09-20-2010, 02:16 AM

Battlestar Galactica (PC Game) - Numeriklab - Sierra Online (2007) (
This my first attempt at a game rip. Since I have been unable to get the game itself to run, I am unsure if the track titles are correct or if this is complete. Any assistance will be appreciated. I also hope to rip the 2003 Xbox game as well.
5 tracks, 4 min, 320kbs, 12MB
Password: z3r0
Until further notice, links will no longer be maintained. Links will not be renewed upon request.
Others are, of course, allowed to post their own links here or elsewhere.
Until then,

The Complete Battlestar Galactica thread (Thread 74663)
Your one stop shop for all your Galactica music needs.

08-17-2011, 04:42 AM
Just joined up, and saw this - I've been trying to find the 2003 X-Box/PS2 game score ever since the game came out - has anyone ever located one for it?

08-17-2011, 05:16 AM
I have been trying to rip it myself with no luck. I haven't seen it elsewhere.