.4 key spheres... Or mebbe I recall wrong :/

Yeah it's like a defender-something... I think it gives Lv.4 Spheres (and Lv.3 Spheres as well)...

Neo Xzhan
12-02-2002, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by Vivi FF
Yeah it's like a defender-something... I think it gives Lv.4 Spheres (and Lv.3 Spheres as well)...

It's the Defender Z, but he doesnt give lvl4 keyspheres. He ocasianally drop lvl2 keyspheres and for overkill 2, he rarely drops lvl3 keyspheres, 2, for overkill.