11-23-2002, 09:02 PM
This one's (very) losely based on Kittywolf's Gundam Wing fanfic "The Owned" (same sorta world) and the drawing of Duo I did for it.

I added the fire afterwards, on recommendation of most people in the FFShrine chatroom. ^^; And um.. got friendly reminded that I forgot the smoke. Added that too. XD I had a hell if a difficult time to make it look less "pasted on" and more a part of the picture, but I think I managed.

In case anyone's interested, coloring this one took around 20 hours (spread over 4 days) and 112 layers. ^^;;;

Comments/critics? :D

11-23-2002, 09:15 PM
Like I said before nymph

amazing work, all that hardwork payed off now did'nt it? that is by far my favorite work of yours. Im in love with medevil stuff. and yes Im happy you added the smoke like I suggested. Fire is not fire unless theres a little smokey smokey in there ;)

keep up the great work :)

11-23-2002, 11:30 PM
That's really great! :D

My favorite part are the wrinkles in the cloth on the person in front... they're right on. Those light-rays are pretty hot too. 112 layers?!?! Holy crap, you might want to combine them every once in a while... less of a headache XD .

Very nice work!

11-24-2002, 01:41 AM
Oh, that looks pretty good Nymph. I especially like the colors you used and your ability to shade things in well. Also, that smoke and fire made the drawing look even better.

Well done! *Claps* ^_^

11-25-2002, 07:26 PM
So very pretty, your art rocks nymphie.. Can you draw me somthing XD ?

Enigmatic Angel
11-26-2002, 08:00 AM
i can see that 20 hours of work paying off, that is really impressive, seeing that it is all done by hand......

u're really good....

11-26-2002, 01:23 PM
thats a neat pic. i like the hairstyles. im gonna print this off, go to a barbers, point, and say "like this"

11-27-2002, 04:24 AM
That's damn good Nymph. It's better than normal! Although the fire does kinda look tacked on, of course it was a late addition. The reason I say this is looks as if it's hit a brick wall (no pun intended) near the edge of one of the turrets, and comes to a complete stop. Still good though, especially the effect of the Magic, that is really good.

11-27-2002, 04:34 AM
its the top of the flame man, it is hitting a brick wall =P its stone man, it doesnt catch fire, the fire is comming from with windows of the castle. contents inside have been set a blaze.

eventually the flames will char the wood foundation and the whole place will collapse

so erm yea....theres nothing wrong there =)

11-27-2002, 05:37 PM
Thanks, everyone~! ^__^

112 layers?!?! Holy crap, you might want to combine them every once in a while... less of a headache XD

I use that many layers, so that when I make a mistake somewhere I don't have to do a large part all over again. ^_~
I use one layer for every color. Then a layer for shadows, one for darker shadows, and one for highlights. And yeah.. the more detailed the drawing, the more layers I get. ^^;;;;

Although the fire does kinda look tacked on, of course it was a late addition. The reason I say this is looks as if it's hit a brick wall (no pun intended) near the edge of one of the turrets, and comes to a complete stop.

Well actually.. Fire doesn't go through stone. :B So it *does* come to stop somewhere, because the castle is made of stone.
And to be honest, I didn't really pay attention to it. It just kinda.. appeared on the picture like that. ^^

11-28-2002, 12:44 PM
Not having a go at you Nymph, this is @ Dan. The reason I was going on about this is because the flame seems to form in a straight line where it shouldn't. I dunno bout you, but the lack of any outside flame (ie red) in the box indicated in the picture is kinda dodgy. Still a wonderful picture, I wanna see more, although try and cut down the hours of work XD

11-28-2002, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by Nymph

I use that many layers, so that when I make a mistake somewhere I don't have to do a large part all over again. ^_~
I use one layer for every color. Then a layer for shadows, one for darker shadows, and one for highlights. And yeah.. the more detailed the drawing, the more layers I get. ^^;;;;

Yeah, that's how I used to do them too, but then I'd always get this huge mess and wouldn't be able to find anything. Now, once I get all the flat colors set I save them all on a separate "back-up" layer in case once I get going I screw up somewhere, I can always copy/paste a section back to normal. I don't know, I think it's easier that way, but everyone has their own way of doing things :D . Just trying to give ya a little advice... the end result looks great whatever way you go ;) .

11-29-2002, 07:21 PM
Wow! Really nice. The coloring and light effects are awesome. The clothing looks like satin.

The only thing I don't like is the way the hair sorta dissappears when it reaches the eyes. But that has more to do with style than skill, so don't let it bother you :)

12-01-2002, 04:11 AM
Damnit, I'm a sucker for good artwork.

Congrats, you made an excellent piece of art. You've really put alot of work into but the looks of it. The rays coming of the hands, the smoke, the detail....wowie.

Bring me some more work!!

12-01-2002, 09:59 AM
You're a really great artist...maybe one day you could enter them into some sort of contest, or if your confident now, you could. Keep up the great work!