11-24-2002, 05:03 AM
After much bashing and needless delay, I've finally decieded to give FF8 a run for its money.

So far, i've been enjoying it. It's actually a good game.

I've past the Exam part of SeeD and i'm at the ball room dance part.

I just wanted to ask some advice on anything i should be informed about. ( like how to make weaps, junction help, etc.)

I would appreciate any help, tips and personal advice!

11-24-2002, 08:25 AM
It's very important that you train lots now or later on in the game you will regret it. Also, make sure you save often and know what magical spells works against what monster. I hope that helps you ^_^

11-24-2002, 03:35 PM
-Whenever you fight a boss, make sure you draw from it. Bosses often have GFs in them. (Did you get Siren? If you didn't you might want to open a saved game from before fighting that thing in the satellite tower during the training mission.)

-Learn to play triple triad. It's a really great game and you'll find that later the cards can be turned into useful things.

If you have any questions about the junction system, let me know. I know the system is really confusing at first.

Neo Xzhan
11-24-2002, 04:42 PM
Learn what enemys are weak/strong against all the magics, also draw early in the game which allows you to get good magics and learn the magic refine abalities as soon as possible, and make sure you stock up on battle. Always draw from bosses or GF's becouse they usually have magic stronger/rarer then most other creatures.

11-24-2002, 07:27 PM
Thanx so far guys....Yes i did manage to get siren...but junction is not too hard but it could be confusing...some tips would be sweet...I also suck at the card game...any tips?

Thank y'all

Neo Xzhan
11-24-2002, 10:33 PM
On tripple triad. Use the card ability learn from Quezaqotl and try finding some strong enemys. When they are near death use the card command and the will be changed into cards. When you have to battle GFs they give you their personal card which is very strong. I recommend getting Diablo's card as soon as possible. Now remember that in the beginnen you want to use as least rules as possible which will make the game easier. Now it is more of a strategic game, learn the cards and look at what the opponent does, dont use strong cards to fast becouse the also have a weak side, mostly placing them in corners can eliminte this weakness (ex a card with north 9 west 2 south 3 and east 8 will be placed in the bottom right for max strengt) this way this card cannot be taken. Never hesitate to use weaker cards and exceptionally strong cards, weak cards can easily be refined again and strong cards give advantages when sacrificing some weaker cards.

11-25-2002, 10:47 AM
Junction wise, junction automatically > Junction with the options given to be overall prepared but modify it ofcourse for your special bosses and such.
And draw from enemies. allows draw... and don't overuse curative magick since that will be nice for your health in the beginning ;)

11-26-2002, 01:13 AM
Originally posted by Neo Xzhan
dont use strong cards to fast becouse the also have a weak side, mostly placing them in corners can eliminte this weakness (ex a card with north 9 west 2 south 3 and east 8 will be placed in the bottom right for max strengt) this way this card cannot be taken.

You mean the bottom left. If the card looks like this:


it should go in the bottom left so that the only sides another card can touch are 9 and 8.

Another strategy: Place a card so that its weakest sides can be touched by other cards. Say you have a card like this:


And you place it in the upper right corner so that only the 1s can be touched. Your opponent takes his turn and, naturally, flips your card. Then you flip your card back. Now, the four sides of your original card are surrounded by two cards and two walls, and can no longer be flipped. The card is your color and your opponent can't change it. Do you follow what I'm saying? I can try to explain better if you want.

11-26-2002, 07:53 AM
I also suck at the card game...any tips?
Try to get some of the best cards early on! The Trepe Groupies in Balamb Garden carry Quistis's card. You can win it from any of them, but like any rare card, they only play it so often. Keep playing until you win it. If you're already past Balamb Garden, then you'll have to wait till later in the game to get it. Zell's Mom in Balamb Garden carries Zell's card. Play her to win it, but she only plays it very rarely.

Try to avoid spreading card rules. When a player asks you if you want to combine rules, say no and keep telling them no until they stop asking if you want to spread rules. You can also abolish rules, but that's more difficult and is only really useful later in the game.

02-08-2004, 06:22 AM
this is obviously an old post, but if you look at it ever, heres some good advice with the card game, at the begining, get the card ability, use it on the monsters outside frequently as there is a rare chance that they will turn into a very high level card! once you have good enough cards to satisfy your deck, start playing against the nurse in the infirmery, she has really good cards. if you put the hours into it, you can get some really good weapons and items. you can get squalls punishment(second best weapon) and quistis's Save the Queen which is her ultimate weapon before you even become a seed!!!

02-08-2004, 07:14 AM
i'd say don't worry about training and your level. as your own level increases so does that of the monsters in the world to balance it out. so really the combat is always going to be fair no matter what your level is. however DONT escape from battles just becuase you don't want to fight, stick it out and get the xp/ap.

the first thing in my opinion to teach your GF's is BOOST.
BOOST doesn't take much to learn and can really increase the damage alot.

Lightning Mage
02-09-2004, 07:13 PM
I'm afraid i have only one tip for you.
When youre in the Garden Training Center and you encounter T-Rexour, fight it. Just make sure youre well and healthy. Also make sure you cast Blind on it. ( Or whatever causes blindness) Then use powerfull magic and spells on it. I'm not sure but i think it's imune to fire.

Neo Xzhan
02-09-2004, 08:33 PM
Reviving = a big no, this thread is almost 2 years old.

If you'd still like to discuss this, start a new thread.