Leon Scott Kennedy
09-08-2010, 10:16 AM
Hi, everyone. I don't post really much here, but I need to ask you something about a little problem that showed up this morning with my RE5 copy.

First things first:

- I own a 60GB PAL PS3.
- The game is updated to the 2.00 version.
- The issues didn't exist before the Firmware 3.42 update, as far as I can tell.
- My disc is in nearly-perfect condition, I guess (no scratches, absolutely nothing).
- I borrowed another Resident Evil 5 PAL copy from a friend... And the story's the same.

So, what's basically happening: whenever I try to start a new game the first two FMVs freeze, everything becomes green, and the developers' names keep going as normal.
If I try to view them from the Archives menu they keep freezin', but in addition to that if I try to watch every other movie after them, I get brought back to the XMB without any sort of error.
I must tell that if I skip those two weirdos the game works just fine, no problems with the others videos. I'm still able to play and complete the game, but that two cutscenes won't work anymore.
Can I hope it's a fault on Sony's part, or my copy is somehow faulted? Is anybody else experiencing problems after the update?

Thanks in advance for your time, if something isn't much clear please tell me, I'll try to explain myself better.

09-08-2010, 01:34 PM
Sounds like Sony is at fault. Have you tried your copy on your friend's PS3?

09-08-2010, 01:36 PM
Hmm... I haven't updated my PS3 to the new firmware yet... may have to do so later to try this out and see if I see the prob.

Leon Scott Kennedy
09-08-2010, 02:48 PM
Thanks for the answers, guys. I've tried my disc on my friend's PS3, while the freezes were still there... They actually happened on later points of the cutscenes; I guess some particular sector of the disc got damaged, somehow. I'll try to clean console & game a little. Damn, I've games +10 years old working perfectly... And this after 4 months gets ruined. Meh, at least the game's playable, I can always skip that two bitches �_�