09-08-2010, 10:54 AM
Eureka! Ace Attorney Investigations 2 Announced // Siliconera (

I'm not all that fussed about it. The first AAI wasn't all that great.

09-09-2010, 01:07 PM
Well, in Spain the first game led to massive amounts of butthurt because it wasn't localized, unless the previous Ace Attorney games. It didn't have much success.

They better localize this.

09-09-2010, 11:49 PM
Agree that AAI was a bit of a waste of time.

Without the courtroom battles, it felt like a standard adventure game. No problem there, except that adventure veterans have very exacting tastes, given all the classics there were, back in the day. It just couldn't compete and they were pretty foolish to even try.

09-10-2010, 09:23 PM
I was depressed when I read about this since it makes it seem like Apollo Justice 2 isn't happening. :( I'd much rather see that storyline continued.

09-11-2010, 03:13 AM
I'm pretty sure Ace Attorney is just about finished. The original director of the games left a while ago and the new guy doesn't seem all that interested in continuing the storyline.

I was upset they chose to milk the franchise with Apollo Justice, though. I didn't like any of the new characters and the few old characters who popped up just seemed drastically different. They should have left it at 3, since it neatly wrapped up everything imo.

09-11-2010, 03:38 AM
I liked Apollo Justice quite a bit, actually.

The first 3 cases were more or less fine, but the last one was very poor. Nevertheless, I really liked Apollo himself (particularly how he's much more ambitious than Phoenix and actually wants people to think he's the best etc).

Like most people though, I thought the enemy prosecutor for the game (Klavier) was a real let-down. He had no menace about him, and it just wasn't a good idea to only have 2 prosecutors in the whole game, anyway.

On the flipside, I wasn't a huge fan of Trials and Tribulations. The overarching story with Godot was very good (the 5th case is excellent), but there was too much retcon to make it work at times, and Phoenix and Maya were very peripheral to the game, I felt. They felt like characters whose best times were behind them, and I think the developers were absolutely right to shake it up in AJ.

I also didn't think much of T+T's first 4 cases. 1,3 and most of 4 (until the ending) were bland. Playing as Mia wasn't nearly as much fun as it should have been. And the various combos of defence and prosecutor don't really work (even Edgeworth and Franziska's bout in the 5th case is fairly dull until Larry pitches in).

And whilst Godot is a great character, his languid style makes him almost invisible during some of the court battles. Rather than leaping down your throat and pressuring you like Edgeworth or the Von Karmas, he just lets you spin your wheels, then drops a devastating fact or bit of evidence on you.

Really cool when he does it, but it takes him out of the dialogue exchanges and often makes it seem that he isn't really doing anything.

If they insist on indefinately postponing AJ or saying what happens with Phoenix, I personally think they should stick to their guns and do another Edgeworth game. No messing around trying to develop other supporting characters into lead characters, and definately no completely new lead characters.

A game with Edgeworth pitting his wits over 4-5 cases against a Moriarty style criminal mastermind (like an anti-Edgeworth) would be just the ticket. A villain that actually is menacing, interesting and has some personal connection with him (unlike the jokey main villain from AAI 1).

10-19-2010, 01:43 PM
I didn't feel like making a new thread, so I'll post it here.

Level-5 Vision 2010 Live Blog (, 10.19.2010) (

The big announcement of the night: Professor Layton VS Ace Attorney! This collaboration with Capcom is in development for 3DS and will feature a scenario from Shu Takumi.

10-19-2010, 08:31 PM
Fuck this, I need a 3DS.

10-19-2010, 08:40 PM
YouTube - Professor Layton x Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney (!

I just hope 3DS isn't too expensive :(

10-19-2010, 08:50 PM
I can't get into the Layton games, so I won't be playing this.

When I heard the name I was totally hoping it was going to be an Ace Attorney/Umineko crossover. ; ;

Jitan Toraibaru
10-19-2010, 11:33 PM
Yeah, really do want this! :P

10-20-2010, 12:16 AM
Well, I quite like the Layton games actually, and I love the AA series. But I have no intention of buying a 3DS for one game.

10-20-2010, 12:25 AM
I like the Layton games too. Level 5 are one of my favourite developers around right now, so I suspect this won't suck.

10-20-2010, 12:30 AM
I'm actually very excited about it, but like I say, buying a console for 1 game...

What further discourages me is the collapse in decent games for the DS. It's such a great console and for a long time, it was my favourite console of this gen. But the good games have really dried up in a big way in recent times.

Jitan Toraibaru
10-20-2010, 12:59 AM
It's nintendo - this ALWAYS happens. :P

And I want the 3DS for pretty much all the announced AAA titles already announced...there's a lot to choose from. I'm quite tantalised!

10-20-2010, 01:34 AM
I'm actually very excited about it, but like I say, buying a console for 1 game...

What further discourages me is the collapse in decent games for the DS. It's such a great console and for a long time, it was my favourite console of this gen. But the good games have really dried up in a big way in recent times.

I don't get it. You really aren't interested in any other 3DS games?

10-21-2010, 12:34 AM
Well, like what exactly? I looked over the release schedules and there's nothing I'm that fussed with.

I already own Starfox64 and the SMT games. I'm not interested in Metal Gear Solid games, and I'm not holding my breath for that Resident Evil to be much cop either.

10-21-2010, 03:10 AM
There's three SMT games coming to the 3DS and from what I understand only one of them is a remake (SMT: Persona). One is a Devil Survivor Sequel and the other is completely unknown.

I am excited about lots of games coming to the 3DS though!
Animal Crossing
Etrian Odyssey
Kid Icarus
Mario Kart 3DS (I hope it's been directed by the MKDS guy though, since that was probably one of my favourite games on DS)
Mega Man Legends 3
Paper Mario 3D
Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle

I am pretty excited about the 3D remakes of MGS 3, OoT and Star Fox too though.

10-21-2010, 06:41 PM
I find it very hard to get excited about the chance to buy games I already own!

And other than the Layton game, none of those you mentioned interest me in the slightest. I like SMT, but the Devil Summoner series was poor IMO. There will need to be a much better line-up than that to get me interested in a 3DS.

Also, a report I read this morning on Metro, suggested that Phoenix Wright and Professor Layton may be Japan only.

10-22-2010, 01:38 AM
Devil Survivor is not the same thing as Devil Summoner. Devil Survivor is the SRPG on DS whereas Devil Summoner is the action RPG series on the Sega Saturn and PS2.

By the way, I've never owned nor played Star Fox so I am hoping my time with it in 3D will be a fun time. I do own OoT and I have rented and completed MGS3 but I still want to own them for the minor changes and even the novelty of 3D and portability.

10-22-2010, 02:40 AM
Good God man - you've never played Starfox64?!

I absolutely insist you buy it! It's a fantastic game (especially the battles against the StarWolf team and the Tank level). Along with Starwing (the first Starfox game on the SNES), they are head and shoulders the best games in the series. It's a crime how this series has been treated since then.

One of my favourite games ever. I never get tired of playing 'Enter Star Wolf' and 'The Last Hurrah'.

10-23-2010, 03:07 PM
Like most people though, I thought the enemy prosecutor for the game (Klavier) was a real let-down. He had no menace about him, and it just wasn't a good idea to only have 2 prosecutors in the whole game, anyway.

Yes. I love the first game because, among other things, there are many prosecutors, and Edgeworth and Von Karma are awesome.

And whilst Godot is a great character, his languid style makes him almost invisible during some of the court battles. Rather than leaping down your throat and pressuring you like Edgeworth or the Von Karmas, he just lets you spin your wheels, then drops a devastating fact or bit of evidence on you.

Well, that's a different style of prosecution, but it's pretty cool too.

10-24-2010, 03:06 PM
I liked AAI. I thought it was a good (not great) entry in the AA series. The announcement of a second AAI game is bittersweet to me. While I did enjoy the first game and wouldn't mind playing as Edgeworth once again, it's appears that the chances of seeing the continuation of Apollo's storyline are diminishing. The announcement of the Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright crossover game also fuels into my fading hopes of a second AJ game. What's weird is that back in '07, I clearly remember reading somewhere about Capcom confirming Gyakuten Saiban 5, which would have to be, logically, the second entry in the AJ's series. I realize the original director has left and a new person is at the helm, but I'm hoping he'll pick it back up.

10-25-2010, 04:35 AM
AAI is one of the most accesible of the AA series. It gives you lots of visual stimuli to keep you focused and interested (because for example, you see Edgeworth all the time and can see him react to people, rather than only seeing your character in the court scenes).

And it probably a better way of doing things.First person views are primarily good for when a game wants you to feel like you are the hero and its you doing all this stuff. And yet Phoenix and Apollo are very obviously their own characters, so third person fits the bill much better IMO.

Therefore, I've found AAI is one of the easiest to just 'pick up and play', the easiest to slip into, whereas the other games often don't truly come to life until the court scenes.

But that said, my original concerns about the game still stand. I still find the cases a bit lightweight, and the overarching story is a pretty dull one. Cases 2 and 3 have good starts, but quickly get quite boring (case 3 is particularly weak).

There are far, far too many cameos and recurring cameo appearances at the expense of new characters. (One of the only characters I did find quite amusing was Jacques Portsman, because of his inability to stay still). But the game has very few (if any) keepers as regards new characters. They simply don't use characters like Lang or Kay enough to make us really care about them.

And both of them feature so little, despite being main characters. Lang is only in 2 cases out of 5, Kay is only in 3 out of 5 (and she is very minor in case 4, and case 5 as well for large portions).

It does have some priceless lines, many of them involving Edgeworth's fury at Larry in the final case for commiting the ultimate blasphemy, and the game does have its moments (I love the intro to the first case Turnabout Visitor). Overall though, AAI 2 needs to really up its game, if it wants fans to hold it in the same regard as they do the PW games.

And I too will be seriously put out if they don't do Apollo Justice 2.