11-18-2002, 08:51 PM
Stupid question, but don't laugh... I have in all of my saved games but one with a character that has the final attack materia. With the one game that I don't have it in I'm on disk three with almost all of my characters leveled up, yet I haven't attained it yet. I'm on the last part of the game where the team seeks Sephiroth out in the crater and I've treid and tried to find the materia, yet I can't find it anywhere. I need it badly to beat the two weapons. I've come within 10,000 health (I think) of killing emerald, then he decided to use his Air Saim attack, whipping my team to oblivion. I want to beat him again with my characters in the current game. Any pointers will be extremely helpful...

Bahamut ZERO
11-18-2002, 09:43 PM
**Best say spoilers, just in case. SPOILERS.**

Unless my memory is mistaken (and it has been noted) I think you win the Final Attack Materia during the "special" battle at the battle arena (where your last opponent is the Proud Clod.) And you could really use it in your battle against Emerald and Ruby. (Especially Emerald.)

As for beating them. I know one sure strategy against Ruby, but I can only implement it after beating Emerald. I use Hades to "stun" Ruby and then hit him with W-Summon and KOTR. The reason why I wait until after I've defeated Emerald is because you can obtain the Master Summon materia from Emerald by returning the artifact you win, so you can endlessly use Hades and KOTR provided you have enough MP (using the other two characters to heal the summonner as required.)

Emerald. A lot of the time it's been luck, but I've beaten him twice, normally by equipping Final Attack - Phoenix for Aire Tam Storm, and then hitting him with KOTR and then miming it constantly using the Mime materia. There are probably easier ways of doing it, but I'll leave that to others to tell you, because I don't know them...

11-19-2002, 04:58 AM
I don't think you need me telling you the multiple strats for beating Emerald so I won't waste my time and yours writing them all out - they can be found if you really need them, and if this thread stays alive I'm sure others will post them too. Anyway, one thing I'd like to point out is Aire Tam Storm is reversed Materia Storm, which is basically what it does. For every piece of materia (each materia orb you have equipped on your characters), Aire Tam Storm will do 1111 damage. So you don't need to have Final Attack Materia + Phoenix to beat Emerald - just put KOR on Cloud's Apocalypse (3x growth for leveling) as well as Hades (for leveling purposes only; you might want this for Ruby if you take them in that order) and then put Mime on everyone. So your two characters besides cloud only take 1111 damage each time (throw an X-potion afterwards if your HP starts getting low) and Cloud only takes 3333 damage.

Of course, you should put as much materia as possible on your 3x and 2x weapons for leveling purposes. But just be careful - definately dont' put 9 pieces. 8 is too high too IMO - I'd advise a max of 4 or 5.


11-20-2002, 07:39 PM
Emerald is simple. Alls you need is: 2 Mimes. KOR Lv1-2. W-summon is optional. Wow, now wasn't that easy ;) Start my casting KOR after his first attack, now you've won. Mime KOR right away. After it finishs the mime will start, but before it does, mime again with your second mime. Keep miming back and forth, and emerald has no time to attack you. 9 KOR's should level him totally. For ruby, use that same strat, but only enter the battle with one person, then use phenoix to revive. After that, w-summon Hades, then KOR. Keep miming.

The Wandering Knight
11-21-2002, 01:21 PM
Just to add to what SSJ and PTM said...for one advise..Add the HP absorb materia to KOTR so you damage your enemy and heal yourself...and that's going to make things a bit easier for you...

Neo Xzhan
11-21-2002, 05:57 PM
Acually you wont be needing it and it only damages you more, I'd stick to W-Summon KOTR and then keep miming it myself :).

11-21-2002, 06:30 PM
Agaianst emerald just give everyone 2 materia each and have everyones health on 9999, and do nothing but cure yourself so your health stays at 9999, then when he does aire tam storm everyone goes down to 7777 and if all 3 of your characters are on 7777 hp, then all of them will attack emerald for 7777 hp 64 times each totalling 1493184 of damage. Then he's finished.

But I can't beat Ruby, damn him!

Mr Heartilly
11-26-2002, 02:18 PM
I'm a nebie in these forums but I have played FF7 loads...might start it again soon... What I did with Emerald was, w-summon 2X KOR then mimed with the other charcter...and mimed again didn't even use cure.

Then Ruby was a bit weird cos once I hurt him with KOR with his torso up!?! must been a bug. The best way it to kill your other two players before you enter the battle then he puts his hands in the sand...and doesn't use whirlsand on them. after he commits himself just revive them both... but somethimes he brings he claws back up so do KOR quick as possible... but he often uses ultima so I'd recommend Final-attack with revive.

12-09-2002, 02:45 AM
Thank yall for posting ideas in how to beat the weapons, but I didn't need that I just wanted to find out where to find the Final Attack Materia, and I have. So if you want to post ideas or methods of killing weapons, post them in the thread I made for stats on weapons...Thankee folks