11-19-2002, 10:06 PM
Ok I have noticed some things that are just so stupid it makes me want to puke on people. I've read some really crappy anime story lines and then people try to mimik those story lines, and there always along these lines:

Story1: Dark souls of dark soulless Dragons!

A teen boy's parents/grandparents/close people ect. have been murdered and the boy seeks vengeance by becoming a ninja and fighting bad guys with his magical sword.

Story2: Dark Bloody wind Dragons!

A magical teen school girl who is sickeningly sweet with big boobs and a kind heart searches for peace in her life for her past is filled with painful memories of her parents/grandparents/close people ect. getting killed. But as she searches she makes friends along the way and is thrown into a magical world where she finds big stupid cute animals that act as comedy relief and she befriends them.

Story3: Moonlight love. Dragons!

A teen schoolgirl with a tragic past holds a secret about her father's shrine where she gets turned into a ninja and is found out to be the princes of her magical world she is thrown into and she makes friends along the way and she uses her magical powers to save the world from some lady with a magic sword and a powerful sacred crystal.

I'm sick of it makes me want to shoot my self in the head when I read that type of dribble it�s all the same! AAAAAAAAAAhhhh. The least people could be is a little creative. This is something I would write...

My story title: Bob's day at the ass factory

Bob was a friendly hobo from a family of fat circus mice who adopted him when he was very little. Bob was taught the way of the side show freak and learned to pierce his nipples with rail road spikes. With his magical friend PooPoo, Bob learns to cope with his weight problem and his adoptive mother's drug addiction. But he accidentally kills poopoo with a greasy fart that sends the world into a coma. Now bob is forced to live a life of shame and is abducted by aliens who anal probe him and force him to work at an ass factory in conditions much like those of the industrial revolution. Bob soon makes friends by sucking them into his fat and flashing his man boobs, now with his new found friends he devises a revolt against the anal probe aliens and there escape but can he pull it off?

So you see I really dont know why people have to stick with the same story line I think people can be happy with strange ass shit like this. I'm just sick of the same old crap does anyone agree with me?

David F
11-19-2002, 10:13 PM
I agree but at the same time you can�t really blame the men and women that write the storylines. They want to stick with the types of anime that make the most money, it�s about the money it�s always about the money.

11-19-2002, 10:28 PM
o.o did you post this twice...?

yeah there are a lot of sensless ones:

Midnight Panther:

Three young singers turn into panthers in the night, feed off of humans and save the world. For some twisted reason they have sex with men, then kill them. The youngest, who has never had sex is sent on a mission after an evil prince. The prince turns out to be her half-brother, but she has sex with him anyway.

.... O_O

11-19-2002, 10:36 PM
I closed this thread�s twin... ;)

Tss, don�t tell me about bad story lines, I have read the first volume of Chiralty. Urushihara only uses things like stories as an excuse for making the girls� clothes explode, be ripped off, etc. Very, erh, interesting.

I have recently found out that having read one magical girl manga is really absolutely enough and a second series does not offer the reader anything new.

As a reader and fan of popular shonen series, I am used to the simple plot "Young boy sets out on a quest to find glory/his lost father/revenge/himself or save the world from some evil.
I still enjoy some of them. It�s not only the plot that counts but the characters, storytelling etc. :)