11-21-2002, 05:47 PM
Well, that was an experience.

Kurt Zisa can be found in Agrabah after you defeat Maleficent and lock Hollow Bastion. Once you go there, you must head into Alladin's Hideout, and talk to Carpet. He'll be jumping up and down, and you'll be opted with the choices of going with him or staying. Choose go, and it'll cut to him flying through the sand, just like when you exit the castle. The only thing with this part is a giant armor-clad monster with a snake head and six arms pops out of the ground and tries to make you chop suey. You get away from him, for a while, but then the big giant force-field thing, known to most boss fights, comes right up in front of you, knocking you out of the sky. I hope you brought your game face, because it's time to rumble.

Well, to make a long story short, I tamed the large one, and then smacked him around until I won. So what happens now? Although I DID gain two levels for each character, I was hoping for something more. I know that once you beat the Phantom in Neverland, you can get items out of the doors on the clocks, but what's with Kurt? What do you get from beating him?

Also, what hidden bosses did you find toughest, ranked from 1-4?

1. Sephiroth
2. Kurt Zisa
3. Ice Titan
4. Phantom