09-11-2010, 05:25 AM
...Is available online at nico nico douga. Here is the link to the video:
??????????????????????(9) (

You might be saying "Well that's nice but I want sound files," and for you thankfully there are several sites which convert the sound of nico nico videos into mp3 files. Here is a link to one of them with the downloadable file for this video. The download button is the one just below the info/stats box:

For those who don't know what nico nico douga is, it's Japan's (extremely crappy) answer to youtube. I only say it's crappy because they make the comments fly across the screen as the video plays, so it's not really legitimate for video. For game music, however, it's great. You need an account to view anything (it's free), and as far as I know there's no English version. If you're really desperate and don't feel like studying Japanese for 5-10 years before you're able to use it I suppose you could try a page translator. Good luck.

The mp3 file will come out as one long file with all the songs together. I would put up my files of the soundtrack, but I converted them to wav and I would have to convert them back to mp3, and I know a lot of people here want to get sound quality as close to the original as possible. If you're really stuck with the Japanese pages and it doesn't bother you, tell me and I'll try putting my copies up. Hope this interests anyone besides me. If someone has already gotten sound on the emulated version, then please excuse my ignorance.

08-09-2013, 04:10 AM
See also this thread:

Thread 134247