09-19-2010, 02:30 AM
iTunes Plus (256)
Personal Tracking Data (Lossless Remover)
1:1 iTunes m4a [anon] copies

[email protected]

-Added an intro text.
-added error message if there is an error stripping the file.
-added "pause" as file are converted (if you have a lot to process just
just use the "no pause batch" files instead.

-Added an intro text.
-added error message if there is an error stripping the file.
-added "pause" as file are converted (if you have a lot to process just
just use the "no pause batch" files instead.


*PLEASE NOTE* this will not work on the old m4p 128 encrypted files, for those you need itunes 7 (or lower) + QTfairUse.

Download iTunes PTD Lossless Remover + my iTunes VGM:


This is just a bat and cmd script that uses ffmpeg app to strip the iTunes m4a meta data into a standard m4a file. You will lose all meta data (including artwork and ID tags) but retain 100% perfect (1:1) audio as this is lossless.

If you want to retain ID Tags & Artwork you can simply copy & paste them with Mp3tag - the universal Tag Editor included in the rar.

How to use this app:

Copy (don't move or cut) all the m4a files over to the same dir w/ the convert files in it.

Then simply run (double click) on either m4a.cmd or m4a.bat (either one should work).

About iTunes m4a Tracking Data:

iTunes Plus 256/m4a files do not contain any DRM (copy Protection) or encryption. However, they do contain personal & tracking data that links the file directly to the account that downloaded the file.

Some of the unique data that is used has been reported such as name, e=mail address, date+time the file was downloaded etc. However either do to Apple updating or ignorance not all of the personal data has been reported nor are they any applications that will correctly remove it all w/o re-encoding

Truth be told iTunes adds about 900 (384h) bytes of unique data in the store m4a files (even free downloads). Some of the addtional bytes are a redundant tracking code found multiple times throughout the file as well a large unique 774 (306h) code in the middle of the meta data.

Why Remove?

Everyone has their own reasons to do so. Some people simply don't want this info on their computer/iPod if it is stolen (i.e. then pirated online) they can get blamed and wind up in court by RIAA and others simply want to share w/ others...I see nothing wrong with.

Why not re-encode?

Any lossy format (this goes for jpg and mpeg2 video) that is re-encoded will result in quality loss, even if the same encoder + settings are used. You cannot re-encode lossy to lossy w/o losing some quality thus a 1:1 copy is impossible.

You can however go from lossy to lossless (m4a to flac) or lossy to uncompressed (m4a to wav) but this results in bigger files and there is no way to get them back into their original format (m4a) w/o losing quality.

Also be *warned* that when using iTunes 8+ to convert your files to any format other then wav or aiff (mp3, m4a, m4a lossless), iTunes delibratly leaves behind some of the tracking data. Don't do it!

09-21-2010, 08:20 AM
FYI I updated the set to V1.1

-Added an intro text.
-added error message if there is an error stripping the file.
-added "pause" as file are converted (if you have a lot to process just
just use the "no pause batch" files instead.